Things are not good between DH and I. We are constantly fighting over every little thing. Some of the fighting is most certainly caused by me, I have a short fuse, I admit. But honestly I feel like DH is miserable and constantly picking at me. Nothing I do seems good enough. I can't care for our children the right way, I don't take care of our house the right way, I work too much, choose work over family, haven't made the right choice with my job, pushes me to have conflict with my boss (whom I consider a friend as well). I generally feel like he thinks I am terrible at life. When I talk to him about this he says I'm being dramatic and he's not picking on me.
I feel like part of this is because I returned to work early from my mat leave (could have taken a year but chose to return part time at the moment when DS2 was nearly 5 months old). But honestly, I'm not a SAHM and never would be. I had terrible ppd with DS1 that I left untreated. I felt like the ppd was due to the large change from working full time to not. The return to work has been a sanity saver and honestly is on my terms. I work when I want.
I just feel like according to him I never do anything right. Like I constantly disappoint him, like I'm not the person he hoped or wanted me to be (but to be fair I'm not anyone but who I've ever been).
I think he's also mad cause my mom, who watch DS1 for us when I returned to work said she can't handle watching both boys. Which to me is fair enough, if she says she can't handle it, that's fine I'll did someone else. But I feel like that has added and element of anger that flares up often.
I'm sorry for the ramblly vent. It's just been a rough day and I feel like a lot of things are coming to a head. Planning to return full time soon, DS1 and his apraxia diagnosis, finding a sitter and trying to balance
life and work. I kinda just wanna cry...
Re: Things are a little rough around my place (probably long)
Can you sit and say all this to him? Would counseling be an option?
I know I don't not feel nearly as ragey and dark as I did with DS1. I do feel like there is a large stress load at the moment.
I sometimes also feel like if things are done the way DH suggests they should be or wants, it results in a fight cause I haven't "done it right" in his books.
I definitely agree to demand counseling for both of you and go yourself if your H won't go. And talk to a counselor about "Is this normal? Is this healthy? How should I deal with these types of confrontations? What can I do if my H refuses counseling and won't change?"
I consider him a bully, I feel like he's trying to push everyone out of his life.