Babies: 3 - 6 Months

They HATE tummy time

Our twins are 8w corrected (almost 4 months actual) and every time we lay them on the floor they either scream bloody murder or they sleep. I've layed with them and talked to them and nothing helps. They like their bumbo and are pretty good at holding their head but they have no arm strength yet. They can't lift their chests. I'm not sure what to do.
1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
2nd FET 6/14/2013
- BPF!!! -
1st Beta:
1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
Second u/s
7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
Third u/s
9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

  photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!

Re: They HATE tummy time

  • Have you tried laying down on your back on the floor and putting on of them on your chest and see what they do ? That's considered tummy time too ! Or putting a mirror on the floor so they can see themselves, also you could try putting them on their tummy on your bed and kneeling near the edge so they can see your face, it's a little softer for them but some babies like that. Just keep trying things they will like it eventually :)
  • I just bought a mirror online today so I'm hoping that helps.  I have tried laying on my back and they're not a fan :)  Their legs are SO strong they can almost stand!! I just need to get their arms built up now!
    1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
    2nd FET 6/14/2013
    - BPF!!! -
    1st Beta:
    1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
    First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
    Second u/s
    7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
    Third u/s
    9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
    Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
    MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
    Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
    MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
    MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

      photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

    Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!
  • Loading the player...
  • I really wouldn't worry that much. Neither of my babies liked tummy time. At all. They both learned how to sit and crawl right on time.
  • Mine absolutely hated it until at 4.5months she started to roll over. I swear magic happened that day because since then she's been much better. She hasn't figured out how to roll back the other way so she gets frustrated about 15 min later but prior to that it would literally be just a few minutes a day on her tummy. Don't worry they'll figure it out :)
  • My twins are 15 weeks (11 adjusted) And they just started tolerating it a week ago. But still only for less than five minutes. I just keep trying and hoping eventually they will get it
    Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); 
    Started TTC 2009 with RE after 6 months.  
    Clomid + Trigger x2; 
    IUI + Femara x1,
    IUI + Follistim x2;
    IVF #1 (MDL) February 2013- BFN.
    IVF #2 (antagonist) May 2013, First BFP of my life. 
    Identical twin miracle BOYS (!!) headed our way- due date is technically 2/4/14 but c section is scheduled for 1/7! 

    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • Do you do any baby wearing? My son learned to push up on my chest to see what's going on around him. He also hated tummy time until he learned to roll.

    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • 1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
    2nd FET 6/14/2013
    - BPF!!! -
    1st Beta:
    1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
    First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
    Second u/s
    7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
    Third u/s
    9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
    Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
    MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
    Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
    MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
    MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

      photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

    Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!
  • 1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
    2nd FET 6/14/2013
    - BPF!!! -
    1st Beta:
    1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
    First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
    Second u/s
    7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
    Third u/s
    9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
    Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
    MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
    Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
    MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
    MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

      photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

    Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!
  • I found this link to be helpful as DD HATES tummy time:

    Also, for arm strength, I've been placing DD on her back and holding her hands so that she tries to lift herself up to a sitting position. We started doing this a lot right around 8 weeks and she's gotten really good at it. Now when she lays on her back, she's trying to do sit ups all the time, so its like mini crunches. 

    Also, she can tolerate tummy time a lot more if I place her on a wedge or boppy pillow. Good luck!
  • I agree with rolling up a blanket and placing it under their chest with their arms either over the roll or with arms bent and their hands on the roll. My LO hated tummy time , then one day decided she didn't mind it so much! They will get there!
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