How are you feeling emotionally/physically? I shouldn't be surprised considering I carried DS for 42 weeks. It's still disappointing when you go through all the aches and pains and nothing happens. Physically I am "strong like bull". Barely dilated and nothing going on. FML
Plan of action for labor/delivery? My OB doesn't want me carrying to 42 weeks again. I go back on Friday to check on baby and I'm sure she will discuss induction stuff. UGH! I'm praying that this isn't repeat of my first labor experience. I really want my VBAC.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? Since no one knows the gender of this baby, my family takes a poll on when the baby comes, sex, and weight. I had said July 1st. Jokes on me!
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, I'm just tired of being pregnant. Feeling emotionally drained. I don't want to talk to anyone. Physically, not terrible, considering. Her feet are still up in my ribs which is uncomfortable. My feet are swollen. Sleep is hit or miss depending on the night but seems to be more about my mind racing than my physical uncomfortableness.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Had a biophysical profile this morning and everything looks good. I see the doctor tomorrow morning and we will schedule the induction then. I was originally told they would let me go 10 days overdue so I'll likely be induced on Monday 7/14. As of last Monday I wasn't dilated at all, which doesn't make me hopeful that an induction will go well. In the meantime, I'm walking a lot, eating spicy foods, sex, and bouncing on the ball. Not feeling any different...
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I'm pretty convinced she's not coming on her own. I have a feeling we're looking at induction next week. Really hoping to avoid a c-section and nervous my body won't take kindly to the induction since it doesn't seem very ready.
** Update from me - now 6 days overdue. Our BPP went well. Baby looks good, just comfy I guess. Unfortunately, I'm still closed/not dilated at all. So they couldn't even do a membrane sweep. I go in Monday night for induction (10 days overdue). Until then I have a weekend of trying to get something going with all the natural methods I can come up with. I feel like Monday is decades away and am kinda dreading the (continued) waiting game the next 5 days. Emotionally at the end of my rope.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Physically not too bad considering; just heavy and sluggish. Emotionally I'm worn out. I'm ready for him to be here and stressed about the possibility of being induced.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Induction scheduled for this Thursday. Trying everything else until then.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? At times it feels like never but I know my hormones are running wild. I don't think he'll come on his own so I'm just trying to enjoy these last days with just DH before LO is evicted.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? I am tired - sleeping a crap load as I have been off work (medical leave). Emotionally, I am worn down by all the interest in my happenings. I understand it and I know it shows interest, but I find it invasive and annoying from some people.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Dr on Thursday. She wants to sweep/strip. I have said no. We will likely schedule an induction for next week and go from there. I was 10 days overdue last time. I just DO NOT want to be induced, but have accepted that if he isn't here by next Weds that it will be an inevitability.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I was hoping for an early/on time. But to be honest I kinda always knew that I would be overdue. So here I am. I don't think he will make his arrival until some point next week.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, I feel really weepy, moody, and insecure. A trifecta of gloriousness if you will. Physically, I feel pretty good considering. I just have a back ache and my hips hurt.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? I'm scheduled to be induced today, sometime between now to 7pm, L&D will be calling me to come in. Right now I'm not softened nor showing any signs of my body being ready for birth. I'm scared and a little sad that my natural birth plan is out the window.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I thought it'd be on 6 July because my friend had a dream about it and that was more hope than I've had over any other date.
I'm due today, but there's nothing happening so I'm gonna preemptively join this club haha. We should make this a weekly check in!
How far past? In New York, I'm already 15 minutes late.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, worse than I anticipated. I've thought all along I'd go over, but now that it's happening I feel really discouraged. Physically, icky. Membrane sweep yesterday left me crampy and contracting and I'm still spotting.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Just hanging in there, walking, eating pineapple...starting EPO tonight. Next appointment Tuesday (40+6) we will discuss induction but really hoping I can avoid that!
When did you THINK you we're going to have your baby? If she was early, over the 4th weekend, but honestly I've thought all along she'd come on our first wedding anniversary which is the 13th. We shall see!
2 days past. Feeling ok physically, just a normal amount of discomfort. Feeling kind of discouraged mentally because I am just so ready! Plan of action: been trying spicy foods, walking, sex, EPO, might try a teeny bit of castor oil this weekend. Have an u/s scheduled for 41 weeks to check fluid levels and determine the necessity of induction. Hoping the full moon hurries him along! Thought/hoped he'd come on the 6th and share a birthday with the deceased relative he's named after.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? emotionally: cranky, exhausted, bored, at the end of my rope. physically: it depends when you ask me. sometimes I'm ok, and can still go on walks and move around, and even cook a bit... but just a few minutes ago (mornings are not a good time for me), I had to take a break on just about every step to get up to my room barely had enough energy to throw my beached-whale self onto the bed. Evenings/nights have been horrible too - baby is pretty low, so there is a lot of pressure (and lightning crotch). Last night my lower back and pelvis felt like it was going to crack in half!
Plan of action for labor/delivery? had a membrane sweep yesterday, but other than some cramping, nothing's happened. Have another one scheduled for next Wednesday, and the big "I" (induction) scheduled for next Friday. Really hoping he comes on his own!!
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? well, we were thinking (hoping) that he would come early, and it didn't help that my aunt had this strong feeling that he was going to come a few weeks ago. Then we thought, maybe he'll be a 4th of July baby...nope. Then we thought, maybe he'll be a Tour de France baby (the tour went through our town in England this past weekend)...nope. Then we thought, maybe he'll have the same birthday as his grandmother on the 8th...nope. I feel like he's never coming out! (
thanks @bullybutt for starting this thread! I was starting to think everyone was having their squishies without me! Really helpful to read everyone's posts here and know that we're not alone
Hang in there, overdue mamas! Give yourself every luxury you crave until the baby deserve it! Nobody knows how frustrating the overdue period is unless they're currently in it. Punch everyone in the face who says, "Oh, baby will be here in no time!"
How far past are you? I'm due today, but I don't think anything is going to happen soon.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally - like I'm going to be pregnant forever. A little hopeless. Lol physically - lots of contractions, some that are pretty intense, but nothing that lasts long enough to get excited. Lots of pelvic pressure too.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Walk, birthing ball, and lots of prayer! Haha
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I've been thinking tomorrow.. We'll see! Lol
ok overdue mamas, I need some support. Am 1 week overdue and started feeling contractions 10pm Friday night. Went to the hospital 4am Saturday, but was not fully effaced and only 1cm dilated so they sent me home. then the contractions started to slow down, and almost completely stopped overnight. They've started to come back today, but are still really irregular. I am at wits end here! :-(( especially because the midwife on duty Saturday said that my baby would be here most likely by the end of the day.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally... depends on the day. I know he can only stay in there a max of like 10 more days... so there is an end in sight. Physically... My body feels like it's recovering from the 15+ hours I had of contractions the other night. Otherwise, heavy and swollen.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Getting checked at my OB office tomorrow to see if I progressed at all and get an NST to make sure the little man handled aforementioned contractions. Then, waiting until I go into labor again, and calling our Doulas in.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? On my due date because of the contractions/bloody show... but I was hoping for a 38/39 weeker.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL. I WAITED 9 YEARS FOR THIS BABY AND HE ISN'T SHOWING ANY SIGNS OF MOVING, THE LITTLE BUTTHEAD. I shop ALL day, trying to stay moving, promote labor, my poor husband is going to have a coronary when he sees how much stuff I've bought to assist in my cray nesting need.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? This Sunday night (7/20) at 7:20PM - scheduled induction if he doesn't come on his own before then.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? Like in a Hugh Grant movie, at the best possible moment of comic relief, speeding towards the hospital in perfect make up, swerving to avoid the old lady in the crosswalk where I'd arrive, sneeze and look beatific and sweat free as I held my perfectly formed son. Duh.
For the record, Jackfruit can suck my nonexistent dick :-D
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Physically I feel fine. Emotionally I am anxious and disappointed. My mother has been here a week already and DH family has this week off to come see the baby and I feel like I'm letting them down.
Plan of action for labor? Had membranes stripped Friday. MP came out yesterday. Getting induced on Friday (7/25) if nothing happens by then.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I really thought I would be early. Not sure why, just did.
Today I am 2 days overdue, I hope some of you previous posters have been able to hold your little ones by now!
Physically I feel pretty good, getting up is hard initially but once I'm up and moving I'm good. Emotionally I am getting anxious. I want to meet my baby boy but I also want to avoid induction (which is scheduled for Sunday) so I'm hoping he decides he's ready this week!
I had my membranes stripped today so we'll have to wait and see if it helps at all
I had a feeling all along that he wouldn't want to come on his own but there is an end in sight.
@lmarie2009 Let us know if the membrane stripping helped any! I'm scheduled to have that Wednesday if LO doesn't come before then. He's being a slacker so...I fully expect to have to have that done.
How far past are you?
I'm only one day past, but now I want to be all whiny because I've been on ML for a little over a week and it's making me kind of stir crazy. Apparently I suck at relaxing and not doing anything.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Physically, I'm so tired of being huge. Everyone says I'm cute. I do not feel cute. I feel like a freaking blue whale. Emotionally, I guess I'm decent but I don't think I've had any actual contractions other than BH. I feel like my body is messing with me and I'm not sure what I'm actually supposed to be looking for as labor clues.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
Membrane sweep Wednesday if LO hasn't made his appearance then. I also left a message for my hypnobirthing instructor to give me the contact info for her chiropractor who is good at helping induce labor.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
I didn't really have any sort of expectation...I kinda assumed baby would come late and leave me bored out of my skull. I haven't wanted to make any actual plans since I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting...
1) 3 days 2) emotionally; ready! Physically; uncomfortable and in pain. 3) plans are if she doesn't come before Friday (which will be my 41 weeks mark) they will be scheduling me for induction. I have a non stress test on Friday as well 4) I thought I was going to have her on my due date! Lol
Emotionally doing okay, though today I walked to a neighborhood Qi Gong place hoping for a foot massage and they turned me away because I was pregnant, and I almost had a crying meltdown.
Plan of action: If baby doesn't get with the program I go in Weds. (tomorrow!) night at 40w5d for an induction (for a likely Thursday birth). My doc doesn't want me to go past 41 weeks because of my age (40).
When do I think I will have her? I had really thought yesterday or today but today is growing less and less likely. Apparently the little diva wants to be a Leo.
Alright I have been reading these because I felt like this was going to happen. Yesterday was my due date so it is official.
How far past are you? 1 Boo hoo hehe
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Fine, like the kind of fine you say to your SO/DH when shit is annoying you but you are not sure if you want to start something over it.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Had NST yesterday and am dialated a fingertip. Another appt tomorrow morning to check progress and maybe schedule induction.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? Either July 4 or July 30th. July 4 th is my dad's and oldest nieces birthday. Nothing special about July 30th just pretty much as late as the doc will let me go.
Okay have to finish getting ready for work because somehow that us still happening.
Still here. 40+5 today. In had an appointment yesterday & his heartbeat is good & strong. I've dilated 2 cm & 60% thinned out, baby is about a -2 station so he still has some room to drop. She suspects that I'll go into labor in the next few days. If he's not here by Friday I go back for an NST, if he's not here by 41.5 I'll have an ultrasound & induction at 42.
Can't believe it but am still here also. 41 weeks and 1 day. Actually feeling great as long as I stay out of the terrible heat. Induction scheduled for Sunday night- still hopeful that I won't need it but given that I'm only 1 cm dilated and haven't even had 1 BH, I'm not optimistic Oh well, at least I know she'll be here soon!
3 days. I got four "bless your heart"s today at the indoor playground.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Physically very tired. My hips ache and i just can't sleep more than thirty min at a time. Emotionally have to focus on two year old at home so that's a great distraction.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
Have appt Fri we will see what they say.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
37 weeks like ds1, and he was nine pounds. I've been pg almost a month longer this time and hope he's not twenty pounds and that i can go med free again although at this point I'm just ready to be done however he arrives safely.
Alex has arrived! 9 pounds, 21 inches - 3 weeks early on March 2nd
~went natural - very intense. whew!~
YAY I get to join this club now! *sarcasm* (But at least I'm in good company!)
How far past are you? Just one day.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, fine. I expected to either be a couple weeks early or a couple weeks late, so now I just feel resigned. Physically, exhausted. For whatever reason, my belly has never gotten very big and she doesn't have much fluid left in there, so I can feel her every bump and stretch. Ouch.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Right now, the plan is to wait as long as we can for natural labor to kick in. We have to do a BPP this afternoon because my AFI was low a month ago and we need to make sure she has enough to last another week or so. We are scheduled to induce on Aug. 4 if things don't get moving before that. My midwife says my cervix is super soft and I'm a fingertip dilated, so I am hopeful that we won't have to induce.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I thought she'd come early, honestly (wishful thinking?), around July 17th, which was our early due date (according to ultrasound, not LMP). Now I'm thinking it'll be next week, though I'm hoping it'll still be in July sometime!
Physically my back is ready to shit itself. The lower abdomen is also just about falling out. I'm pretty miserable sitting, walking or laying. Emotionally it varies. My DH has worked the past 15 days in a row because of a mandatory move at his mine and all bosses have to be there. So swing shift it is and knowing he's not around upsets me. I'll have moments of just crying for no reason. Every once in awhile I keep having a cramp? Contraction? It's only my lower left side of abdomen.
My practice will let me go until Aug 9 because they are going off my LMP DD of July 30. The 13 week NT scan gave me the July 22 date and I charted and am predicting July 26. But I can't deal with this back pain for another 15 days. I have my next appointment Monday.
I thought I'd give birth in early July. I never in a million years thought I'd be overdue. I'm so sick of people asking me about the baby and DH is even getting cranky. He came home last night and was drinking and I was having lots of cramps and told him he should be sober enough to drive. Well of course nothing happened except him being annoyed and me being hurt. Sigh.
Yeah, totally jumping at the chance to join the club at +1 day overdue.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Physically feeling like poop. For the last week the swelling has gotten worse. I'm waking up every morning with my left hand and arms swollen like I'm wearing a glove. I'm back to throwing up every morning (but that's been pretty much all 3 tri). My stomach is literally hanging from swelling and from how low baby is (ugh) it sits on my freakin' legs and is so uncomfortable feeling. And lightening vagina - um, hello! That shit wakes you right up!
Emotionally, I'm okay. I'm ready, but every time I get stressed about wanting baby out I do this silly but helpful mantra where I tell myself that God is in control, baby will come when he's ready, and my job is to be patient. A lot easier said than done, but it gets me through the rough spots.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
As natural as possible. I'd rather not get induced if I don't have to, but the dr is already talking induction because of my swelling and my bp keeps going up every visit. I really don't want an epi (watched my husband get them for a few years after he hurt his neck/ back and just wasn't a fan). My ultimate birth plans is basically to do whatever is best for baby. As long as baby is healthy, I'm happy.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
Early. Everyone and their mother and mine said, "Oh, he's soooo low. You're definitely going early." LIARS! lol.
@MTAtlanta, don't doubt yourself if med free is what you want. I had pitocin and I went med free! It was hard but not unmanageable. Good luck with whatever you choose!
Thank you! That is so encouraging. Pitocin is usually presented as such an enemy to a pain med free experience and it's rare to hear success stories. Thank you for yours!!
Alex has arrived! 9 pounds, 21 inches - 3 weeks early on March 2nd
~went natural - very intense. whew!~
I guess I'll join the overdue crew. I'm 40+2. Not a huge deal, but still qualifies.
How far past are you? 2 days
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Emotionally, I'm fine. I figured I'd be late- I was 3 weeks late and my dh was 10 days late. I'm just tired of people feeling sorry for me or asking when he is going to show up. Physically, I'm miserable. I have horrible contractions at night that keep me awake. I'm tired of swelling and want to wear something other than the same 5 outfits I've been sporting since it got hot.
Plan of action for labor/ delivery: my doctor induces between 41-42 weeks. So I'm scheduled to be induced on Thursday my 41week mark. Either way, I will have my baby boy next weekend (omg)
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I was pretty sure that I was going to go late, and I'm still figuring I won't have him until august 1st. I think between everyone and their brother claiming I was going to go early I set myself up to wake up on the 24th like it was Christmas and Santa didn't come.
I so hear you about the outfits. I have five maternity shirts from target in diff colors that get paired with three bottoms from old navy now that it's too hot for pants.
Alex has arrived! 9 pounds, 21 inches - 3 weeks early on March 2nd
~went natural - very intense. whew!~
I'm here and I'm sad, not because I'm now past due, but because today is the anniversary of my last loss and I was hoping to be holding my little guy by now. Every day that goes by and he's not born yet my PGAL brain starts getting the better of me and I worry about things going wrong. =\ Trying not to think that way but it's hard.
I have tried bouncing on a ball, lots of walking, spicy food, red raspberry leaf, primrose oil, sex, pineapple and many other things to get this baby going. I had a membrane sweep Thursday.
If she doesn't come on her own by Next Thursday I will be induced. She doesn't have much fluid left or space to move around.
Today is 40+4, had a dr appt this morning and still 1cm, same as last week and the week before.
Feeling not too bad emotionally or physically, but DH was off work last week and this week due to the trades being slow this summer so we were hoping she'd make an appearance before he has to go back...having some minor cramping off and on and some lower back pain but other than that feeling pretty good.
Going for a fetal assessment ultrasound Friday morning at the hospital to make sure everything is still ok and if not then will be induced Friday and if things are good then another one early next week and if still ok then we have an induction schedule for next Friday August 7th
We were so sure she would be a tad early, anytime after 37 weeks! Did not expect to go past at all
Re: Overdue Mommas
How far past are you? Due Today (womp, womp)
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? I shouldn't be surprised considering I carried DS for 42 weeks. It's still disappointing when you go through all the aches and pains and nothing happens. Physically I am "strong like bull". Barely dilated and nothing going on. FML
Plan of action for labor/delivery? My OB doesn't want me carrying to 42 weeks again. I go back on Friday to check on baby and I'm sure she will discuss induction stuff. UGH! I'm praying that this isn't repeat of my first labor experience. I really want my VBAC.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? Since no one knows the gender of this baby, my family takes a poll on when the baby comes, sex, and weight. I had said July 1st. Jokes on me!
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, I'm just tired of being pregnant. Feeling emotionally drained. I don't want to talk to anyone. Physically, not terrible, considering. Her feet are still up in my ribs which is uncomfortable. My feet are swollen. Sleep is hit or miss depending on the night but seems to be more about my mind racing than my physical uncomfortableness.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Had a biophysical profile this morning and everything looks good. I see the doctor tomorrow morning and we will schedule the induction then. I was originally told they would let me go 10 days overdue so I'll likely be induced on Monday 7/14. As of last Monday I wasn't dilated at all, which doesn't make me hopeful that an induction will go well. In the meantime, I'm walking a lot, eating spicy foods, sex, and bouncing on the ball. Not feeling any different...
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I'm pretty convinced she's not coming on her own. I have a feeling we're looking at induction next week. Really hoping to avoid a c-section and nervous my body won't take kindly to the induction since it doesn't seem very ready.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Physically not too bad considering; just heavy and sluggish. Emotionally I'm worn out. I'm ready for him to be here and stressed about the possibility of being induced.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Induction scheduled for this Thursday. Trying everything else until then.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? At times it feels like never but I know my hormones are running wild. I don't think he'll come on his own so I'm just trying to enjoy these last days with just DH before LO is evicted.
How far past are you? 5 Days over
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? I am tired - sleeping a crap load as I have been off work (medical leave). Emotionally, I am worn down by all the interest in my happenings. I understand it and I know it shows interest, but I find it invasive and annoying from some people.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Dr on Thursday. She wants to sweep/strip. I have said no. We will likely schedule an induction for next week and go from there. I was 10 days overdue last time. I just DO NOT want to be induced, but have accepted that if he isn't here by next Weds that it will be an inevitability.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I was hoping for an early/on time. But to be honest I kinda always knew that I would be overdue. So here I am. I don't think he will make his arrival until some point next week.
I'm 3 days past
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Emotionally, I feel really weepy, moody, and insecure. A trifecta of gloriousness if you will. Physically, I feel pretty good considering. I just have a back ache and my hips hurt.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
I'm scheduled to be induced today, sometime between now to 7pm, L&D will be calling me to come in. Right now I'm not softened nor showing any signs of my body being ready for birth. I'm scared and a little sad that my natural birth plan is out the window.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
I thought it'd be on 6 July because my friend had a dream about it and that was more hope than I've had over any other date.
How far past are you?
8 days
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
Wait it out until 42 weeks
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
For some reason around 37 weeks. Don't know why that was in my head.
How far past? In New York, I'm already 15 minutes late.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, worse than I anticipated. I've thought all along I'd go over, but now that it's happening I feel really discouraged. Physically, icky. Membrane sweep yesterday left me crampy and contracting and I'm still spotting.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Just hanging in there, walking, eating pineapple...starting EPO tonight. Next appointment Tuesday (40+6) we will discuss induction but really hoping I can avoid that!
When did you THINK you we're going to have your baby? If she was early, over the 4th weekend, but honestly I've thought all along she'd come on our first wedding anniversary which is the 13th. We shall see!
How far past are you? 4 days over
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? emotionally: cranky, exhausted, bored, at the end of my rope. physically: it depends when you ask me. sometimes I'm ok, and can still go on walks and move around, and even cook a bit... but just a few minutes ago (mornings are not a good time for me), I had to take a break on just about every step to get up to my room barely had enough energy to throw my beached-whale self onto the bed. Evenings/nights have been horrible too - baby is pretty low, so there is a lot of pressure (and lightning crotch). Last night my lower back and pelvis felt like it was going to crack in half!
Plan of action for labor/delivery? had a membrane sweep yesterday, but other than some cramping, nothing's happened. Have another one scheduled for next Wednesday, and the big "I" (induction) scheduled for next Friday. Really hoping he comes on his own!!
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? well, we were thinking (hoping) that he would come early, and it didn't help that my aunt had this strong feeling that he was going to come a few weeks ago. Then we thought, maybe he'll be a 4th of July baby...nope. Then we thought, maybe he'll be a Tour de France baby (the tour went through our town in England this past weekend)...nope. Then we thought, maybe he'll have the same birthday as his grandmother on the 8th...nope. I feel like he's never coming out!
thanks @bullybutt for starting this thread! I was starting to think everyone was having their squishies without me! Really helpful to read everyone's posts here and know that we're not alone
I'm due today, but I don't think anything is going to happen soon.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Emotionally - like I'm going to be pregnant forever. A little hopeless. Lol physically - lots of contractions, some that are pretty intense, but nothing that lasts long enough to get excited. Lots of pelvic pressure too.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
Walk, birthing ball, and lots of prayer! Haha
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
I've been thinking tomorrow.. We'll see! Lol
How far past are you? 2 days
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally... depends on the day. I know he can only stay in there a max of like 10 more days... so there is an end in sight. Physically... My body feels like it's recovering from the 15+ hours I had of contractions the other night. Otherwise, heavy and swollen.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Getting checked at my OB office tomorrow to see if I progressed at all and get an NST to make sure the little man handled aforementioned contractions. Then, waiting until I go into labor again, and calling our Doulas in.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? On my due date because of the contractions/bloody show... but I was hoping for a 38/39 weeker.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Physically I feel fine. Emotionally I am anxious and disappointed. My mother has been here a week already and DH family has this week off to come see the baby and I feel like I'm letting them down.
Plan of action for labor? Had membranes stripped Friday. MP came out yesterday. Getting induced on Friday (7/25) if nothing happens by then.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I really thought I would be early. Not sure why, just did.
Hopefully tomorrow.
Physically I feel pretty good, getting up is hard initially but once I'm up and moving I'm good. Emotionally I am getting anxious. I want to meet my baby boy but I also want to avoid induction (which is scheduled for Sunday) so I'm hoping he decides he's ready this week!
I had my membranes stripped today so we'll have to wait and see if it helps at all
I had a feeling all along that he wouldn't want to come on his own but there is an end in sight.
How far past are you?
I'm only one day past, but now I want to be all whiny because I've been on ML for a little over a week and it's making me kind of stir crazy. Apparently I suck at relaxing and not doing anything.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Physically, I'm so tired of being huge. Everyone says I'm cute. I do not feel cute. I feel like a freaking blue whale. Emotionally, I guess I'm decent but I don't think I've had any actual contractions other than BH. I feel like my body is messing with me and I'm not sure what I'm actually supposed to be looking for as labor clues.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
Membrane sweep Wednesday if LO hasn't made his appearance then. I also left a message for my hypnobirthing instructor to give me the contact info for her chiropractor who is good at helping induce labor.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
I didn't really have any sort of expectation...I kinda assumed baby would come late and leave me bored out of my skull. I haven't wanted to make any actual plans since I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting...
Emotionally: I am trying to stay positive and be patient but I feel myself getting edgy at times
Plan of action : if I don't have her by Wednesday my doctor will schedule an induction
When do I think I will have her?: oh my goodness I hope I have her before my doctor schedules an induction
How far past are you? 1 Boo hoo hehe
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Fine, like the kind of fine you say to your SO/DH when shit is annoying you but you are not sure if you want to start something over it.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Had NST yesterday and am dialated a fingertip. Another appt tomorrow morning to check progress and maybe schedule induction.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? Either July 4 or July 30th. July 4 th is my dad's and oldest nieces birthday. Nothing special about July 30th just pretty much as late as the doc will let me go.
Okay have to finish getting ready for work because somehow that us still happening.
41 weeks and 1 day.
Actually feeling great as long as I stay out of the terrible heat.
Induction scheduled for Sunday night- still hopeful that I won't need it but given that I'm only 1 cm dilated and haven't even had 1 BH, I'm not optimistic
Oh well, at least I know she'll be here soon!
YAY I get to join this club now! *sarcasm* (But at least I'm in good company!)
How far past are you? Just one day.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Emotionally, fine. I expected to either be a couple weeks early or a couple weeks late, so now I just feel resigned. Physically, exhausted. For whatever reason, my belly has never gotten very big and she doesn't have much fluid left in there, so I can feel her every bump and stretch. Ouch.
Plan of action for labor/delivery? Right now, the plan is to wait as long as we can for natural labor to kick in. We have to do a BPP this afternoon because my AFI was low a month ago and we need to make sure she has enough to last another week or so. We are scheduled to induce on Aug. 4 if things don't get moving before that. My midwife says my cervix is super soft and I'm a fingertip dilated, so I am hopeful that we won't have to induce.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby? I thought she'd come early, honestly (wishful thinking?), around July 17th, which was our early due date (according to ultrasound, not LMP). Now I'm thinking it'll be next week, though I'm hoping it'll still be in July sometime!
Today I'm 40+2.
Physically my back is ready to shit itself. The lower abdomen is also just about falling out. I'm pretty miserable sitting, walking or laying. Emotionally it varies. My DH has worked the past 15 days in a row because of a mandatory move at his mine and all bosses have to be there. So swing shift it is and knowing he's not around upsets me. I'll have moments of just crying for no reason. Every once in awhile I keep having a cramp? Contraction? It's only my lower left side of abdomen.
My practice will let me go until Aug 9 because they are going off my LMP DD of July 30. The 13 week NT scan gave me the July 22 date and I charted and am predicting July 26. But I can't deal with this back pain for another 15 days. I have my next appointment Monday.
I thought I'd give birth in early July. I never in a million years thought I'd be overdue. I'm so sick of people asking me about the baby and DH is even getting cranky. He came home last night and was drinking and I was having lots of cramps and told him he should be sober enough to drive. Well of course nothing happened except him being annoyed and me being hurt. Sigh.
Yeah, totally jumping at the chance to join the club at +1 day overdue.
How are you feeling emotionally/physically?
Physically feeling like poop. For the last week the swelling has gotten worse. I'm waking up every morning with my left hand and arms swollen like I'm wearing a glove. I'm back to throwing up every morning (but that's been pretty much all 3 tri). My stomach is literally hanging from swelling and from how low baby is (ugh) it sits on my freakin' legs and is so uncomfortable feeling. And lightening vagina - um, hello! That shit wakes you right up!
Emotionally, I'm okay. I'm ready, but every time I get stressed about wanting baby out I do this silly but helpful mantra where I tell myself that God is in control, baby will come when he's ready, and my job is to be patient. A lot easier said than done, but it gets me through the rough spots.
Plan of action for labor/delivery?
As natural as possible. I'd rather not get induced if I don't have to, but the dr is already talking induction because of my swelling and my bp keeps going up every visit. I really don't want an epi (watched my husband get them for a few years after he hurt his neck/ back and just wasn't a fan). My ultimate birth plans is basically to do whatever is best for baby. As long as baby is healthy, I'm happy.
When did you THINK you were going to have your baby?
Early. Everyone and their mother and mine said, "Oh, he's soooo low. You're definitely going early." LIARS! lol.
At this point im ready and as long as he's out safely that's all that matters.
8 days over. That's crazy. Ds1 was 3 weeks early, so i guess they are already sshowing their differences!
Feeling not too bad emotionally or physically, but DH was off work last week and this week due to the trades being slow this summer so we were hoping she'd make an appearance before he has to go back...having some minor cramping off and on and some lower back pain but other than that feeling pretty good.
Going for a fetal assessment ultrasound Friday morning at the hospital to make sure everything is still ok and if not then will be induced Friday and if things are good then another one early next week and if still ok then we have an induction schedule for next Friday August 7th
We were so sure she would be a tad early, anytime after 37 weeks! Did not expect to go past at all