Any cute stories?
Anything new they are doing?
DS is starting to point and say "Dat." He waits till I tell him what it cute but he does it all.the.time.
DD still calls me mommy pig (Thanks Peppa). The other day she yelled "Mommy pig loves ice cream." Thanks kid, I'm sure the whole store needed to hear that.
Re: Lets talk about our kids
Ds just started calling me mommy instead of mama and it is adorable. He also "sings" the abcs, and the best part is at the end when he sings "!!!"
Currently, he is fighting his nap like its WW3 by walking around in his crib, yelling at the top of his lungs. Not so cute.
Oops. There was a woman who looked at us like we were crazy, but then I felt less bad about her judging me because while she was looking at us funny, her kid was destroying the next aisle over.
He hits himself in the head, fake falls, and pours water over his head and DD laughs hysterically.
But she just started laughing so the noise of her own laughter scares her and she starts to cry, until he hits himself again.
DS2 is walking like crazy and starting to make noises that I swear are words. He loves climbing to the top of whatever looks most dangerous in the room and then laughing at me.
Found out at the ultrasound today that we've got two more little boys on the way so I guess I'll get my fill of baby boy again in October when they arrive. Can't wait to see them.
ETA-Sorry about the giant pic!
He also just started talking about "favorites". The cat is his favorite cat, daddy is his favorite daddy, he has a favorite chair, favorite bunny, favorite chick.
He calls pineapple "Apple pie". So random.
I'm starting to talk like him, though. I need to get out more.
At least he's polite when he's throwing a tantrum.
O has started picking up on things people say often and repeating them so the last couple days has been a lot of "Are you suuuuure?? I don't thiiiiiiink so!" in a teasing voice. Plus she seems to have potty trained herself in the last week.
My 20 month old rode in a car cart for the first time by herself today. She loved it yelling choo choo the whole time. Luckily I can't be judged at my store because all carts have a seat for 2.
DS is chatting up a storm and likes to tell me all about his day or a TV shoe he watched etc. Even better is his speech is improving so now I can understand 90% of what he says!
DD is trying desperately to sit up but mostly only gets to the point where she is doing ab crunches. She is also laughing at everything. It is impoossible to not smile when she smiles
Our dog has been an asshole the past couple weeks and destroying/eating stuff while we are out, so now when we come home DS looks at her 1st thing and says "Cassie, have you been a good dog today?"
Ahhh my offspring.
DS2 is such a boy. He was sitting on the bed with me the other day and says "did you just hear me fart?" Um, no dude, but thanks for sharing. He also held his sippy up to his chest, at dinner the other night, and said "I'm getting milk for baby sister!"
DD is just starting to call me mommy and H daddy (she's in speech 2x a week for delays). Also, she recently started saying her own name-- she calls herself "oh-see" (Josie). It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
Also, she makes this face a lot.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12