I'm just going to tell you here - saying you're hosting your own shower does not go over well. Clearly. In the future, don't say that! Because honestly- I do agree with you. As long as the guests don't KNOW that you were involved, it really doesn't matter. If they're told it's your mom and at the shower itself, there is nothing to suggest otherwise - people aren't going to care or ask.xtine6 said:The host is whoever is hosting the event and paying. It doesn't matter who actually does the work. And the guests don't care who does the work. Someone could host a party and do none of the work if they hire people. That doesn't make the caterer/florist/planner the host.
Re: Co-ed Shower...Invite Kids?
If the host isn't up for it, talk to your SO and decide if you want to take back your co ed request, unless this was your host's idea.
No. If you are doing all the work, you are hosting.
I seriously WOULD NOT barbecue a baby at your shower!! That's illegal and morally wrong and just sets the wrong tone altogether.
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
Actually, the guest list is provided by the guests of honor who are the mom- and dad-to-be at a co-ed shower. The HOST certainly can set parameters, as in "I cannot host an additional 30 children/guests." But, YOU and DH can certainly request an adult-only event.
The correct thing to do is to address the envelope to the names of those who are invited. Guests SHOULD know that if "and Family" is not on the invite then their children are not invited. Guests often don't know this, however, so be prepared to spread the word gently, "Of we would love to spend time with Sally however we are looking forward to an adult gathering at our shower. Let's get together with the whole family soon, though!"
I can tell you that I recently hosted a shower for SIL at my home. Fifty guests were invited, she requested adults only. One guest called me to ask if she could bring her son and I told her that it was an adult-only event. Two other guests showed up with their children anyway. And I even overheard one of them ask the women who called me where her son was and she sounded miffed as she explained that I told her kids were not invited. Heck...I even had DH take MY child out for the day to keep it adult-only. Funny how I looked like the b!tch even though I was following SIL's request and the guests were in the wrong! and...vent over
Awesome! So, in the same vein, if a pregnant mom makes a post asking what cigarettes are safest to smoke while pregnant, we should totally refrain from telling her that smoking while pregnant is not a good idea? After all, she didn't ask our opinion as to whether or not it's hazardous to smoke while pregnant, just which cigarettes are best. I'll remember that.
And 8-| to your hormones comment. It's a tired excuse, and nobody is being bitchy anyways. Besides, my son's a year old. No pregnancy hormones on my side.
I'll put the obvious point to the side since everyone else has covered that already lol, but a shower is typically to celebrate a child coming into this world so I thought it was a given that other people will bring their children... There have been kids at almost every shower I have ever been to... I've never heard of an "Adults only" baby shower...