
X-posted to 3T: possible great news at RE today but would like your opinions!

I had my consult today regarding a lap to remove a hydro before IVF. However, after reviewing everything, my RE said that the hydro is mild and isn't completely blocked... That the dye is going out the other end slowly. So because of that, he would be perfectly okay going straight to IVF. He said the lap (and also hysteroscopy) would be if I wanted to do more IUIs which I don't. I'd want to do IVF either way. So this sounds like great news.. But have any of you heard of that? I realllly don't want surgery if I don't have to and I feel confident in my RE, but on the other hand he didn't mention IVF until I had asked if we should still go pursue that as well.. Then he was like oh if you want to do IVF we can go straight to that!

Me: 32  DH: 33  Married: March 2004

July 2006: started TTC
2008: HSG (normal), couple rounds of clomid through gyno
2008 - 2010: dragging my feet out of fear and procrastination
October 2010: first consultation with RE, dx PCOS and fibroids (DH slightly low count/motility)
Oct. 2010 - Dec. 2012:  In DENIAL! avoided the issue because I was scared of surgery
January 2013: returned to RE, fibroids grew significantly
February 2013: second HSG, fibroids pushed on tubes which blocked them somewhat
March 2013: MRI to determine what type of surgery may be necessary

July 29, 2013: fibroids (5) removed via robotic laparascopy
August 2013 - Nov 2013 : benched due to recent surgery

IUI #1, Dec. 24, 2013, BFN 
IUI #2, Jan. 25, 2014, BFN
IUI #3, Feb. 25, 2014  BFN
IUI #4 canceled due to lack of response to letrozole
IUI #4.1 April 28, 2014, BFN

May 16, 2014: wtf consult, start prepping for IVF in June and add injects for one last IUI in the meantime
IUI #5 started letrozole and bravelle but canceled after HSG led to new diagnosis

May 21, 2014: third HSG, tubes blocked, one at the beginning, one hydrosalpinx??
June 11, 2014: consult, approved to move on to IVF because the hydro is not completely blocked therefore allowing fluid to move through slowly rather than backwards
IVF #1 August 8, 2014 - 3dt of 2 embryos, BFN
September 17, 2014 - 4th HSG, the right tube is very patent (open!!) dye went straight through this time. Weird!
October 2, 2014 - started metformin treatment
November 14, 2014 - blood work, brought A1C down from 5.8 to 5.5

November 26, 2014 - RE finally back from vaca and reviewed my chart, no more IVFs for rest of calendar year
December 1, 2014 - Right after Thanksgiving, I called a new clinic and got in right away! Plan for IVF
December 17, 2014 - ER! 29 retrieved (!!), 16 mature, all 16 fertilized (ICSI)

IVF #2 December 20, 2014 - 3dt of 3 embryos, BFN

We are done with treatment unsuccessfully. :(

PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!

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Re: X-posted to 3T: possible great news at RE today but would like your opinions!

  • Since tubes are not needed for IVF, it sounds like it makes sense- that you only need to do it if doing IUIs, not if your plan was to move on to IVF

    TTC since July 2009. Dx MFI & LPD. 
    IUI#1&2&3 (2011 & 2012) BFN
    IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
    IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
    IVF w/ICSI Oct. 2, 2012 - 13R, 11M, 7F, 1 frozen blast 4BB grade - - - FET Nov 15, 2013
    BFP! Beta 1:104 @ 10dp6dt, Beta 2:178 @ 12dp6dt,  beta 3:366 @ 14dp6dt
    Saw heartbeat twice before missed M/C at 8w3d on 12/27/13, missing my little angel boy
    JUNE 2014 IVF#2;  5R, 2M, 1F Three day transfer 6/7.  Beta 6/18 - BFN
    Child Free Now?

    My Blog


  • Sha259Sha259 member
    Tubes are not needed for IVF, but they can adversely effect your outcome if there is fluid on your tubes (hydrosalpinx). 

    I don't want to be one to throw cold water on your excitement, because I definitely understand not wanting to have the lap (I've had 2). So, if your RE is confident that what you have is, indeed, not hydrosalpinx, and feels confident with moving on to IVF with your tubes current condition, I say go for it.

    Are you OOP, are you doing a shared risk program? At this point I would also be looking into options if you end up with failed cycles and it turns out that you did have fluid on your tubes. IVF is alot of money!!

    I seriously hope that your tubes wont give you problems and that IVF will be successful for you!! :)
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  • pblgepblge member
    Like @Sha259, I would worry about the potential hydrosalpinx. If your RE is right, then you're golden to go ahead. If there is a possibility of hydrosalpinx, then IVF might not work. I think weighing your options, and possibly a second opinion might be worthwhile, depending on what and how much you have to pay for. IFinTN is on a Bump break, but she had a possible hydrosalpinx, then a doctor said she was fine, then a better doctor said she needed them out.

    I hope it really is as good as it sounds, but IVF is a lot to go through if there's something fundamental that would prevent it from working!
    **********************siggy/ticker warning**********************

    ***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. :'(  Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen.  => M/C @ 8 wks. :'( Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! :) Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
  • Well I guess the main difference between what he's saying now and what he said before is that the reasons hydros are dangerous is solely because they back up fluid into the uterus... He doesn't believe in this case that it will do that because it's not completely blocked and it does go through, just slowly.

    He said if I were going to wait a few months for IVF then he'd recommend another HSG first to see how it is.

    I guess my thought is to do IVF, after $1000 more we just have to pay 20% and if it doesn't work then reevaluate then?

    Me: 32  DH: 33  Married: March 2004

    July 2006: started TTC
    2008: HSG (normal), couple rounds of clomid through gyno
    2008 - 2010: dragging my feet out of fear and procrastination
    October 2010: first consultation with RE, dx PCOS and fibroids (DH slightly low count/motility)
    Oct. 2010 - Dec. 2012:  In DENIAL! avoided the issue because I was scared of surgery
    January 2013: returned to RE, fibroids grew significantly
    February 2013: second HSG, fibroids pushed on tubes which blocked them somewhat
    March 2013: MRI to determine what type of surgery may be necessary

    July 29, 2013: fibroids (5) removed via robotic laparascopy
    August 2013 - Nov 2013 : benched due to recent surgery

    IUI #1, Dec. 24, 2013, BFN 
    IUI #2, Jan. 25, 2014, BFN
    IUI #3, Feb. 25, 2014  BFN
    IUI #4 canceled due to lack of response to letrozole
    IUI #4.1 April 28, 2014, BFN

    May 16, 2014: wtf consult, start prepping for IVF in June and add injects for one last IUI in the meantime
    IUI #5 started letrozole and bravelle but canceled after HSG led to new diagnosis

    May 21, 2014: third HSG, tubes blocked, one at the beginning, one hydrosalpinx??
    June 11, 2014: consult, approved to move on to IVF because the hydro is not completely blocked therefore allowing fluid to move through slowly rather than backwards
    IVF #1 August 8, 2014 - 3dt of 2 embryos, BFN
    September 17, 2014 - 4th HSG, the right tube is very patent (open!!) dye went straight through this time. Weird!
    October 2, 2014 - started metformin treatment
    November 14, 2014 - blood work, brought A1C down from 5.8 to 5.5

    November 26, 2014 - RE finally back from vaca and reviewed my chart, no more IVFs for rest of calendar year
    December 1, 2014 - Right after Thanksgiving, I called a new clinic and got in right away! Plan for IVF
    December 17, 2014 - ER! 29 retrieved (!!), 16 mature, all 16 fertilized (ICSI)

    IVF #2 December 20, 2014 - 3dt of 3 embryos, BFN

    We are done with treatment unsuccessfully. :(

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!

    image    image
  • I hope you don't mind if I answer. I have no experience with this, but I have always read stuff online about TTC even when I was not trying to get pregnant. I when it wasn't happening I started reading about every fertility problem under the sun. I have seen it being said that if you have hydro, its best to remove the tubes because the fluid inside the hydro can be toxic and it can leak out into your uterus which is harmful to little babies trying to implant. I'm not professional, I'm just throwing out what I have read in hopes that it is helpful to you.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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