Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Nap routine

My LO is 22 weeks. She will start daycare in August and we are STILL not on a consistent naptime/feeding schedule. (Yes, that's right.)
Any tips on starting to get into a routine? 

Re: Nap routine

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    I'm not sure if they require a nap schedule. She usually naps around the same time every day but some days everything is out of whack, like you said. I'm just worried that she won't mesh with her daycare nap time. I guess she will get used to it. :/
    I'm going to try and find out what time they nap at daycare and see if I can get her napping around those times. It's just so hard to get her to follow the same routine everyday.
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    I wouldn't worry about it, not even a little bit. My baby is nearly 8 months and he settled into a fairly predictable routine around 6 months or so. But some days it's still all over the place.

    Ask your DC about it, but many (most?) are on demand and will just respond to your baby's cues. I don't see how they could get a bunch of infants on the same schedule, especially considering that all wake up and arrive at different times. At our daycare they start to try to gently nudge them towards a 2 nap schedule around the time they are a year old. They don't have a strict nap time until they move up to the next room between 15-18 months.
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