Sorry If I missed a post where this was addressed:
My mother went into labor 5 days overdue with me, her water broke on that 5th day, and her contractions stopped. She went to the hospital where she labored for another 2 days until I was born (vaginally and with an epi).
My sister (her 2nd) was 1 week early, but the story was the same with her contractions stopping after her water broke. I believe her labor was much shorter the 2nd time around as well (less than 1 day for sure).
I wanted to know if it is common for your labor to be similar to your mothers? I do know all women and labors are different, just seeing if anyone experienced something similar to their mother's births.
She also had to have multiple attempts at IVF to get PG in the first place with both of us. She told me her body was releasing the egg before the uterus was ready (or something along those lines). Is there any chance I'll have the same issue? I have pretty regular periods and just started charting BBT last month as my means of BC. I seem to be following a very normal looking chart pattern. Would the chart indicate if I have an issue like this?
Sorry for the multiple questions, and here is an intro (as this is my first post):
I'm Rachel from Ohio and my fiance and I want to begin TTC in 2015 (after we tie the knot). I am very into planning and being prepared (as you can see). I had my IUD removed a bit over a month ago in an attempt to have my body balance itself out and be totally ready to make some offspring when we want to start trying. I REALLY want to have a natural birth and reading all of the posts here over the past few weeks has only reassured my plan! Fiance sees having children as a medical procedure and would prefer that the day I find out I'm pregnant I schedule my C/S for 9 months from that day... I, on the other hand, see it as a natural bodily process that we are designed to accomplish. To make the both of us happy I am determined to have a NB in a hospital, he supports me on this.
This board has been so helpful! I'm so glad I found it!
Re: Are genetics a decent gauge on my labor future? (Also fertility Q and intro)
I know that many FTMs go to 41 weeks. I was expecting to go that long but went into labor at 39w4d. My LO was ready and my body was ready for labor so I did not follow the normal pattern.
With mine, my first was 15 hrs labor, born vaginally, the day before her EDD. With my second it was 7 hrs labor, born vaginally, born on EDD.
I agree that a lot depends on the baby's position and the mother mental state during labor.
IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)
DS born 07/29/12
FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN
FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP