
Hi! *dork wave*

Chuckaluck315Chuckaluck315 member
edited April 2014 in Parenting
Hello - I've been a lurker but I just want to formally say hello and tell you how amazing you all are. I've been trying to find a place for myself here at The Bump for awhile and what can I say except you had me at "fuck" as a noun, verb and adjective.

I have three amazing kiddos DS1 - (14), DD1 - (6), and DS2 (11 weeks) - I have a great and supportive DH who I've been married to for 15+ years and I still really really like! Now I just want a place to bitch about these awesome folks!

I have previously been a SAHM but currently I work outside the home and DH just became a SAHD (I head back to work on Monday) so this will be an interesting transition. My hobby is our local Woman's Hockey League, there is nothing better than skating and drinking beer while chasing a small piece of rubber with a stick!

Edit - Words are hard

So Howdy, Hello and Happy to Meet you all I hope to talk more soon:)


Re: Hi! *dork wave*

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