
Saturday SPAM

Since I don't see it yet....

What are y'all up to today?  We're having the type of gorgeous weather that can only come after a really nasty storm (which we had overnight)  Hoping to take the kiddos to the park at the beach after morning naps, and then we have a BBQ this evening with friends. That's the fun part! :-)  While they nap I have to work my butt off on the cleaning though since the house is getting shown all week, that will be less fun...


Re: Saturday SPAM

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    It mother effing snowed.  DS went to bed 2 hours early last night which means he was up 2 hours early today.  DH doesn't work today because of the snow, so I was hoping for some snuggle time :(   

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    My two Angel Babies

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    @Jennicillin‌ I got the invite last Thursday or Friday for this Sunday.


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    Good morning ladies...

    Ds and I are up. He's having his sippy cup and breakfast will be shortly. I'm having coffee and trying to get motivated. I have to work today until probably 4-5pm then I really need to get to the grocery store.

    Tomorrow I'll be OOT pretty much all day for my soon to be SILs bridal shower. So needless to say, MH is on kid duty all weekend. Hopefully he can keep himself an DS in one piece.
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    Hi. My parents are coming today because they were sick last weekend and missed Easter. We will hang and get lunch somewhere.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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    Going for a run this morning, then need to do laundry and pack. Tomorrow I'm leaving for a work conference. Four days in Las Vegas...with a bunch of human resources people. Should be cuhraaaaazy!

    I will be snuggling all the snuggles with DD today because I've never been away from her for that long.

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    Yay for good numbers & yay for a mommy break!
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    That's awesome, @Starearedkid‌! I'm so glad Reese is doing well and hope you enjoy your alone time.

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    Yay for good numbers @Starearedkid‌


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    @MrsBadKat‌ how did the hair turn out for the weddi....I mean graduation party??
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    Had my HSG done yesterday so I'm taking advantage of my feeling like crap and sitting on my ass all day watching GOT finally. I'll probably throw some creepin' time on Parenting because you never fail to entertain and enlighten this TTGP'er.
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    @jrcalhoun‌, I hope you feel better! The HSG is not fun.

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    I just had a customer snark at me for NIP in babies r us, and say she's going to find a manager.

    I'm grumpy. It'd kind of make my day if the manager said something.

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    Well that was short lived.

    DH took Reese out to breakfast, which was fine. They looked at fish at the pet store. And then went to Target. After about 10 minutes of being in Target Reese announced at the top of her lungs---"I WANT TO GO HOME!" DH was mortified, he said it sounded like she was being abducted. Needless to say, he brought her home and went back out to finish the rest of his errands. 
    My daughter is my hero.
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    Good morning! I have home depot and costco in my future and maaaaybe a toddler birthday party if Z's naps line up right. 
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    I think she said to call the cops if she hadn't posted by noon, right?
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    Hello everyone ...if it's not raining later, hopefully we will make a trip to Knotts Berry Farm to take an old timey family photo... It's our tradition to do it around our anniversary every year since we got married Were a tad late this year, anniversary was on 4/13 ... But at least it's still April. DS also needs a haircut Right now we're lounging in the living room watching Mickey
    What a great tradition! I went to Knott's Berry Farm only once (even though my family took yearly trips to SoCal for Disneyland) & it was so much fun! Do they still have some type of parachute ride, that drops you???
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    Hello everyone ...if it's not raining later, hopefully we will make a trip to Knotts Berry Farm to take an old timey family photo... It's our tradition to do it around our anniversary every year since we got married

    Were a tad late this year, anniversary was on 4/13 ... But at least it's still April.

    DS also needs a haircut

    Right now we're lounging in the living room watching Mickey

    What a great tradition! I went to Knott's Berry Farm only once (even though my family took yearly trips to SoCal for Disneyland) & it was so much fun! Do they still have some type of parachute ride, that drops you???

    ((I think I'm stuck in your box, stupid mobile))

    I don't think it's active anymore, at least I haven't seen it

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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    I was helping DS with his shoes outside the bounce house at a family event at the local YMCA when a basketball came flying at us. I didn't even notice until another mom jumped in front of me... It was going to hit dd in the ergo.

    It hit her so hard she made a funny noise and it left this huge red mark.

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    Well.... survived Walmart on a Saturday!

    Kids are napping, I really really really should clean.  I could seriously get a lot done in the next 2 hours. I just don't wanna.....

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    LO is still at grandmas. I'm going to braid SOs hair because he has two interviews Monday. I hope I can do it well.

    Harry Styles = Life Ruiner


    There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
    Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
    Without you I'll never make it out alive
    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
    J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing 
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