November 2014 Moms

Team Pink or Blue or Green!


Re: Team Pink or Blue or Green!

  • I had my 12 weeks visit today, wasn't supposed to have an u/s but dr had trouble locating the hb on Doppler, so we took a look. Now I find out this will push my next u/s won't be until wk 20...gonna be a long wait I know team blue or pink. Still really excited to see baby today.
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  • Here is another vote for creating a new poll, but waiting until ~ 20 weeks. That way most everyone who wants to find out (if baby cooperates) will likely know what they are having instead of clicking for wishful thinking.

    Also, I think team green should really be explained to the newbs. It's clear that on the earlier pages of this thread a lot of people have no idea of what it really means. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFetus Ticker  
    Ashley, DH: Paul
    Angel Baby: March 09
    #1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
    #2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic image   Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Also, Dh thinks baby is a girl and I think boy. So it must be a dinosaur. Where the hell is my poll option?  ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFetus Ticker  
    Ashley, DH: Paul
    Angel Baby: March 09
    #1-BFP: 11.17.09~EDD: 7.21.10~Tristan born 7.13.10 via unnecessary c-sec
    #2-BFP: 3.17.14~EDD: 11.28.14~ It's A Girl!~Shooting for a VBAC
                        Image and video hosting by TinyPic image   Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • My DH is team blue, I'm team healthy. Until we know, the baby's name is Biscuit.
  • Team green EDD 11/29/14
  • As of right now we don't know what our little one is but I have an appt with my doctor on Tuesday and "hopefully" if little one cooperates with us we will be able to find out if baby is a "he" or "she"! Although everyone I talk to thinks I'm having a boy and I hope it's a boy as I already have a daughter, as does my boyfriend
  • Hoganmommy3Hoganmommy3 member
    edited May 2014
    I am tired of waiting already. Hoping for team blue so I can be done.
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