Baby Names

Is the meaning of a name important to you?

edited May 2014 in Baby Names
I wanted to get some opinions on whether or not the meaning changes your feelings about the name. I was really considering Delilah, but then read that it means "delicate, weak, languishing" in Hebrew.

Is the meaning of a name important to you? 177 votes

Yes! Meaning is everything.
27% 49 votes
No way! If I like the name, who cares about the meaning.
48% 85 votes
SS-comment below!
24% 43 votes

Re: Is the meaning of a name important to you?

  • Meaning is everything might be overstating a bit, but it's important to me.  The meaning helped me settle on DD1's name.  I've refused to consider some because I didn't like the meaning or felt it would never apply to my child.
  • I rarely consider it, but there are a few that I learn over time that sort of spoil a name for me. IIRC, Claudia is one of those. 
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  • MauiBliss said:

    It totally depends. I may look at meaning and consider it but not always. Nothing is that black and white to me. SS, I guess.

    That's true as well. I had read in another thread that Kennedy means misshapen head, and I was wondering what would be something you just couldn't get behind. I guess for me it would be weakness, because now I don't think I could do Delilah.
  • Meaning is everything might be overstating a bit, but it's important to me.  The meaning helped me settle on DD1's name.  I've refused to consider some because I didn't like the meaning or felt it would never apply to my child.

    Yes, it's an overstatement. Haha I know there's always a gray area, but I don't know maybe meanings do mean everything to some people.
  • I do not care much about the etymology of a name. But I do care about its associations and its plain-language meaning. With Delilah, I'd be more concerned with the Biblical character than the Hebrew root words.
  • I look at several things when picking a name. Of course I want to like how it sounds. I also factor in the meaning of the name, as well a the personal meaning to me, ex. Family name or some other special consideration. Honestly, when/if my children ask me when they are older why I picked the name I did I want to be able to tell them the special reasoning I had and not just because I liked the way one sounded that I found in a baby names book. So I guess to answer your question both are very important. Maybe I just take naming more serious than the general population?
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  • I have vivid memories of being in 5th grade looking up the meaning of our names in class. The meaning of my name is "Strong" and I have always identified as such after a rather chaotic childhood. The meaning of my own name has been defining in my life, so I say meaning is everything personally. However, if my name meant something like beauty or flower, etc... it wouldn't hold the same weight.

    Like anything else, it's different for everyone.
  • edited May 2014
    plunderb said: I do not care much about the etymology of a name. But I do care about its associations and its plain-language meaning. With Delilah, I'd be more concerned with the Biblical character than the Hebrew root words.

    ******WEIRD QUOTE FAIL********
    Ahhh I didn't think about that, I am not well versed in her story from the Bible.
    :runs off to google:
  • I take it into consideration, yes, but wouldn't rule out a name I loved because of a not so great meaning.



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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • Delilah was the temptress and ultimate downfall of Samson.

    It's a beautiful name, but as someone with a religious affiliation... I would side-eye it.

    Sorry. :/
  • SS- I look at it and if it is something terrible, I wouldn't use it, but otherwise, the meaning doesn't necessarily make or break the name for me.
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • SkeemerSkeemer member
    Meaning isn't necessarily everything but it is a huge factor in us naming our children.



  • Meaning is important to us, but not a deal breaker in the future if our phantom second child's name isn't quite as deep as Gabriel.


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  • Jags8Jags8 member
    As long as the name doesn't mean something awful, I'm fine with it.
  • SS. A nice meaning may give a name a slight edge over another if I really feel a connection but it won't make me cross off a name I love because the meaning sucks.
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  • mc0113mc0113 member
    The meaning isn't the first thing we check, but I would have a hard time using a name with a bad meaning. 
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  • mm529mm529 member
    Meaning does contribute to how a feel about a name, but its only a deal breaker if DH and I think it would be awful for the kid. Example, I like the name Vaughn but will never use it since it means small/little and DH has a problem with labeling a boy as *small* (insert eye roll at DH).
    Together since Nov 2006. Married since May 2011. 
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  • capuletcapulet member
    plunderb said:
    I do not care much about the etymology of a name. But I do care about its associations and its plain-language meaning. With Delilah, I'd be more concerned with the Biblical character than the Hebrew root words.
    This, exactly.  The etymological meanings of our kids' names are neutral and pretty boring, but the associations are super important to us, and the reason we used them.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • bromios said:

    Meaning is a perk, and could potentially be a deal breaker if it was something truly terrible (although it would have to be TRULY terrible, like "torturer of kittens," if I loved the name otherwise). DW was obsessed with the fact that Aurora means "dawn," though. 

    Emmett Rhys~born on October 26, 2012.
  • SS-to a degree. Do I care if we pick Linus for our son and he's not "flaxen" as the meaning would suggest? No. Would I care if I thought a name like "Brylwyxleanna" was awesome and it turned out to mean "ignorant ass fungus"? Yeah - then I would care




  • capuletcapulet member
    Joy2611 said:
    capulet said:
    This, exactly.  The etymological meanings of our kids' names are neutral and pretty boring, but the associations are super important to us, and the reason we used them.
    Your daughter is just stunning, @capulet.  I hope that's not weird to say.
    @Joy2611 Thank you!  And no, it's not weird coming from someone I know has good taste.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • Joy2611 said:
    capulet said:
    This, exactly.  The etymological meanings of our kids' names are neutral and pretty boring, but the associations are super important to us, and the reason we used them.
    Your daughter is just stunning, @capulet.  I hope that's not weird to say.
    I was actually just thinking the same.
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  • I rarely consider it, but there are a few that I learn over time that sort of spoil a name for me. IIRC, Claudia is one of those. 

    This. Mallory is out for me too :(




  • I only look into the meaning of a name once I've firmly decided if I like it or not.  More out of curiosity than anything.  I've never come across a meaning that has turned me off a name, but I suppose I would hesitate if I found out it meant "he who kills dogs" or something awful like that.

    Oscar born October 2011

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  • If I like a name, I look at the meaning and as long as it's not something overly strange or bad, then I'm cool with it, but if it's terrible, then I would reconsider using the name (like Mallory meaning "unfortunate"). Also, if it has a really cool meaning like "blessed" or "protector" or something like that, it could make me like that name even more/put it higher on my list.

    And cultural reference can play a similar role too (as in the case of the biblical Delilah)
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  • amy006amy006 member
    Joy2611 said:

    Meaning is everything?  No.  But, I won't give my kid a name that means something negative.  I love the name Mallory but could never do it.

    This. I also loved Mallory but the meaning is so unfortunate.

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  • Meanings are important to me. Delilah is an awesome name, but she wasn't that great of a character in the Bible. However, I have a Christian friend who does have a daughter with this name, so maybe everyone doesn't really think much about that and just likes the sound of the name.
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  • Meaning is a big factor for me. I could never use Kennedy, Cameron, Mallory, or Claudia. Unfortunately, I like Claudia otherwise.

    The name we choose doesn't have to be mind-blowing or anything, but I don't want something negative. A lot of names have meanings I consider neutral, and those are generally fine with me. 

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  • Negative meanings influence me more than positive. 

    C+C born June 2011

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  • We chose my daughter's middle name in a rush because she had to be delivered way early. After the ink was dry on the birth certificate, I looked up her mn and it is commonly believed that it comes from the same root, therefore has the same meaning as her first, which kind of bothers me. All this to say: meaning isn't everything, but it can be a factor.
  • macchiattomacchiatto member
    edited May 2014
    Yes, very important. I definitely want a name that is meaningful and not just one that "sounds good."
    If a name's meaning isn't all that exciting but it has another positive association (i.e. named after someone worth being named after :) ), that works for me, too.
    If a name has a negative meaning (or a really negative association, i.e. Benedict, Judas, Delilah ...) I wouldn't use it. I think it would suck to look up your name's meaning and find out it's bad. I think Delilah and Sapphira are both gorgeous names but b/c the Bible characters they come from are not exactly the greatest people, I would never use them.
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