
what might be the reason for this?

my lo is almost 7 weeks and has been getting the breast and a bottle w pumped milk since 3 dsys old. All was well until about a week ago when i was having trouble getting him to breast feed. now i can hardlry get him to eat from me because he will scream as soon as I get him in position. This happens on both sides but a little more on one side than the other. At first I thought it might be gas but it's clearly not. The bottle goes down just fine. Every day he is eating less and less from me. He would rather be hungry! Is he just rejecting my breast already? I'm calling a LC on monday morning but any ideas until then? TIA

Re: what might be the reason for this?

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    It is much easier to drink from a bottle than the breast.  He may just want the ease of the bottle instead of working at nursing.  Try pumping a bit to get the milk flowing and then put him to your breast.  Then he won't have to work as hard. 

    I'm curious to see what the LC says. 

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    My DD did this too for a few days and it was so frustrating. I remember trying different positions just to get her to eat for a minute. Just keep putting your LO to the breast and we didn't offer a bottle. When she was hungry she ate. For us, I think she was starting to discover the world around her and she couldn't see much when she was breastfeeding. Don't give up! But I'm sure the LC could give you some help. For now, just hang in there and try a different position.
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    It is much easier to drink from a bottle than the breast.  He may just want the ease of the bottle instead of working at nursing.  Try pumping a bit to get the milk flowing and then put him to your breast.  Then he won't have to work as hard. 

    I'm curious to see what the LC says. 

    i noticed this was the case w/my LO. he screws up his face when i first put him to the breast and he sucks and doesn't get the instant satisfaction he gets w/the bottle. i just keep putting him back and tell him that it will come, it will come. w/in a few suckles he realizes he is a happy boy again.


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    I don't know why people here keep insisting that there is no such thing as nipple confusion. It seems pretty clear- ok- maybe not "confusion" but clearly your baby has developed a preference.  I think that the LC will have a lot of helpful advice for you- but it may take more than a phone call because she may want to look at how your baby's suck is- to rule out the possibility of other issues.  Sometimes bottlefeeding covers up (or sidesteps or teaches) a suck problem- that makes nursing really hard for the baby ... and until that is addressed or recognised- it's not fair to assume that the preference is just about the baby being  "lazy" and not wanting to do the little bit of extra work nursing would require- at this point- his mouth may really be unable to make the nursing at the breast work because he has been sucessfully making the bottle nipple work for so long. You didn't explain why you are using the bottles, so I don't want to presume I could offer/suggest/predict the tactics the LC will likely be able to give you once she understands your whole case history.

    You can call a LLL leader on a Sunday if you want to talk to someone before you talk to the LC on Monday. 

    I'd keep trying- and I'd pay extra attention to positioning and latching on- like he was a newborn all over again- (if you can even get to that point- I did hear you when you said that he really throws a fit)  

    Big hugs to you- I'm glad you will be getting help and hopefully some relief!

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