I was a regular when I was pregnant with my first, but disappeared after he was born. I'm expecting number two, so I'm back! Because I'm freaking out a little and I need the BUMP to save me. Just wanted to say Hi to some of the regs I recognized from 18ish months ago - CredCat, MandJS, I'm looking at you! I'm sure there are others! How is everyone? How are your little ones?
First Child born
5/5/14 and 6/5/14
Twins born into Heaven
BFP - 4/6/14, due date 12/8/14. First twin M/C at home - 5/5/14, Second twin D&C - 6/5/14
Chemical Pregnancy
Second after severe bleeding for 18 weeks due to subchorionic hematoma
Expecting Number 3 due 10/31/2020
Re: I'm BAAACK!!
I have been gone for a long time too. I'm expecting number 3 and ITS A BOY!!! Im due June 2, which is not that far away! I can't wait I'm so excited! Every time I see my doctor he tells me, "ur at 4 and when ur contractions are hard and every 10 mins come in and we're going to have a baby." I do and they send me home. 2x already this has happened. I was getting very frustrated. So now I'm not going until my water break. Other than that I'm doing good.
First Child born
5/5/14 and 6/5/14
Chemical Pregnancy
Second after severe bleeding for 18 weeks due to subchorionic hematoma
Expecting Number 3 due 10/31/2020
I thought I would stop by and see if this group became a ghost town. I joined a FB group for Nov '12 and to this day we're all quite close.
Good luck with your pregnancies and sending baby dust to those TTC.
Sorry for your loss.
I only see these old posts when I have to re-login.