Hey ladies I was wondering if any of you are still charting or not. I keep putting in my temps and stuff and I'm sure I don't need to I just feel like if I don't, well I don't know. Also was FF right on any of your due dates based off of O? It's telling me the 8th of December but if you count 40 weeks it puts me at like the 22nd. I know the doctor will give me one I just don't go in until the 17th.
Re: FF Use
I counted from O not LMP so it's probably the 8th but I'm sure it will change at the Dr. I'll put the BBT away haha! I don't really know why I keep taking it I guess I just felt like I should. Might help me not worry. HA! like that's going to happ
My doctor has never changed my EDD, even though the dates differ based on O date, LMP, and measurements.
Definitely put the BBT away! I remember when I was first pregnant, I still charted, and I had a drop in my temp one day that kept up for a few days and I FREAKED out!!! haha
If you're going off your O date, you need to take it from 38 weeks. The
First M/C - March 2006, pregnancy not known about.
BFP#1 03/17/12 DD 11/09/12 Missed MC 05/14/12 (No growth past 9wk1d) D&C 05/22/12
Removal of Ovarian Cyst 07/27/12
BFP#2 09/17/12 DD 05/29/13 STICK BABY STICK!
FF got my due date right based on O, this was confirmed at my first ultrasound (as confirmed at a babies growth can be).
I've switched over to FF's pregnancy tracker, I've been paid up with them for a while so I figured I may as well use it.
BFP #1 09/15/09, MMC 09/28/09
BFP #2 06/04/12, EDD 02/09/13, MC at 6w3d on 06/18/12
BFP #3 01/16/13, EDD 10/04/13, Born 09/17/13
Marriage: 10/02/2010
BFP#1 : 03.2012........MMC + D&C : 05.2012
The Buggy List blog
Marriage: 10/02/2010
BFP#1 : 03.2012........MMC + D&C : 05.2012
The Buggy List blog
Marriage: 10/02/2010
BFP#1 : 03.2012........MMC + D&C : 05.2012
The Buggy List blog