Baby Names

Which middle name do you like best (girl)?

I've clearly got too much time on my hands, so am posting yet again to bounce around ideas and get opinions (previous responses have been so helpful!). Thank you for taking the time! I'm loving this board so much :)

For each name, which FN-MN combo do you like best? Any other suggestions that you think I ought  to consider?  Also, do you think with a name such as Audrey Juliette that you run a high risk of people automatically using a nickname like AJ? I would hate that. 

Olivia Grace, Olivia Shannon, Olivia Ruby, Olivia Rose or Olivia Juliette 

Audrey Juliette or Audrey Shannon 

Tessa Rosalie, Tessa Rose, Tessa Shannon, Tessa Katherine, Tessa Juliette

Side note that Shannon and Katherine are family names. 

Re: Which middle name do you like best (girl)?

  • Audrey Shannon
    Tessa Shannon
    Tessa Katherine

    I don't mind Tessa Rose but the first thing I thought of was the sister witch from Wicked.
    ~Married 12.09.12~
    ~NTNP #1 since 11.14 - Current Cycle: 2~

  • Olivia Grace
    Audrey Shannon
    Tessa Katherine

    I don't think anyone would call an Audrey Juliette and AJ unless they heard mom or dad use it. Most people aren't going to know/remember the middle name anyway. Of course, there is a chance that your future daughter might choose the nickname AJ for herself at some point.
    Mary Jane {12} Kaden {10} Eliza {4} Due Sept. '14

    CafeMom Tickers

    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
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  • Olivia Grace
  • I like Audrey Juliette as well. The nn thing is a toss up, my friends just had a baby which they named Alyson Josephine, and mother decided that everyone was going to call her Alyson only, no nn at all.....and then the father decided to call her Aly Jo as his daddy/daughter pet name and now it is what everyone calls her. Even the mother is on board now :) I guess with nn things you just have to wait and see.
  • Olivia Rose
    Audrey Shannon 
    Tessa Rose
    2 Beautiful Boys 11.7.03 & 4.23.13
  • Olivia is NMS but Olivia Juliet would be my pick of the Olivia options. Olivia Grace is way too popular for my taste
    What about Audrey Rose? I love the name Audrey but don't love it with Juliette or Shannon
    Tessa Katherine or Tessa Kate

    I prefer the Juliet spelling. The extra -te just seems too frilly to me.
    Thanks everyone for the help! Perhaps I will revisit the Juliet/Juliette spelling if we go that route (DH strongly preferred the latter, and I wasn't fussed one way or the other for a middle name). As for Audrey Rose, that is actually the name of a horror movie. I know it may not make others think of it, but DH does, otherwise I think it would be a beautiful combo. 

    Anyway, all of the help and opinions are so appreciated! Keep it coming :)
  • Olivia Rose

    Audrey ______ (if I were forced to pick a name to go with Audrey it would either be Elaine or Elizabeth)

    Tessa Katherine
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    VOTE on my Name List
  •  Olivia Rose
    Audrey Juliette
    Tessa Katherine
  • Olivia Ruby or Rose

    Audrey Juliette

    Tessa Rosalie or Katherine
    "Bedo" - Apr. 16, '13

    #2 - EDD Nov.
    15, '14
  • Olivia Rose

    Audrey Juliet (or Juliette - for middle name I don't think it matters)

    Tessa Rosalie

    Love all your FN choices though!
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