Cloth Diapering

Going on Vacation while cloth diapering?

I searched for the answer for awhile and I didn't find one.

What do you do with a poopy diaper? would you add a one of those flushable liners (because you wouldn't have a diaper sprayer) for easy cleaning and flush the poop down the toilet. Then when you "clean" the diaper put it in a wet bag. But then there comes the part where you would have to clean the diaper(s) that are dirty. I don't know if asking a family member to wash diapers in their washing machine is such a nice thing to ask of right?

Maybe I am over thinking this too much :( Is it easier if going away to just use disposables? This cloth diaper thing is all new for me I want to be doing when baby arrives though. I have gone to and met with people who do cloth diaper and they went through the various diapers that are available. But I didn't really think about this question until much later after that meeting.

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Re: Going on Vacation while cloth diapering?

  • tjkdlhbtjkdlhb member
    One thing to consider is how often trash goes out as well!  At our house, we can put our trash out anytime, because we have an outside bin.  We went on vacation last summer, and we were only allowed to put trash out every 2 weeks.  It was super hot out, and even though I brought disposables, it was so much easier to wash the prefolds/covers than it was to have poopy diapers sitting around for two weeks in the heat!

    Usually we use flushable liners when traveling, and none of the family members we have visited have been bothered by us washing diapers in their machines.  We did ask them if it was an issue.  You would also need to check to see if they are on septic or not.  The liners are not recommended for septic, but you could do the dunk and swish in the toilet.  I'm tempted to order a couple of packs of flats for easy washing this summer.


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  • I wouldn't even dream that I would have to ask to put diapers in the wash. Do people think we wash our clothes in a poo filled wash machine at home? But aside from that I am thinking about using cloth on our next trip. The first trip we used sposies and blew out all the time. I would probably take liners if he is on solids. Otherwise I would dunk and swish or just take them out to the garden hose and spray. Of course our parents, where we stay, live in the country and there is already dog poo in the yard so NBD.
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  • jcwinsto said:
    I wouldn't even dream that I would have to ask to put diapers in the wash. Do people think we wash our clothes in a poo filled wash machine at home? But aside from that I am thinking about using cloth on our next trip. The first trip we used sposies and blew out all the time. I would probably take liners if he is on solids. Otherwise I would dunk and swish or just take them out to the garden hose and spray. Of course our parents, where we stay, live in the country and there is already dog poo in the yard so NBD.
    People are naive about the process. My co-worker told us that her sister in law is going to do cloth diapering. Then everyone was immediately saying it was gross including myself. Then I went home and researched it because I was curious and I realized oh its not that bad. I thought to myself that I could do this no problem while saving money ect...on diapers and it also reduces the amount of garage we would put out too. I don't want to imagine having disposables laying around for 2 weeks before they are picked up..then you have the threat of raccoons going though the trash...

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  • Sgriff1Sgriff1 member
    It really depends on where you're going, how old LO is and how long you will be gone IMO. We stayed in a hotel recently and washing diapers was not an option. Liners wouldn't work on EBF poo as it's pure liquid and goes everywhere. We used disposables that trip and ended up with horrible diaper rash and blow outs everytime she pooped, so I would almost rather bring flats/covers and hand wash if I had to instead of dealing with that again! I've decided any visits with family members I will be using cloth. They will just have to learn that poop washes out! My LOs butt is more important than any cloth diaper misconceptions they may have. I wouldn't start worrying about it until the time comes though.


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  • We are currently on a 10-day trip, the first 3 nights we don't have washing machine access so I am Handwashing flats and pockets in the sink and using a disposable overnight, since our ON fitteds are a bit more work to get clean. For the rest of the week we will have w/d so it will be just like when. Are at home. When we visit family, we use their washing machines. I think it's a courtesy to ask. No one has ever said no.
  • Before we had kids my SIL washed some cloth diapers in our washer during a visit. I didn't think anything of it.

    That said, when we go on vacation we have always just used disposables.  IMO, that's what disposables are for!  Much less of a hassle. 


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    son#3 born 7/2014

  • We've only ever gone places w/o access to a w/d. That combined with DH being very against CDs while traveling has meant we always use sposies on trips. That being said, we're planning a trip to visit our families this fall. We'll have access to a w/d, so we're compromising by using sposies for all travel days (plane and car), and using CDs while we're at each location. My sister uses cloth, so I'm planning on just adding our dirties to hers. We'll be renting an apt when we're with dh's family, so that will be easy too.
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  • If you still wanna cloth diaper, you could try a flip or grovia dispoable insert. They are mainly wood pulp and paper with a fraction of the chemicals pampers or whatever other disposables would have. That way you're still being eco friendly but don't have to feel weird about washing diapers in a family members machine. 
  • Thank you everyone!! :)

    I suppose I will see when the times comes right? Sometimes I worry about asking if I can use someone washing machine. maybe that is what it is.
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  • Last summer when we visited my aunt for the weekend and ds had a very nasty ebf poop diaper, my aunt was extremely relieved to find out that she didn't have to worry about finding out how to dispose of that diaper, or any other diapers since she lives in a convent. Since we were only gone two nights, I just washed when we returned home.

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