June 2014 Moms

MOTN 7/10 into 7/11


Re: MOTN 7/10 into 7/11

  • Total of 63 minutes on my boobs this last feeding. Wide awake after. This growth spurt must end. I can't not sleep all night AND all day.
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  • Total of 7.5 hrs on my boob yesterday. Nearly lost my mind. Put him down at 10:30, now we are on the boob again at 1:30. Please let this growth spurt end. Why are they so difficult, even when you know they are coming?


    IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
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  • Ugh. This child has been on me all day and has given me 1.5 hours of sleep tonight so far. He's only 5 weeks I know this could be a growth spurt but seriously?! It's 4am and my other 2 will be up in about an hour and a half .... Oh and I've been up and running since 6am yesterday.... And my husband isn't home he is working a 24hr shift. I'm in baby hell. That is all :-q
  • Gotta love when they wake you up am hour after you put them down, screaming and rooting, only to suck just long enough to poop and then they pass out again. Love being used as a laxative...

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • Bozzy2Bozzy2 member
    Oh Aamie is started talking every time she wakes up and is up for like an hour or more at a time ever time she wakes up. I want a nap and can't sleep but I went out to lunch with LO and my friend today and totally breastfeed at the lunch table.
  • Who knew there was an "Early Today" Show on around 3:30 CST. It's awful. BF problems.
  • Babies are up and ravenous. They did so well this evening! We went to a restaurant with 12 other people and they were such little ladies. I NIPd for the first time and felt like superwoman eating my dinner and feeding my baby. Because of dinner though they missed late afternoon nap and now aren't sleeping great. Ah well :/.

  • I just got 5 straight hours of sleep! DH kept dd out in the living room and gave her a bottle while I slept in the bedroom. He wanted to give her 2 bottles and let me sleep the entire night but I reminded him my boobs won't let me. But still, I woke for her 4am feeding, she ate, slept through her diaper change, and went right back to sleep. Win!
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