So I'm a total newbie to cloth diapering and tried to learn as much as possible before I dove in but I obviously still have much to learn and no one to ask for advice from (in person). My daughter is 3 1/2 months old and we've been cloth diapering since we came home from the hospital. I have mostly pockets, a lot of Charlie Banana and a few Bum Genius and Kawaii. I have Kissaluvs hybrid contours for overnight and prefolds which I use occasionally during the day. Everything has been going great, no rashes, up until last week. My daughter has a quarter sized slightly raised rash over her pubic bone and little on her (very large) inner thighs, but nothing in the creases. I thought it was due to hot weather and wearing the overnight diaper too long overnight but it didn't seem to get better. Then I read online that overnight diapers are not supposed to burn your nose in the morning... I feel really dumb, I thought it was normal. So I went about treating the ammonia problem with lots of washes and soaks and one run with a little washing soda. The smell and rash got better over the past few days, almost gone, and now today it's back. What gives??? I'm super frustrated and don't want anyone knocking my unpopular decision to cloth diaper. I do cold rinse, hot wash, cold rinse with Nelly's laundry soda. Here's my cutie patootie

Re: Help! Frustrating rash
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