Potty Training

Out and about??

So my daughter will be 3 in July. She has finally consistently going to the bathroom on her our. I'm not sure how to handle going out and about.
I run an in home daycare so potty training at home has been fine. She still has accidents every now and then because of playing or jealousy as I do care for other kids. I have still been putting her in a pull up when we go out (shopping, grocery store). I want her to be in undies as I think when in the pull up she thinks it is ok to just go in it. I have her pee before we leave and ask her a few times when we are out if she has to go. But I'm afraid of accidents in the car, when we are driving, or my biggest fear is peeing in the store. Any advice tips to handle this next step?? Has gone on my trips where she is dry the whole time out.


Re: Out and about??

  • Honestly I think you just need to let go and put faith in her.  When we PT my kids we would put a few prefolds down inside the car seat just in case but honestly with 3 kids I only had 1 pee accident in the car (I did exactly what you do- have them go before we leave).  And although it was a bummer and we had to drive home in wet pants, I just took off the car seat cover and washed it.  IF she does have an accident in a store, I HIGHLY doubt she'd be the ONLY child to ever have an accident in a store.  Pack an extra pair of underwear and go to a consignment shop and buy a pair of spare pants that you always keep in your purse.  You said she has gone on trips where she is dry the whole time out- so just trust in her!  She's got this Momma!
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