Trying to Get Pregnant

What is this.....

Me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for the past 6ish months. I usually start my period with the 21-28 day cycle. But the past 2 cycles have been a little different. I'll create a timeline.
In Jan I started my period on the 7th (day 35) and ended on the 11th. 
In Feb I started my period on the 10th (day 35) and ended on the 14th.
On the first day, I have very little spotting, which has never happened before. And I was having discharge that was a butterscotch color.
In Mar I started my period on the 21, (day 40) it hasn't ended.
Before my period started in March I was expecting it to be either on the 28th or the 35th day. It came 5 days late. Maybe it's just that I ovulated later than I thought? In the month on Feb. we did the horizontal tango every other day, until I got my period. Now, it's my 3rd day, and for the past three days I haven't seen red, like a normal period, it's all been brown. And you know when you wake up to go to the bathroom see that blob of blood, I have yet to see that this month. My period isn't heavy like it usually is. I just one pad for 1 and a half days, I normally have to change pads every 2-3 hours.
I haven't taken a test, seeing a negative would just make me and my husband sad.. we've been up and down for the past 2 months with ttc.

Anyway, any advice on what to do, and how to conceive would be helpful.
(Oh, I don't have insurance yet, waiting for it to kick in)

(Sorry about the novel)

Re: What is this.....

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    If you don't want to take a test and know yes or no, I'm not really sure what you want to hear. It sounds like you are having a lighter period than normal. Cycles can change month to month. It's normal. It also sounds like you should really look into charting your basal body temp with fertility friend to start identifying when you ovulate so you can have the best chances each month of conceiving. Also, read the newbie blog for lots of helpful info.
    Me(29), DH (29)
    Married December 2011     TTC#1 Since November 2013
    Dec. 2013... BFP! 12/31/13... Natural M/C 1/29/14 (8 weeks)
    July 2014...BFP!... 17dpo beta 581...19dpo beta 1419!!.. stick baby, stick!
    EDD: 3/20/15.. It's a boy!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    If you don't want to take a test and know yes or no, I'm not really sure what you want to hear. It sounds like you are having a lighter period than normal. Cycles can change month to month. It's normal. It also sounds like you should really look into charting your basal body temp with fertility friend to start identifying when you ovulate so you can have the best chances each month of conceiving. Also, read the newbie blog for lots of helpful info.
    All this. If you don't want to take a test, I don't really know what you expect us to say.

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    I'll never eat butterscotch again.
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    Cycles change drastically from one month to the next. in January i spotted for 5 days. February not at all. If you aren't charting (which i suggest since it takes alot of guess work out of TTC) then i can only tell you to test and see where you are at. 
    Good luck. 
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    Honestly? I really can't today. If seeing the results will make you sad then I really don't understand what you want from us. Like we can tell you anything that a pee stick can't?
       image   image
    *Your friendly resident herbalist.  Ask me for facts about herbs--maybe I can help!*

    TTC #1 8/2012~Chronic Pelvic Pain Condition began 10/2012~Told I was crazy by many doctors until a good specialist DXed a labral tear and bone impingement in left hip 4/2013~Surgery on left hip: 5/31/13  SUCCESS!!!  Pain flares to continue indefinitely (but mostly gone).

    Resumed TTC 6/2013~Chronic stomach pain and distension: 8/2013~TTA 1/2014 Until Resolved ~7/2014: Trip to the Mayo Clinic--SUCCESS!!  Finally on the road to getting better.

    Resumed TTC 7/2014!  Third time's the charm....8/2014 Visited the RE~DX: MFI/low morph~Straight to IVF with ICSI! 9/2014~Transferred 1 perfect beautiful 6AA blast with 10 to freeze!!!~10/8/2014: BFP!!!!  EDD: 6/17/15 STICK LITTLE BEAN!!! IT'S A BOY!!!!! 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    What everyone else said and you should wait to TTC until you have insurance. Insurance is a must. 
    This!!!  Just to give you an idea - my hospital stay, 28 hours of labor and eventual C-Section cost my insurance around $17k.  That's not including what we had to pay out of pocket or pre-natal care.  Having a baby isn't the cheapest nor is the care that said baby requires after birth.  PLEASE wait until your insurance kicks in.

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    1) Read newbie blog
    2) take a HPT
    3) if negative, wait for insurance before you continue TTC

    You have no other options.  The newbie blog will tell you all you need to know regarding TTC.  An HPT will tell you if you are pregnant and having some weird bleeding or having a regular period.  Insurance will make sure you get the care you need while pregnant.  Do yourself a favor and don't make your life difficult when it is so easy to not complicate things.    Oh, it can take a perfectly healthy couple 12 months to conceive even without any fertility issues.  You may have a long road and a lot more sticks to pee on.  I suggest you thicken up that skin of yours.
    BFP#1 6/2013: MMC 8/2013 @ 6 wks, 3 d
    BFP#2 1/2014: CP 1/2014 @ 3 wks, 4 d
    BFP#3 4/2014: MC 4/2014 @ 4 wks, 1 d
    Break until Dec 2014
    Femara, aspirin and progesterone started 12/2015
    Still working on #2!

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    Read the whole thing and all I can remember is "butterscotch discharge".

    Ew. Just no.
    | DH 29 - Me 26 - Married 2007 | 2 Kids - 2 Fur Babies | Baby #3 Due July 2015 |

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Sweety... You seriously need to test... My husband and I tried for over a year before our first pregnancy ... And there are ladies who have been trying FAR longer... Just test and get it over with. Every time I got a bfn I'd have a glass of wine and go out for lunch with DH to pick my spirits up. And as the PPs have said... Wait till your insurance kicks in... Imagine having a baby and being thousands of $$ in debt... Not a very good way to start... And damn.... I used to love butterscotch..... :(
    Beatrice- bfp September 16 2013, born February 1 2014 died later same day.
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