I live in Hawaii currently, and the rest of my family and friends are back in Texas.
My mom has already started bringing up wanting to do a shower for me. I'm trying to save up as much leave as I can for when baby gets here. I can't really afford to take off work for a week to go back for any baby showers, and she understands that. Also, flights are super expensive back to the mainland (even this far in advance), and I would have to start planning out the leave now, if I was to go home. Moneywise, and job wise, we just can't afford it.
My mom has brought up the idea of possibly doing some kind of virtual baby shower with DH and myself. The idea would be for us to all get together at a specified time, and video chat with my mom and the shower guests back in Texas, just to give people a chance to see me and chat at the same time. No games or anything, just visiting with people, especially since most of them haven't seen me since before I moved to Hawaii last July (I'm Active Duty Air Force, and we got assigned here). If I had any gifts at the house, I could open them then as well.
I know it is super early for me to be even thinking about this, but my mom really wants to do some kind of shower for me. It wouldn't be happening for another three (more than likely four) months or so anyway, she's just trying to get into the planning stages now since we have to coordinate with my work schedule and the time difference (we are 5 hours behind Texas here), and this is really unfamiliar territory for her.
If anyone else has any other ideas of something that could work for a long-distance shower, let me know and I can pass them along to her.

Me: 31 DH: 31
Married 08/11/12 & TTC Since 10/13
Previous Endo and Ovarian Cyst DX
March 2010: Lap. Surgery & D&C--removed 2 cysts
BFP: 12/20/2013 EDD: 09/03/2014
Travis Karel arrived on 08/21/2014 at 38w1d.
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
Mama to my two furbabies Sam and Phoenix
Re: Would this even work?
I think it might feel really awkward to watch people open your presents and be all, "Oh, how nice, I can't wait to see it for myself."
Your mom organizing party at her house where you can get on Skype and see people sounds like fun, but I might leave off any mention of calling it a shower. Keep in mind, also, that shipping from TX to HI is going to be really expensive.
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
If it were me, I wouldn't. It just seems way awkward, so I would decline the offer-- sorry!
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
That week or so we are home would be a good time to have a meet the baby party.
Thanks y'all. I had a few reservations about it because of the time difference and everything. It is gonna make her sad, but If I tell her she can do a meet the baby party when we come home, and hopefully that will help. I think she'll be more excited about showing off the baby.
I did still register, but it's completely up to people if the want to get us stuff. If someone asks for the information, we will let them know where we are registered and leave it at that.
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
Usually I agree with PP's, but sometimes virtual showers work. if your mom just wanted to have ladies over who she has over all the time anyway (a few close aunts/cousins) who are going to send gifts anyway, it might make sense for her to do. My boss's daughter just had a Skype-type shower with just some close family and he was saying how nice it was.
I think if you have any reservations about it, or your mom isn't sure about it, I agree with 2 of PP's opinions above: 1) go ahead and have a little Skype party to see your family. just don't have it be a shower...maybe do it after your anatomy scan so you can tell everyone the gender at the same time or show off your bump. no gifts.
2) your mom could host a meet-the-baby party when you make the trip back home. that would be fun, special, and you would have a LO to show everyone