So... took Kai into school today for his kindergarten assessment... and while I am trying to fill out the questionnaire, Ezra is having a full on meltdown... Just bad. Even my phone didn't calm him down. And, of course, I am getting looks and whispers from the other parents in the room.
Its so damn frustrating... I KNOW its not Ezra's fault... I know this...
I wanted to shout "HE'S AUTISTIC!" But I just sucked it up and walked the hallways...
Ugh... just sucks.
Rylee - 3.28.08
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
Re: How do you handle the meltdowns?
I try to redirect and offer something, it depends on why he is melting down. Mostly I just need to wait it out and make sure he doesn't hurt himself in the process.
I agree with the exit strategy, I always have one. We push him to try new things and go new places, if it doesn't work one day, oh well we will try again another time. I also have my backpack of supplies (drinks, snacks, toys, ipad) with me any time we are going somewhere. My Dad is always available to watch him if I need to get something done and know he can't handle it. I also shop on Amazon so much I rarely need to go to a store.
It sucks, but I just focus on him, I really don't care what others have to say.
We do most of our shopping and errands while DS is at daycare. But if we don't have time, we take him shopping on the weekends.