So two nights a week I waitress at night which means dh and ds get 90 minutes before bed alone. During this time dh has started letting ds watch Lego ninjago on netflix. I watched an episode with him tonight and while it didn't seem very violent the word idiot was used and I about had a heart attack. Dh thinks I'm being an irrational lunatic since I don't want my four year old exposed to that. Give me some unbiased opinions here, ladies.
Re: Let me know if I'm being irrational
If he loves it, then maybe you can discuss how he's not to use that language but let him keep watching.
To be fair, I haven't quite freaked out at dh yet. Lol. Ds put the show on this morning when it was his iPad time and I said he couldn't watch it when he started lecturing me that he watches it with daddy all the time. I asked dh about it and he said it wasn't bad, I was overreacting and I should try watching it with him when he's at school tonight. I watched it and I don't like it. I'm trying to gauge if I'm overstepping my boundaries for saying he can't watch it.
However, if you feel strongly about it, I don't think that makes you irrational
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
I'm sort of on the fence. It has no redeeming value at all, in terms of being educational. I suppose you could argue that it teaches some morals, in a very loose sort of way. Mostly it's like the Spider Man cartoons I watched when I was a kid, I guess, or Scooby Doo or something like that. Mindless entertainment. My boys haven't started saying words they shouldn't because of it. They like to "play" Ninjago but it never winds up with anyone getting hurt. So, while it's not my first choice, it's something they really like and I haven't noticed that it's hurting anything.
I wouldn't worry about it unless your child repeated it. Then take it as a learning moment that words can hurt and being called an idiot/stupid is one of them.
Mine are "that sucks" and "dang It" that I know I say a lot that don't sound nice coming out of a toddlers mouth
I'm careful about what the kids watch too, never letting them watch shows that use words like idiot, moron, and stupid. As DD1 has gotten older, I've relaxed a little because she fully understands that saying those things to others is hurtful and not okay. Besides, she's in K and hears worse at school. I can't shield them forever. I would probably talk to DH about it, but really consider if your LO gets that he's not to repeat those words.
If it were my younger DD that doesn't get it yet and repeats absolutely everything, I would put a stop to the show. Age and understanding make a difference.
C 7.16.2008 | L 11.12.2010 | A 3.18.2013