
BF Check In

Mobile bumping so this will be short as will the next few weeks due to one of twins has 3 major surgeries coming up instead of just the one like we initially thought.

1. How old are your LOs:

2. Short term/ Long term goals:

3. Accomplishments / Struggles:

4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?:

5. Any questions this week?:

6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush?

Together 6 wonderful years.
TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
~DS1-Feb 2010~ 
~DS2&3- Nov 2013  {7 weeks early}~ TTC #4~

Re: BF Check In

  • 1. 6 months and 1 week

    2. Get past these surgeries/ 1 year +

    3. Had mastitis this week and it was the first complication I have ever had out of all my children's BF years. It was awful. Cayden won't nurse unless he can touch Colton. Ever since he had his first pre-op it's been a nightmare. He flips out when he isn't within arms reach. So back to full time tandem feeds.

    4. EBF

    5. No

    6. Ian Somerhalder

    Together 6 wonderful years.
    TTC #1 18 months 1 loss DX unexplained IF-- BFP July 2009-- ITS A BOY
    TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
    ~DS1-Feb 2010~ 
    ~DS2&3- Nov 2013  {7 weeks early}~ TTC #4~
  • 1. How old are your LOs:  They will be 3 weeks tomorrow

    2. Short term/ Long term goals: Short term - more nursing and less bottle feeding BM; long term - figure out this whole BF-ing twins thing

    3. Accomplishments / Struggles: Accomplishments - only one supplement bottle today; Struggles - trying to grow my supply since my girls are up to 3 - 3.5 ounces per feeding now...also hoping to feel more confident with nursing and lose the reliance on bottles for reassurance on how much they are eating.

    4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?: I want to EBF, but as of now I pump, nurse and supplement

    5. Any questions this week?: Suggestions on how I am going about this...should I just go cold turkey off the pumping and nurse more?  I worry my girls get super tired nursing and don't get enough to eat...thoughts?

    6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush?  Christian Bale...but after seeing American Hustle I am sort of over my crush.


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  • ceechieceechie member

    1. How old are your LOs: 11 mos

    2. Short term/ Long term goals: I really want to be done. I am tired of worrying about my water/food/ bra type...

    3. Accomplishments / Struggles: I cannot believe I made it this far with twins. I'm struggling with how to wean. It's just so easy to whip a boob out.

    4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?: ebf with a touch of formula/milk from dh

    5. Any questions this week?: any tips for me to shut it down? I feel lost...

    6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Ryan Gosling and I love the Property Brothers and the bath crasher guy on hgtv. I just hate their highlights... Is my age showing?!?

    @TheDairyQueenx3‌ i could never tandem bc my girls beat each other and then don't eat. Not good at sharing. I'm jealous yours like each other that much! I know it's kinda a headache, but it's sweet. Like twins who were born holding hands.... Hahaha
  • basil2basil2 member
    1. 8 days
    2. Short term goal SLEEP/ long term - 1 yr EBF (or more)
    3. Latch nipple soreness getting much better // hoping the nighttime cluster feeding will to
    4. EBF
    5. Will I always be this hungry?
  • 1. How old are your LOs: 6 months today!

    2. Short term/ Long term goals: short term was 6 months and we made it! Long term at least 12 months

    3. Accomplishments / Struggles: The boys are sleeping longer at night now (finally!!) so I wake up around 4 am so engorged!! It's painful! At least I can finally start a supply in my freezer! The boys are still great eaters but usually only eat for 5-10 mins!

    4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?: EBF

    5. Any questions this week?: No questions!

    6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush?
    I've always loved Josh Groban!! But mostly for his voice :)

    @basil2‌ I am hungry 24/7 and am often surprised at how much I can eat!! I usually think "I cant believe I ate all of that.." If only I was better at drinking more water :/

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  • 1. 7 weeks today

    2. 6 months/ 1 year (not sure I want to make it to this goal anymore but it was the original long term goal)

    3. We are exclusively breast feeding and my nipple soreness is almost non existent now / babies still never sleep longer than 3 hours at night and usually it's 2.5 hours between feedings. The sleep deprivation is really kicking in and I'd love to get even 3-4 hour stretches.

    4. EBF

    5. When did you start getting longer stretches of sleep? Did you have to sleep train to get there? DS is like clockwork with his waking to eat every 2.5 hours and I'm tired!

    6. I am one of those people who doesn't know the name of any celebrities so I have no idea. Lame I know!
  • SV917SV917 member
    edited May 2014
    1. How old are your LOs: 7 months 

     2. Short term/ Long term goals: 1 year

     3. Accomplishments / Struggles: this has been a hard week. Every once and a while, I have a bad day or two with pumping and I always think this is the end and freak out over having a low supply. So that happened last week. Yesterday my Medela Symphony stopped working. I rent from the local hospital and it was an ordeal to get a replacement. Last week's weight gain was good though.

     4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?: H - BF E - EP Plus solids now. 

     5. Any questions this week?: No 

    6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? With X-men being released this week, my love of James McAvoy is being renewed.
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  • ceechieceechie member
    @SV917‌ I love James McAvoy. I could watch Wanted over and over. He's so cute. And making it to 7 months is great- congrats!!!!
    @marie8elise‌ same with Josh Groben. He's sooo funny!!! I was sad when kelly didn't pick him as co anchor on kelly and Michael. She missed the boat. On engorgement- I'm the same now, girls are only doing about one night feeding and I wake up with rocks in my bra. It looks crazy.
  • twinmom1121twinmom1121 member
    edited May 2014
    @SmallCityLiving‌ My boys started STTN at 8 weeks which I thought was awesome! Except I would still naturally wake up every couple of hours to check on them. Around 3 months they started teething and the sleeping went out the window. Until about a week ago (they're 6 months) they would sleep for like 4 hrs when I first put them down and then up every 1-2 hours! I was more exhausted then than I was when they were newborns! I don't mean to say you will never get sleep again but you never know! Some babies are great sleepers and some aren't. We did start sleep training and CIO and we all sleep so much better now!! Good luck!

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  • Hi, this is my first BF check in!
    1. 19 days
    2. My goal is to provide as much breast milk as possible for as long as I can stand it
    3. I was never able to successfully BF DD and ended up EPing. I have had the same struggles this time, but now I have two newborns and a toddler. I got mastitis from the get go, have scabbed nipples that won't heal, struggle with latching (have seen 3 LCs and had their frenulums clipped), they always want a supplement shortly after we BF even though I have plenty of milk flowing, etc., etc., etc... Feeling very discouraged bc I really wanted this to work out and it's more work than I can keep up with between nursing, pumping, and bottle feeding. Leaning towards just pumping as long as I can stand it. I feel like my body hates BFing. :(
    4. BFing, pumping, formula in the evening (for my sanity)
    5. Has anyone had the above challenges and had things turn around? I'm just so frustrated. Every time I feel like things are getting better then we have a set back. All I do is feed babies. I can't even snuggle and enjoy them let alone entertain my toddler. Ugh.
    6. Jake gylenhal. Yumm... There are others but my brain is mush right now.
  • 1. How old are your LOs: 7 weeks today

    2. Short term/ Long term goals: my only goal is to continue to pump until I hate it and then I will stop.

    3. Accomplishments / Struggles: My breasts are always sore from pumping. I am addicted to ibuprofen.

    4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?: I pump -6 times a day and get from 20-30 ounces. The rest is supplemented with neosure formula. I occasionally nurse with a nipple sheild. The girls latches have really improved.

    5. Any questions this week?: nope. I just wish I could get over my guilt about doing only formula

    6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? I second who said Ian somerlander. I love the vampire diaries. I also like Adam Levine - minus his new blonde hair!

    Ella - 10/19/10
    Julia and Aubrey - 4/3/14

  • basil2basil2 member
    @SmallCityLiving‌ Night sleep is supposed to get more organized at 6 wks (plus corrected age) -with our singleton things got better on their own at that point (he did develop a reverse cycling pattern when I went back to work and we sleep trained much later) @everyone with sore nipples- I discovered gel pads this time- they helped immensely - worth a try if you haven't used them @whitehousem‌ - sorry you're having such a rough time - I wonder if the supplement could be part of the trouble? (Though obviously you know better how they're doing and if they need it.). Mine often feed repeatedly in the evening / first half night- I can never tell if it's supply or if it's just small stomachs that can't hold enough- while it's miserable to nurse over and over and over- I think it helps supply.
  • @TheDairyQueenx3‌ First--I will be thinking of you. I hope the surgeries are easy and the recoveries are quick. Please keep us updated. 1. How old are your LOs: 8 weeks--this is going by so fast! 2. Short term/ Long term goals: Short term--defeat thrush! Get off the nipple shields. Once thrush is gone, include 1 pumping session a day so that I have the flexibility of one bottle a day if I want it. Long term: A year 3. Accomplishments / Struggles: Tonight, Candler latched on without the shield before I was ready for him! Then Quintin did too! By the end, they were popping on and off to comfort feed and not latching well. I put the shields back on so they could comfort nurse more easily to help them get to sleep. I was excited though! I have really tried to be relaxed about getting rid of the shields lately, and it looks like that strategy is a good one! 4. EBF, EPing, Supplementing?: EBF 5. Any questions this week?: Not really--we are having a good week! 6. GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Johnny Depp

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