June 2014 Moms

@MommyWaldron is being induced! Update #2

edited June 2014 in June 2014 Moms
My LB @MommyWaldron is being induced in about an hour! Let's send her some love! Good luck LB! I will update you all as soon as I hear from her! Update #1: Not making much progress, but epidural is in! She's going to try to get some sleep and they will be checking dilation again soon (right now she's at 4). Hang in there LB! Update #2: still no progress so going in for c section now. Finish line is in sight!
BFP 12/30/12...MC 1/13...TTC again 6/11/13...
BFP #2 9/28/13....EDD 6/7/14

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Re: @MommyWaldron is being induced! Update #2

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