Cloth Diapering

washer/ dryer question

So I doubt it had any impact on my Omni delaminating, but I have decided I am not using my washer or dryer for anything except towels and sheets until I get them replaced. My washer is putting holes in my clothes and then the clothes get caught between the moving and non moving parts of my dryer and get almost like burn mark stains in them.  Hand washing challenge is at a good time.......

So, any recommendations for washers and dryers?  Any models that are to be avoided at all costs?  Features that are not worth having?  Features that are worth paying extra for if deciding between 2 models?

Not sure yet if the budget will permit buying new ones or if we will have to get used ones.

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Re: washer/ dryer question

  • FL or TL preference?  I have FL LG washer and dryer.  I like my washer because I can set it to do a prewash, wash, extra rinse for diapers all at once and I don't have to go back to set it for something else.  It also has a plus water setting but I don't have to use that with diapers.  I use it with jeans, towels, comforters, etc.  It also has 5 soil settings from light to heavy soil.  I like my dryer because it has an air dry setting plus 5 heat settings from ultra low to high.  I usually do a combination of Air Dry and Ultra Low for diapers.  The Ultra Low isn't any warmer than a warm summer day on the line would be.  It provides just enough heat to help evaporate the moisture.  The only thing I wish I had was a steam setting on my dryer for things other than diapers.
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  • I love my HE FL. I have a Kenmore Elite and it's wonderful. It even has a preset wash cycle that is perfect for CDs. It's worked great for us.
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  • I have the HE FL whirlpool duet with the matching dryer. Love! Like PPs have said, it's so easy to wash diapers when you can preset the whole cycle.
  • I also love being able to delay when I want the load of laundry to start cleaning. So I can throw a load in at night and have it wash in the AM before my alarm goes off. Then I just throw it in the dryer, get ready for the day, and the laundry is all done!
  • I know you said you want new machines, but you could consider repairing what ya got--the old ones are usually build better that the new ones! I had a similar issue with a dryer and was able to replace the belt and roller wheels for something like 13 bucks. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I just started taking it apart and it ended up being really simple! Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. Good luck with whatever you do!
  • No preference on TL vs FL.....or on new vs used. Dh bought current washer/dryer used and old, about 4 or 5 years ago with the hope they'd last a single male 3ish years......then he acquired a family. :D I love line drying which is why I'm glad we made it to spring before the washer/dryer issues got too bad...and why dh and I are taking the time to research/search for replacements. I figure worse case scenario is that I have to hand wash all my good clothes for a little bit. Though, it would be a good time to see if blue dawn works to remove grease spots from shirts. =))

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
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