Baby Names

Help us out- girl names

Help a sista out! My husband and I are really having a hard time agreeing on baby names. He tends to like names they i think sound a bit like teen mom and he hates older names that are making the comeback. My original suggestion was
Madeline hazel (after his grandmother maddie and both of my grandmothers hazel) but he hates the name hazel... So here are some possible compromises. Suggestions welcome
Madeline Harper
Catherine Harper
Catherine Elizabeth
Harper Elizabeth - and I know Harper isn't some of your favorites but he really likes it and I don't mind it at all

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help us out- girl names

  • I love Catherine Elizabeth! And out of your choices, I think it's best. Madeline and Harper are both incredibly popular names, which is a huge turn off for me personally...but it doesn't sound like that's an issue. What about Madeline Elizabeth?

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  • Catherine Elizabeth or Harper Elizabeth are both good names
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  • Madeline Elizabeth...or Eliza.
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  • Thanks for all your suggestions. My husband thinks I am being silly for not liking Peyton Mckenzie m... I keep thinking of football player and of the crazy lady on hand that rocks the cradle and Mckenzie reminds me of teen mom. He wanted your opinions on that name and basically to try to talk to into it...
  • They are all fine names (I am not a Harper-hater), but Catherine is definitely my favorite.  Tell your husband I would assume Peyton McKenzie was a boy.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • I would dig in my heels for Madeline Hazel.  It's perfect and you each get to honor someone special.  And he "gets" the FN spot which is the one that everyone recognizes anyway, so really, I think he should suck it up and let you have Hazel.

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  • I really don't like the name Harper.  It's going to seem so dated in 20 years.

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • I like Catherine Harper. NN Kate? Although Hazel is way better... sorry you're having difficulty getting on the same page!

    Peyton Mckenzie is bad. And I'm just kind of sick of Harper... and sick of Madeline too to be honest.

    My random ideas to try to fit both styles are:


    DS born Oct. '11

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  • Madeline Elizabeth or Elizabeth Catherine.
  • You guys are great. I love Madeline Elizabeth too. My husband also mentioned Madeline Claire today which I think is very pretty too! So...
    Thoughts on Madeline Claire? I feel like we are making progress!
  • Oh, and her brother is grayson Howell ... If that matters :)
  • My daugther's name is Harper Elisabeth so I (naturally) think it's beautiful.  

    I do also really love the name Catherine Elizabeth w/ a nn of Cate.  I've always loved the name Cate w/ a C :)
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