Has anyone seen the movie "Miss Representation"? It's on Netflix. Thoughts? Some of the statistics in it are pretty horrifying.
I do hope that DS will treat women with respect and know that women are smart, capable, and able to lead and do whatever they want to do. If I ever have a daughter, I hope she knows it too.
So far the movie is doing a lot to point out that things are unfair for women. I'm waiting to see if it makes more of a recommendation for what we can do about it.
Re: Miss Representation
If you already dislike Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc., this is not going to make that better. Those parts were infuriating to me.
I do think women can be pretty by conventional standards (not to objectify themselves, but just because they want to dress or look a certain way) and still be intelligent and powerful. I didn't think that was discussed enough.
I didn't know who Gavin Newsom was before watching this. He's the Lieutenant Governor of CA and former Mayor of San Fran. I wanted to clap after everything he said.
Also, I never really saw John Hamm in action because I don't watch Mad Men and only saw the pictures on here, but wow, he is good looking. Maybe that is hypocritical for me to say because the whole documentary is about how woman are portrayed in the media. "John Hamm is hot" was probably not an intended take-away, but that's something else I learned from this documentary.