June 2014 Moms

Diaper Rash

It looks like LO might be at the beginning of a diaper rash (small red bumps in his groin area). I thought I was really staying on top of the wet diapers :( any tips on preventing it / stopping it before it gets worse? Diaper rash creams you use and recommend?
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Re: Diaper Rash

  • medicine mama's sweet bee magic. Works like a charm, can be used on drool rash because it's safe to ingest, and doesn't have the nasty medicinal smell that normal creams have.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • Liam had a 6 week long diaper rash here at the Nicu so a few suggestions I have are: 

    To help you tell if it's healing or getting worse try taking a picture of it, we ended up keeping a daily photo chart of his because some creams made it better then some made it worse. 

    Also the red bumps could be a yeast infection so if you try a diaper rash cream and it doesn't get better or gets worse at all then stop using that right away and switch to an anti fungal cream. 

    Desitin worked good on Liam once we got rid of the yeast infection that was on top of his diaper rash. Also diaper rash creams should be applied heavily to create a really good barrier and don't wipe it all the way off at each change that could irritate it more. We sometimes would just dab the poop away and not remove the cream and that seemed to help a lot. 

    Hope that helps!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • KrystaJ said:

    Have you switched to cloth yet or are you using disposables?

    Still in disposables - honest co.
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  • @KrystaJ‌ I'll up the frequency. That should help.

    Thanks for all the advice ladies! This board is amazing.
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  • Just finishing battling an awful diaper rash. I think it was caused by a soy based formula we switched to. So changing his diet helped. Also changing anytime it was wet or dirty it important. We used Destin max strength and that cleared upthe rash but his poor bum was so raw so I've been using aquaphor and that seems to be helping a lot to help it heal.
  • @nutmegs8‌ what kind of aquaphor are you using? Do they have a baby line? We have a small bottle of Butt Paste but I'm hesitant of buying more of it until I see how well it actually works. But I've seen Aquaphor mentioned a couple times and now I'm curious!

    Baby #1: expected June 2014

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  • Small red bumps is usually yeast.  Check with your pedi first, but you'll probably need to use an antifungal cream like Lotrimin in addition to regular diaper cream.

    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • We used Butt Paste and seems to have helped. I agree about the air time though
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • We've used Boudreaux's Butt Paste and it seems to do the trick. I like the original formula better than the type in the red tube.
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  • My poor son poops fire whenever he was teething and is apparently allergic to apple juice because it does the same thing but we use desitin and it works wonders. Most of the time by the next diaper change it was better but I agree with a pp that a thicker layer helps.
  • I just google image'ed diaper rash vs. yeast infections - I do not recommend that. It looks much more like the very beginning, very mild diaper rash so far.
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