


Re: O.M.G.

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    @OCOTberMOM18: thanks so much for your concern of my children's education, but to ease your concerns, of the 2 in school DD1 is an almost straight A student (the almost coming from a lapse in turning in homework, probably not so much bc I smoke a little bit of weed when I was pregnant with her but more bc she's 12 & testing some limits, but I'm sure you'll disagree) & DD2 is only in kindergarten but has consistently received "a" marks (a=s "excels" in her school terms), so thanks, but we're good so far.

    Do you believe for one second that bc you never smoked pot your children will always get As?

    FYI so you can all add it to my terrible mothering: I eat deli sandwich meat, blue cheese & drink a cup of coffee every morning. & sometimes a coke in the afternoons. Oh, no fish or seafood tho, (ever, cause its just gross) so I guess I'm doing *something* right. Whew.
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    @OCOTberMOM18: thanks so much for your concern of my children's education, but to ease your concerns, of the 2 in school DD1 is an almost straight A student (the almost coming from a lapse in turning in homework, probably not so much bc I smoke a little bit of weed when I was pregnant with her but more bc she's 12 & testing some limits, but I'm sure you'll disagree) & DD2 is only in kindergarten but has consistently received "a" marks (a=s "excels" in her school terms), so thanks, but we're good so far. Do you believe for one second that bc you never smoked pot your children will always get As? FYI so you can all add it to my terrible mothering: I eat deli sandwich meat, blue cheese & drink a cup of coffee every morning. & sometimes a coke in the afternoons. Oh, no fish or seafood tho, (ever, cause its just gross) so I guess I'm doing *something* right. Whew.
    You smoked pot for fun while pregnant.   If that sentence doesn't strike you as fucked up...again I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
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    "OCTOberMOM18": I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies.
    So you don't think she's a liar for coming back to say she used it for migraines? What would you call it?

    Also @OCTOberMOM18‌: so for sure, when I am NOT pregnant, I enjoy smoking pot. But of that statement above I don't get where you come off calling me a liar. Migraines that I couldn't else control would be the "on occasion" I referenced. So WTF.

    Listen, I have no reason to lie about this to you all. I've been completely open & honest from the beginning (as stated above). I mean seriously, WHY would I lie to an Internet message board of people i'll never meet??
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    "OCTOberMOM18": I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies. So you don't think she's a liar for coming back to say she used it for migraines? What would you call it? Also @OCTOberMOM18‌: so for sure, when I am NOT pregnant, I enjoy smoking pot. But of that statement above I don't get where you come off calling me a liar. Migraines that I couldn't else control would be the "on occasion" I referenced. So WTF. Listen, I have no reason to lie about this to you all. I've been completely open & honest from the beginning (as stated above). I mean seriously, WHY would I lie to an Internet message board of people i'll never meet??

    smoking pot, for the same recreational relaxing use? Not getting all out stoned, but a couple hits here & there, or puffs from a pipe, whatever...? I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion


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    @OCTOberMOM18‌ I would give up now. OP isn't going to back down or change her viewpoints.
    I'm glad she got called out and I've said my piece so I'm going to take your advice. 
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    Nope, again, as I have already referenced once in this post & don't feel like re-typing, I'll just quote myself: "ready-or-not": In my OP, I asked for opinions on occassional recreational use, compared to the occassional glass of wine for recreational use....In my responses regarding my own personal use, however, I stated several times I didn't do it for recreational, I did it for migraine releif.

    I never EVER once said I did it for fun or recreation while pregnant, & I challenge you to find a post or response where I did before you ever call me out for it again.

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    And, @LovelyRitaMeterMaid & @missymo:

    Thank you. Although you may not support it or necessarily agree with it I appreaciate that you can get past it & not be as closed minded & judgmental as others.

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    missymo said:
    I think saying a good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant is horrible. When you feel awful, there sometimes comes a time when you will do anything to feel better...especially something that has not be shown to have harmful effects on a fetus. I'm not even sure if I think
    Wow.  I have no problem saying it.  A good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant.  Period.

    I hope on that soapbox of yours you were a perfect pregnant woman who was the ideal weight before conceiving, gained 20-30lbs, avoided all processed and fast foods, ate organic and avoided any sort of medication because they've even found there's risk with taking Tylenol. I think a lot of stuff that you probably did while pregnant that's just more socially acceptable has a greater potential to be harmful than a puff of marijuana or a small glass of wine.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    ^true story! All I wanted to do is vent about my pissy pre-teen, not start up the whole shit storm again. Although admittedly I should have kept my mouth shut when they started in, but that's never been my strong suite lol
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    She can be so cool one second & I feel like ok this isn't so bad, & then totally flip on me & out comes the attitude & eye rolls & then I'm like wtf I got 3 more of these things to go!! Lol
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    allrightmeowallrightmeow member
    edited April 2014
    I clearly remember getting my period and promptly hating and wanting to murder everyone.  My mother brought me Pamprine, which did nothing for the for the raging pain within my lady parts.  I came thiissss close to slapping the bottle out of her hand and telling her to go fuck herself but the pain stole my voice. 

    Give your DD Ibuprofen and like 22 years and she'll apologize for being an asshole.  I brought my mom a really nice pair of earrings to go with my sorry.  

    Sidenote:  How long is the dead horse that is the pot thread going to continue to be beaten?  Aren't your arms tired yet?  
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    Lol I hear you! Sometimes I think back to my adolescent self & cringe.

    When she is actually having her period she's really not to bad. It's the week or so leading up to it that she turns into a raging beast! & DH only had brothers & very limited access to such things so he is absolutely useless in dealing with her. He either turns into a raging beast back at her or is completely oblivious to the nonsense.

    It's won't be this way for long, it won't be this way for long, it won't be this way for long.......
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