If you get a puppy, how much are the vet bills during the first year? I don't need an exact number, just a ball park. Are we talking $300 or $2,000? Or more? I assume they need to be spayed/neutered during that time.
DH wants to get a puppy when DD is older. I don't know anything at all about dogs, just trying to get an idea of what we'd be getting into. I know some people are touchy about rescue dogs, please don't flame me, I haven't done any research yet. Literally just starting to think about it.
Re: How much are your vet bills?
Trouble is, dogs aren't always healthy. My dog is 2.5 years, and we've spent a shit ton of money on giardia, ear infections, and surgery on his eyes because his eyelashes were growing on the inner eyelid. Then there's the super-expensive food that we buy to prevent the ear infections. Just from a health standpoint, he's been pretty expensive. I imagine we've spent upwards of $3K on that stuff, and it doesn't include his neuter (we had to take care of that on our own). And it doesn't take into account the other money we spend on him.
And yeah, we may have spent more than $300 the first year on standard stuff. Our vet is pretty reasonable, I think most of those visits cost us around $75? Can't remember exactly how many there were in 12 months, maybe 4?
We probably wouldn't get a shelter dog, I know some people get flamed pretty badly for buying a "designer dog" or whatever (I don't even know what that is). But if we got one, it would be a puppy so we'd need to spay/neuter. And pay for training of some sort.
Thanks for the info. I'm glad I asked, definitely don't want to end up paying way more than expected.