Cloth Diapering

Etsy Discovery: rebourne

Is anyone familiar with the Etsy shop rebourne?  She has this wool diaper cover that looks really interesting!  I hate my wool covers because they are so bulky and hot, but this seems like it's trim.  I'm not sure it would be as good at stopping leaks though?

                                                                                          BFP #1 3/2/12, T born 11/7/12
                                                                                             BFP #2  7/2/14, CP 7/6/14
                             BFP #3 8/28/14, MMC 10/2/14 @ 9wks - misoprostol 10/6/14, D&C 11/3/14 for retained tissue
                                   BFP #4 12/25/14, EDD 9/7/15 - please stick baby, you are so loved and wanted!!!!!                                                                                           
                                        image  image                                                                      

Re: Etsy Discovery: rebourne

  • I don't know either but I really want to try one of those os covers. If you try them let us know what you think!
  • Mmmm, they are cute, but I don't think I can pay the amount of money for a recycle wool cover. If you know how to sew they are very easy to made. All what you need is to find a sweater or any wool cloths from goodwill. Two years ago a made like five or six and I spend only $30 dollars on the materials.
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  • Zara, I tried knitting my own wool cover and it was a disaster. I'll be sticking to only buying from now on, lol.
                                                                                              BFP #1 3/2/12, T born 11/7/12
                                                                                                 BFP #2  7/2/14, CP 7/6/14
                                 BFP #3 8/28/14, MMC 10/2/14 @ 9wks - misoprostol 10/6/14, D&C 11/3/14 for retained tissue
                                       BFP #4 12/25/14, EDD 9/7/15 - please stick baby, you are so loved and wanted!!!!!                                                                                           
                                            image  image                                                                      
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