So I have been dealing with oversupply and over active letdown with fore/hindmilk imbalance ever since my milk came in. My son usually never fills up and wants to nurse constantly and for comfort, taking up to an hour and then wanting more. Screaming at the breast and crying constantly.
However, my LC has suggested doing a block feed and I finally started today. I've noticed that my son is eating for way shorter intervals, maybe 15 minutes and getting full and not taking the breast. Usually he wants both and will nurse and nurse and nurse.
Is this normal? Ok? Is he getting the fat he needs?
My LC said doing one block over 4 hours, so feed 1 & 2 from the L breast, & feed 3 & 4 from the R breast. Once that is over do I continue to offer just one breast at a time or continue to block?
Sorry in advance for all the questions! Thanks for listening
Re: oversupply/forceful letdown/foremilk hindmilk imbalance/block feeding