

Ok Parenting parents, for one night only (maybe 2) I will trade you your up all night, no sleep for days, teething, ear infected, potty training, maybe even puking, toddler for 1 PMSing pre-teen!  Man alive I love that girl, but pregnancy hormones & 12 year old girl hormones DO NOT MIX.

Ohhhh dear God make me a bird!




Re: O.M.G.

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    preteens are kind of the worst.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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    Girl, what you said!!
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    Why don't you just smoke more pot? You have no problem doing that while pregnant.

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    ready-or-notready-or-not member
    edited April 2014

    Wouldn't that be an ideal solution!  But if you read my origianl post I clearly stated several times I don't do it for recreational or even often, or even at all now that the migraine phase has passed.  So do me a favor & shut it.  I don't wanna deal with my 12 year olds attitude today OR yours, thanks.


    Oh, but gold star for being the 1st one to bring it up.  AGAIN.

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    Are you that thick? Good mothers don't approve of pregnant women smoking pot while pregnant and that will never change, honey.

    You wrote:

    Ok so I freely admit I am just starting this discussion because I'm bored, but I was just reading thru the post & came across the wine one from a few days ago....So many of you are ok with 1-several glasses of wine per day/week, what are your feelings on smoking pot, for the same recreational relaxing use? Not getting all out stoned, but a couple hits here & there, or puffs from a pipe, whatever...?

    I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies & had beautiful healthy babies with no obvious side effects. I wouldn't judge you for your 1+ glasses of wine, on occassion...would you judge me?


    Now you are trying to say that it was not for recreational use. You are disgusting. 

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    Are you that thick? Good mothers don't approve of pregnant women smoking pot while pregnant and that will never change, honey.

    You wrote:

    Ok so I freely admit I am just starting this discussion because I'm bored, but I was just reading thru the post & came across the wine one from a few days ago....So many of you are ok with 1-several glasses of wine per day/week, what are your feelings on smoking pot, for the same recreational relaxing use? Not getting all out stoned, but a couple hits here & there, or puffs from a pipe, whatever...?

    I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies & had beautiful healthy babies with no obvious side effects. I wouldn't judge you for your 1+ glasses of wine, on occassion...would you judge me?


    Now you are trying to say that it was not for recreational use. You are disgusting. 

    In my question for the discussion I asked for opinions on occassional recreational use, compaired to the occassional glass of wine for recreational use.  In my responses regarding my own personal use, however, I stated several times I didn't do it for recreational, I did it for migraine releif.
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    Are you that thick? Good mothers don't approve of pregnant women smoking pot while pregnant and that will never change, honey.

    You wrote:

    Ok so I freely admit I am just starting this discussion because I'm bored, but I was just reading thru the post & came across the wine one from a few days ago....So many of you are ok with 1-several glasses of wine per day/week, what are your feelings on smoking pot, for the same recreational relaxing use? Not getting all out stoned, but a couple hits here & there, or puffs from a pipe, whatever...?

    I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies & had beautiful healthy babies with no obvious side effects. I wouldn't judge you for your 1+ glasses of wine, on occassion...would you judge me?


    Now you are trying to say that it was not for recreational use. You are disgusting. 

    In my question for the discussion I asked for opinions on occassional recreational use, compaired to the occassional glass of wine for recreational use.  In my responses regarding my own personal use, however, I stated several times I didn't do it for recreational, I did it for migraine releif.

    Backtracking is bumping 101. Classic changing your story because you did not get the desired response.

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    But seriously

    preteens & teens are the worst. GL

    I have a 14 yr old that rides my nerves daily!!!

    I picked up drinking lots of box wine!!!!!



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    LOL what response did you think I was looking for?  That one of you was going to actually trade me your toddler for my pre-teen?  I have my own toddler, thanks!  I was just venting.

    & before your further confused, I was never looking for your acceptance or approval.  Your not going to make me GBCB by stalking my post & rehashing old shit.  You can keep trying, if you want.  But promise, I just don't care about it as much as you apparently do.

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    LOL what response did you think I was looking for?  That one of you was going to actually trade me your toddler for my pre-teen?  I have my own toddler, thanks!  I was just venting.

    & before your further confused, I was never looking for your acceptance or approval.  Your not going to make me GBCB by stalking my post & rehashing old shit.  You can keep trying, if you want.  But promise, I just don't care about it as much as you apparently do.

    Um, no. I was talking about your pot post, the one you totally backtracked in.

    So awesome that you do not care that you smoke pot while pregnant. And do not flatter yourself, it is not hard to remember a mother that is proud of smoking pot while pregnant, no stalking required.

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    Do you see it guys?!?

    Funny Gifs



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    LaurelBee said:
    Dude, if you don't want it brought up, change your SN bc TB never forgets. Right @Packerfan79‌?

    Oh no, not GBCBing or changing my SN.  TB can kiss my rear, honestly.  I've been ready-or-not since 2005ish.  If they wanna keep bringing it up, let 'em.  Seriously, don't care. Engaging her on this post was stupidity on my part.  My nerves are super short today & got the best of me ;)
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    The website you stuck around on for nine years can kiss your rear? 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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    I don't stick around.  I come & go.  Before this it has probably been about 4-5 years since I even looked at this site.  But my brother is getting married in June & you had to RSVP on thenest, & since I was pregnant again I decided to come over to the bump after I RSVPed & I've been around again for the past few months.  I've been reading up on the nest boards too.  I'll dissapear again at some point, I am sure, & probably pop back up again sometime in the future.  The bump/nest is not my life, its my entertainment of the moment. 
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    Um, no. I was talking about your pot post, the one you totally backtracked in. So awesome that you do not care that you smoke pot while pregnant. And do not flatter yourself, it is not hard to remember a mother that is proud of smoking pot while pregnant, no stalking required.

     LOL dude, you didn't just remember me.  You went back & grabbed my post from 2 months again at lightening speed as soon as you saw I posted something. #stalker
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    Um, no. I was talking about your pot post, the one you totally backtracked in. So awesome that you do not care that you smoke pot while pregnant. And do not flatter yourself, it is not hard to remember a mother that is proud of smoking pot while pregnant, no stalking required.

     LOL dude, you didn't just remember me.  You went back & grabbed my post from 2 months again at lightening speed as soon as you saw I posted something. #stalker
    Well, dude, since you hashtagged it, I must be a stalker, lol. #idiot

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    Wait, were you last on 4-5 years ago, or 2 months?
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    So this is... Interesting...
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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    "lisajay09" Is this what I sound like when I'm having a moment?!???

    I apologize fully. So irritating.

    Lol your right. I was having a moment. I feel better now, & its dinner & movie night with the kids (even the pissy one!) & it's gonna be a good weekend.

    @Soxgirl07‌ - I've been on again for the past 2 months or so, & the last time I posted or lurked b4 that was probably about 4 years ago. That's a guess, btw, for anybody keeping count lol it's been a long time
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    Are you that thick? Good mothers don't approve of pregnant women smoking pot while pregnant and that will never change, honey.

    You wrote:

    Ok so I freely admit I am just starting this discussion because I'm bored, but I was just reading thru the post & came across the wine one from a few days ago....So many of you are ok with 1-several glasses of wine per day/week, what are your feelings on smoking pot, for the same recreational relaxing use? Not getting all out stoned, but a couple hits here & there, or puffs from a pipe, whatever...?

    I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies & had beautiful healthy babies with no obvious side effects. I wouldn't judge you for your 1+ glasses of wine, on occassion...would you judge me?


    Now you are trying to say that it was not for recreational use. You are disgusting. 

    In my question for the discussion I asked for opinions on occassional recreational use, compaired to the occassional glass of wine for recreational use.  In my responses regarding my own personal use, however, I stated several times I didn't do it for recreational, I did it for migraine releif.
    Backtracking is bumping 101. Classic changing your story because you did not get the desired response.

    Lurker here but I wanted to say good on you for calling the OP out on her pot use.  What a disgusting person to not only do it but then try to be all cutesy about it. 

    And I'm sorry OP but you can say you have beautiful healthy babies all you want but stop and think that maybe their potential could have been even higher had you not killed some of their brain cells by smoking pot.  Maybe it was only a few IQ points or getting B's instead of A's but you can't say for a fact it had no effect just because it wasn't a severe one.  What a selfish person you are.  

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    missymomissymo member
    edited April 2014
    I think saying a good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant is horrible. When you feel awful, there sometimes comes a time when you will do anything to feel better...especially something that has not be shown to have harmful effects on a fetus.

    I'm not even sure if I think pot should be a medical option for pregnant women, but I DO think it needs to be studied.


    C is 3 years old

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    I am sorry, but this is bullshit.  They have been studying pot use and pregnancy for decades.  And they STILL can't consistently say that it causes birth defects for a myriad of reasons.  Usually when there are events like that, the mother was using pot and other substances heavily.  There is very little known about isolated occasional pot use during pregnancy.  Even during our OB rotation in school, we had to go over each and every substance that could be used while a woman was pregnant.  The section on marijuana was one small paragraph that basically stated there is no solid evidence that it causes birth defects.

    And the OP has a valid point about alcohol use.  There is no KNOWN safe amount of alcohol to drink while you are pregnant.  Your OB can give a range that he or she thinks is safe based on what they have witnessed, but it isn't as though he has any idea if that amount is truly not harmful.  

    I think it is probably best to do NONE of those things while you are pregnant.  But I'm not going to sit here and pretend this person deserves flamed for smoking a joint once or twice while pregnant because that is ridiculous.  It's only happening because of your preconceived idea about marijuana use or because you're just a judgey ass.

    So drugs while pregnant = not flameworthy?  Got it. 

    Just because something hasn't yet been proven to cause issues doesn't make it safe either.  Any mother who rolls the dice deserves to be flamed.  It's 9 fucking months.  Have some self control. 

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    missymo said:
    I think saying a good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant is horrible. When you feel awful, there sometimes comes a time when you will do anything to feel better...especially something that has not be shown to have harmful effects on a fetus. I'm not even sure if I think
    Wow.  I have no problem saying it.  A good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant.  Period.
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    Are you that thick? Good mothers don't approve of pregnant women smoking pot while pregnant and that will never change, honey.

    This is the comment that I think is gross and untrue.

    C is 3 years old

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    missymo said:

    I think saying a good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant is horrible. When you feel awful, there sometimes comes a time when you will do anything to feel better...especially something that has not be shown to have harmful effects on a fetus. I'm not even sure if I think
    Wow.  I have no problem saying it.  A good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant.  Period.

    Let me guess, you think marijuana has no medical benefit, right? Do you so judge those who take zofran or other things to feel better while pregnant.

    I think there may be benefits. And I think it should be studied. Your ignorance is showing.

    C is 3 years old

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    missymo said:
    missymo said:
    I think saying a good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant is horrible. When you feel awful, there sometimes comes a time when you will do anything to feel better...especially something that has not be shown to have harmful effects on a fetus. I'm not even sure if I think
    Wow.  I have no problem saying it.  A good mother would never smoke pot while pregnant.  Period.
    Let me guess, you think marijuana has no medical benefit, right? Do you so judge those who take zofran or other things to feel better while pregnant. I think there may be benefits. And I think it should be studied. Your ignorance is showing.

    If you can't see the difference between an illegal drug used for recreation versus something doctor prescribed where risks and benefits were weighed and mother and baby were monitored, you are the ignorant one. And if you think she only used it for migraines after reading her post,you are foolish as well.

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    Yes bc clearly all pot users lie. I never said "drugs are okay". I am saying if you think 1-2 glasses of wine is any different than 1-2 joints as far as risks go, you are wrong.

    Read what she wrote:

    what are your feelings on smoking pot, for the same recreational relaxing use? Not getting all out stoned, but a couple hits here & there, or puffs from a pipe, whatever...? I'll be honest, I've done it, on occassion, with all of my pregnancies.

    So you don't think she's a liar for coming back to say she used it for migraines?  What would you call it? 

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    Yes bc clearly all pot users lie. I never said "drugs are okay". I am saying if you think 1-2 glasses of wine is any different than 1-2 joints as far as risks go, you are wrong.
    Also, don't presume to know what I think about wine during pregnancy or non-pregnant pot users because I've not spoken a word about either of those topics. 
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    When did I say she said heavy?  I think ANY use is risky.  Heavy or recreational, IDGAF.
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    missymo said:

    If you can't see the difference between an illegal drug used for recreation versus something doctor prescribed where risks and benefits were weighed and mother and baby were monitored, you are the ignorant one. And if you think she only used it for migraines after reading her post,you are foolish as well.

    Well, marijuana is not illegal everywhere.  It 
    shouldn't be illegal anywhere.

    Are you also one of those against caffeine and lunch meat while pregnant?  Seems like a shoe that would fit.  I mean, it's only 9 months!  I'm guessing you think pregnant women who have a glass of wine every now and then are pieces of shit as well. 

    I personally am not advocating getting high while pregnant purely for pleasure.  But it is ridiculous to say that someone who may have been prescribed marijuana before getting pregnant is a shit parent if they continue, while not tarring those that continue other pre-pregnancy prescriptions with the same brush.  

    With that, I'll bow out of this conversation.  You are offering no real insight, simply fear mongering based on zero facts.  Enjoy your island of ignorance! 
    I'm glad you are bowing out because I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
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