
I think my Sil was talking shit about my LO **Update**

LaurelBeeLaurelBee member
edited April 2014 in Parenting
We went to my Sil's house to have an egg hunt and dye eggs with my nephews. As soon as we walked in, my nephew comes running to me and says "mommy says you're early. And mommy says Evelyn has..." Sil interrupted and told him to help with something. 2 seconds later he tries to tell me a again what his mom said, but she cut him off again. And like a typical 5yo, my nephew wasn't giving up, so he said "mommy says Evelyn has squished toes! And she..." My Sil interrupted him again and they had a private talk where I assume she told him to STFU.

Dd is 14.5mos old and not walking yet. She's small for her age and has been behind on a lot of the physical milestones. She wears an eye patch for an hour each day to help with her crossed eye, so she's obviously "different" than her 1yo who is huge and super active. It's not like I can confront her, bc "squished toes" isn't really talking smack. Except, Dd's toes are fine! I have no idea WTF that was all about. But my heart hurts knowing Sil was saying something about Dd (her God daughter) that she doesn't want me to know about... Ugh. No real point to this other than to complain.

Edited bc iPad ate my paragraphs Edit2: Update. I am the biggest piece of shit on planet Earth. Like, a total scumbag and I am ashamed of myself. So we met my ILs for brunch today and I found out what it was that my nephew was trying to tell me. After having fertility issues conceiving both their children, my Sil and Bil are surprised to be expecting their 3rd baby! My nephew was trying to tell me there is a baby in his mommy's belly, Sil wanted him to wait to tell us on Easter! And I automatically assume she's talking about my kiddo. WTF is wrong with me?! I'm so so ashamed. I still have no clue what squished toes meant, but it is probably just 5yo crazy talk and not malicious. I'm an awful human being.
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It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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Re: I think my Sil was talking shit about my LO **Update**

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    It would aggravate me as well if my SIL was running her mouth (and she absolutely would) but it's not worth worrying about. I agree with the pp, shame on her! But that's hilarious that her own kid dimed her out. Kids are awesome :)
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    @sarahl77 Thanks girl. Yeah, I mean if she had a legit concern, I would hope she'd be able to talk to me about it. I don't see how telling her 5yo things like that were helpful...

    @uconnhuskie007‌ Maybe. Her son actually had to wear braces on his legs bc he always walked on his toes bc his tendons were too tight. Maybe she was explaining things to him in that way?? But I honestly don't really get that vibe. That's not the 1st time I've heard negative things come out of her mouth about my kids :/
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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    I think her reaction was what tipped me off that her comments were negative. She had the grace to be embarrassed and exasperated that nephew wouldn't drop it. Yet, there was no explanation to follow. She just moved on like nothing out of the norm happened. It was so bizarre.

    Also, I was on time. Not early. Boom
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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    MaebbMaebb member
    Sorry - hopefully your nephew taught your SIL to not say things about people that you wouldn't say to their face. I'm sure your SIL feels embarrassed and shitty about it, as she should.
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    Awww. :( Sorry.
    But yeah, the rule has literally always been don't say anything in front of a talking kid that you wouldn't want everyone to know.... so that's her own fault, and she kinda got told by her own kiddo at least.

    Formerly known as KJLx121.
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    I'm so sorry you are feeling shitty; I probably would too.

    Devil's it possible that her DS noticed a difference between his sibling and your child (as kids often do) and interpreted it in his own words as "squished toes", and that maybe SIL was trying to shield you from his observance because she was afraid that his naive observations might hurt to hear (even if they weren't truly hurtful in nature?)
    This was my thought too. But you know her better than we do. I'm sorry. Your SILs all sound like peaches.

    Harry Styles = Life Ruiner


    There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
    Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
    Without you I'll never make it out alive
    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
    J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing 
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    Im sorry, that would definitely irk me too. Id she was really talking negatively about tour DD, then that's just plain shitty on her. But as others have mentioned, it could totally just be something harmless that your nephew came up with too.
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    I'm sorry:( For what it's worth, 14 months isn't late for walking. I hope your SIL feels like a total douche now.
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    Gah, I love you bitches. So hard
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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    :::sharpens prison shank:::
    :::cracks neck:::

    See you lovelies on the flip side, that fucking cunt is going DOWN. Evelyn is GORGEOUS. Charlie is a big strong boy and he didn't take a SINGLE STEP until after 15 months but when he did he took off. Fuck her. I'm having so many emotions about this.

    I hear ya, kid is 15 1/2 months and still will only walk while holding onto my fingers...and I am more than willing to admit that Id cut a bitch for talking smack about my kid, ever. So I totally get feeling defensive/emotional about your kid and milestones for sure.

    I try to always give the benefit of the doubt in situations like this, but honestly, if it were me, I'd probably be rip shit pissed too.
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    Sil is pretty obnoxious but don't fuck with my kids.
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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    Yeah but 9 out of 10 times kids usually are pretty(brutally) honest. He said enough to know the bitch was talking shit about an adorable little baby. Sounds like she's jealous and picking out imperfections.
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    fredalina said:

    I'm sorry she's so rude. I feel worst for your nephew because it sounds like she's teaching him how to think ugly thoughts about people instead of teaching an appreciation for diversity.

    Exactly this. Sorry @LaurelBee‌!




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    LaurelBee said:
    I really do want to give Sil the benefit of the doubt bc really-who says negative things about a sweet angel baby? But the more I stew about it, the more hurt I get. There is something really wrong there and I can't prove something happened, all I can do is follow my gut instincts. And my gut tells me she was making mean spirited comments about my Dd. It leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth. :( I talked to Dh about it last night. His response was "well, I wouldn't be surprised... We should have [nephew] over to spend the night so we can find out what she really thinks of us all" Ha!
    This terrifies me!  I talk shit about my SIL all the time and they had DD1 over for a sleep over recently... oops!


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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

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    MaebbMaebb member
    Congrats to your SIL, and I hope this pregnancy goes well for them.

    Don't feel too bad - at least you didn't make a big confrontation about it.
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    Could he have meant "stepped on her toes"?  Since she will no longer be the youngest anymore, the new baby is stepping on her toes?  Excited word scramble?

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