

Spill 'em!

Side note-I am never up this early so I decided it would be fun to post this!

Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12


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    I am having trouble letting go of the control for moving this weekend but I cannot lift anything and need to rest.

    I woke up at 3:30 and instead of forcing myself back to sleep I decided to get on the bump. I might regret this later.

    I am taking full advantage of DH taking care of me. These moments are dew and far between.

    Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
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    mbenit4 said:

    I read these post here and am so glad I did not breastfeed. Like estatic.

    Eh...I know I'm bitching, but I mostly like it tbh... But definitely not pumping. Except for the fact that it allows me to hide from people at work.
    I mostly like it too. I'm just not enjoying the dripping/sagging right now.

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    Formula is not poison.

    Napped too long = FWP

    Parenting is pure torture right now. DS is literally out of control. His tantrums are insane. We had to take his lamp out of his room because he thinks it's funny to knock it on the ground. He broke this basket we have in our living room yesterday. I can't fucking take it anymore. 

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
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    I get all the help from my parents with DD- sleepiness, daycare pick up, watching her at our house and doing chores while she's there. It's wonderful but I feel so guilty sometimes and really doubt if I could handle being a parent if it was just up to dh and I.
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    SLEEPOVERS. not sleepiness. Sorry can't type.
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    DD2 will be a year old at the end of the month and I am really sad to be done with babies forever.


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    I'm sitting in the waiting room for a breast ultrasound. It's routine-ish (doc felt cysts at my annual that are likely clogged milk ducts) but I have a nervous stomach and I'm hoping I don't have to poop, again.
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    Also, I have this overwhelming feeling of impending doom.  I am so worried that when I drop my kids off at school it will be the last time I see them.  Fucking school violence.


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    I halfass thought about buying a few HPTs and taking one before my my CT scan today just to be absolutely positive that I'm not pg before hopping into that damn machine.

    Aaaannnd....then I remembered that we haven't even had sex since my period earlier this cycle. So yeah... ::cue the embarrassed, blushing face here::
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    ::I haven't read anything in here yet, I just wanted to post mine before I forgot.::

    Backstory: I work in a small office full of different families. Basically, you have to be related to an employee or be a good friend to be hired. Therefore, my mom and I both work here.

    Yesterday before leaving work, I went to lock up my mom's office and I happened to look in the file cabinet drawer where we leave the checks before locking it. I saw that there was a check we had received from a customer with a note on it from the boss' wife to my mom. It said "R (the boss) told me to just leave this in here for you instead of having Kim do it."

    Knowing that the boss' wife doesn't like me, I went to the boss and said "I didn't know we had a check from this company, do you want me to deposit it before I leave?" He said he had no idea we had a check either. I told him there was a note from his wife saying that HE said to leave it for my mom. He looked at me, rolled his eyes, and said he never said that and told me to deposit it. I'm really hoping he bitched his wife out last night, because this kind of shit has been on going for a few weeks now.
    DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}
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    CTGirl30 said:

    Sometimes I get jealous of the people who have parents or inlaws to help with child care. I'd give a limb to have DD sleepover somewhere.




    OMG, you and me both, @Sharknado. This is like a totally foreign concept to me. We have had ONE night away as a couple since our firstborn arrived 3 years ago.  ILs lives across the country and my parents are not the kind of hands on grandparents who take the kids - at all. They will very rarely watch them at our place but for various reasons, we now rely on a babysitter for those needs instead.  I get so sad and jealous when I hear about people whose kids can enjoy a fun sleepover at grandma & grandpa's - and in turn, they get some couple time.
    Yeah sorry about my bragplaint. My grandparents were very involved with us and my parents have continued that pattern. I was a little more resistant at first, and when I was still breastfeeding it was just inconvenient for her to be away very much. Then I had a horrible lupus flare that ultimately resulted in me getting my hip replaced and really had no choice but to take all the help I could get. I'm fine now, but we've got a routine and pattern down and it would weird to be like no don't be in my life now.
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    MaebbMaebb member
    Ok, warning that I might post and run because I have a big project due today -

    Because of that project, and because of my procrastination on it, I didn't sleep at all last night. I just worked through the night because it has to be done by 4pm today.

    This morning I was tired and also thinking about work, and I drove 2 exits past my DCP's house before turning around to drop off DS. Man, I hope that is my biggest mistake today.
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    First, sitting in bed is making it very difficult to poop. Shitty dude.

    My FFFC is that I'm really nervous that after my csection I'm going to get out of bed and drop dead from a pulmonary embolism. Why? Because I used to follow this blog (Liz, Matt and Madeline) where that happened to her. I keep thinking of what a tragic story it would be. My anxiety around this shit gets out of control and I get fixated. Being on bed rest is making me even more paranoid. I am even contemplating writing letters to my children in case I die. It's exhausting.
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    I'm in @NotSharknado‌ and @missyishere‌. Just tell me where to go.

    Just head South, and we'll figure out the deets.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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    Remember how much fun n13 week was? Man, good times. Let's reminisce.

    I'm down for another tango there.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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