So DH and I had our 1st u/s this morning and things didn't go great. The u/s tech measured me at 5w5d with no heartbeat, however the RE was able to find a heartbeat (well, a flicker of one at least). I should be 6w5d today, so needless to say no one is optimistic. We need to go back next Wednesday to see where things stand.
My RE is going to be out of town until Friday, so I have the choice of coming in to have the scan done by the tech or going to a different location for this practice where I can have it done by one of the other RE's. If the tech does it, it can be done as early as 7:45 and DH has no problem being there. If I go to the location with a RE instead of tech, then it is at 2:45pm and DH has to miss a good potion of the afternoon at work. He is already missing all of next Friday for a procedure he needs to have done. I'm just not sure which place I should go to have it done. If there is truly another week of growth and things look good, then the tech is fine to see. However, if growth doesn't look great and we need to prepare for a D&C, then I should be seeing a RE, right? WWPGALD?
PCOS & ute crew member
BFP #1: 10/24/2012 EDD 7/3/13, missed m/c @ 9 weeks, D&E
DX: Septate Uterus. Septum resection 6/4/13BFP #2: 12/20/2013 EDD 9/1/14, missed m/c @ 7weeks, D&E
BFP #3: 5/26/2014 EDD 2/7/15, missed m/c @ 9 weeks, D&E- DX Trisomy22
RPL, Karyotyping, and SHG: All Normal
BFP #4: 9/6/14 EDD 5/16/15 Praying for our RAINBOW!
Baby GIRL on the way!!
**All AL Welcome**
Re: WWPgALD? ultrasound
DX: Septate Uterus. Septum resection 6/4/13
BFP#1 9/7/11 EDD 7/23/11 mc @21 weeks caused severe bladder obstruction on 3/14/12
BFP #2 9/9/12 EDD 7/19/13 started to mc @ 8w1d on 12/7/12 ended up with d&c 12/18/12, stopped developing @5w5ds
Unexplained IF
BFP#3 3/3/14 After 1st iui and clomid cycle
beta 1: 137 beta 2: 268
Beta 3:1248
****Hoping for a rainbow baby!!!****
TTC since 11/2009; Lap/HSG/Hysteroscopy: 5/2011 (endometriosis - removed; endocervical polyp - removed; high pressure in bilateral tubes - cleared)
BFP #1: 8/4/11; DS1 born sleeping on 11/16/11 at 19w1d
BFP # 2: 5/7/12, EDD 1/10/13, DS2 born 1/4/13
BFP # 3: 11/8/13, EDD 7/17/14, mmc 10wks
BFP # 4: 5/16/14, EDD 1/15/15, praying for our 2nd rainbow baby
DX: Septate Uterus. Septum resection 6/4/13
BFP #1, 3/12, EDD 11/9/12, MMC 3/27/12, D&C 4/10/12
BFP #2: 11/16/12, EDD 7/25/13, MMC 12/5/12, D&C 12/6/12, Complete molar pregnancy confirmed 2/9/13, benched for 6 months until August 2013
IUI #1, 8/16/13 Femara + Menopur, 3 mature follicles, BFN
IUI #3, 10/8/13 Femara + Menopur, six mature follicles, BFN
BFP #3, 12/9/2013, while on treatment break, EDD: 8/22/2014 Please stick and grow, LO!
Additional Dx: hypothyroidism, TgAb positive & anti-TPO positive, POR/DOR (2/2013), and suspected endometriosis
******All AL always welcome******
My Ovulation Chart Fruit
BFP #2 5/7/13 EDD 1/14/2014 Ectopic discovered 5/21/13, lost left tube
Referred to RE, blood work done August 2013, AMH 0.27, all else normal, HSG clear
Perhaps you ovulated late. If it helps i had an ultrasound with my daughter (due to bleeding) where i thought i was 7 weeks and i was really only 5.5. They told me i miscarried due to not seeing fetal pole or hb. That daughter is now 4. I also had an ultrasound a few days ago at a little under 6 weeks and saw only gest sac and yolk sac. Perhaps its just too early. FX for you
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015