
3/3 Shimmering Shamrocks Check In :-)

Welcome to the March Shimmering Shamrocks Check-In! 
Check-ins every Monday & Thursday.
This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF/IVM or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for March.  If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below (# IVF cycle, where you are in the process, relevant dates, etc.)  Be sure to update us along the way!
Check-in leaders for the month is: @boyankl  (Monday) @CallaLily30 (Thursday)

QOTD:  What was your favorite Oscar gown last night?



March Angels:

In the 2ww:
Leavehouse FET #2
Ashris13 FET#2
STBMrsMiller IVF w/ ICSI #3
geordie314 FET #3
jertie FET #1

Between ER/ET/ FET:
CallaLily30 FET #1
PrincessPix IVF#1

Wolfette139 IVF #1
Praying4Miracle17 IVF #2
ExoticAntibiotic FET#2
absolutelymaybe FET#1
neeseeandben FET#1
MrsC430 FET#4
Deardra77 IVF w/ ICSI #2
Badrianne IVF #1
NYGiants2010 FET #1 
SCSmith2011 IVF#2
ekc0630 IVF w/ ICSI #2
O2girl FET#2
Kaly75 IVF #1
Janet1206 IVF #1
BankerBSN FET#1
anitaflora IVF #1
Indianaalum IVF #1
boyankl IVF w/ ICSI #2
CaringCat IVF#2

Prep (BCP/Lupron/EPP):
jaztaz1 FET#3
ronniesgirl1981 IVF #1
walker14 IVF w/ ICSI #1
MaraleeRG IVF #1
Carol77B IVF w/ PICSI #2
kz's_girlygirl IVF w/ ICSI #2
beachy6 IVF w/ ICSI #2
Ttc23 IVF#3
Margritli FET #1
KLAlax IVF w/ ICSI #1
MrsZ816 IVF #3
STL34 IVF w/ ICSI #4
mccall0113 FET #4
ejrobbi IVF w/ ICSI #1
Aliza131 FET#1
Runforcookies IVF#2
Gnl42 IVF#1
Bashert11 IVF#1
sandollar1010 IVF #1
SportsChick33 – IVF#1
Mozzarella13 IVF#1
Cwoodward777 IVF#2
Prayingforblessing FET#1
Love4Labs326 FET #1

IVF #1 Oct 2013- cancelled 
IVF #2 Mar 2014- success.... baby girl born 11/28/14
FET #1 Mar 2016- baby boy due 12/16/16


Re: 3/3 Shimmering Shamrocks Check In :-)

  • Stims are starting- waiting for phone call for clearance after my appointment this morning.  

    Going to the gym for one last workout before they start tonight.  

    QOTD:  I loved Angelina Jolie's --- so pretty!

    IVF #1 Oct 2013- cancelled 
    IVF #2 Mar 2014- success.... baby girl born 11/28/14
    FET #1 Mar 2016- baby boy due 12/16/16

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  • Hi Shammies!

    Thanks for the check in!

    Monitoring yesterday on day 4 was fine. Sorry I think I already posted about it in another thread but right ovary went from 5-8 follies and left (with cyst that can't be removed or drained) went from 0 to 1. Lining was good and E2 they said was good at 115 - nurse said at this point they want at least 100. So I'm staying at the same max gonal F & Menopur dosage and will probably go to 10 days. Next monitoring tomorrow.

    QOTW: I didn't watch all of it or even most but from what I saw Lupita Nyong'o's gown blew me away. Gorgeous.

    dream 1 CAME TRUE 2.13.2010

     <dream 2> 12.2011

     2.10.12 : 4 weeks

    6.17.12 : 10 weeks

    10.10.12 : 4 weeks, 6 days

    12.13.12 : 9 weeks, 1 day

    4.6.13 : 4 weeks, 4 days

    10.27.13 : 5 weeks, 6 days

    4.2.14 (IVF #1) : 4 weeks, 1 day

    6.19.14 : IVF #2 Negative

     </dream 2>

    AMA, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, heterozygous MTHFR

    "all it was was a fairytale and devotion to a dream"


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    ***All always welcome!!***

  • Hi  Shamrocks - good luck to those in the 2WW and to those having their ER or ET this week!! 

    Tomorrow morning is my ER!  As of Saturday, I had 21 measurable follies and lining was a little on the thin side (7.5) with hopes it will grow more in the next few days.  I'm drinking water and gatorade like a champ as my E2 levels were 3300 on Saturday.  I really, really need a fresh transfer so I hope I don't get OHSS again. 

    QOTD: I second Kate Hudson and actually really liked Jennifer Lawrence's dress for once.

    **Sig warning***



    TTC since 9/2011. DH - 32, me 32.

    IUI#1 (natural): BFN; IUI#2 (clomid): BFN; IUI#3 (clomid and follistim): BFN.

    IVF #1 March 2013, freeze all (OHSS).

    FET#1 June: BFN

    FET#2 August: delayed due to thin lining (6.3).  Took a few months off to try and thicken the lining with lots of estrodial.  FET#2.2 December: Cancelled due to thin lining (4.8). Two frosties left.

    *New RE* Sonohystrogram and hystereoscopy done in Feb.

    IVF #2: ER 3/4/14  ET 3/7/14, transferred 3, 3 day 9 cell perfect embryos.  No frosties.

    Beta #1 (14dp3dt) 504

    Beta #2 (21dp3dt) 11,561

    First ultrasound on 4/3/14 showed 3 sacs: one empty and two with beating hearts!!  At 7w2d, found out that one baby did not have a heartbeat anymore.  Praying that baby B makes it.  Baby B is a girl!

    EDD 11/25/14 BORN 11/29/14

    **PAIF/anyone welcomed to comment!!  Thank you.



  • Good luck, 2WWers, ERers, and ETers! (((hugs))) to those that need them. Fingers crossed that no one else is cancelled or delayed this month. My lining was 10.2mm on Saturday so my FET is a GO for Thursday.
    TTC #1 since 2011 · Me (35, PCOS, AMA, abnormal eggs) and DH (47, MFI)
    2012-2013: 3 Clomid cycles, 3 IUIs, all BFNs
    IVF #1 January 2014: 14R/12M/9F 1 transferred, 3 frozen = BFN
    FET #1 March 2014: 1 transferred = BFFN · FET #2 May 2014: 2 transferred = BFFN
    IVF #2 June 2014: 24R/11M/10F 6 PGS tested: 1 normal embryo, 1 with no result
    FET #3 in March 2015: 2 transferred = BFFN
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • Had my lining check this past Friday and it was 7.9. Transfer is scheduled for this Friday the 7th. I also started PIO last night....I was so nervous. I laid on the bed and my husband did the shot for me. I was surprised because I felt nothing. I asked my husband if he did it and he was almost done injecting. I put a heating pad on for about 30 minutes after the shot.
    Good luck to everyone in cycle and 2ww!
  • Hey Shimmering Sistas!!
    Still taking those lovely BCP... which Thursday is the last of, then baseline on Saturday. Other than that Im just working hard and getting through this gawd awful snow. Im over it, and ready for spring! 

    QOTW: Naw, didnt watch...I get less interested in award shows every year. 

    @PrincessPix Congrats on the PUPO! Wishing you all the best... are you going Beta or Bust? 

    @Sportschick33 we are in the same boat. Do your BCP give you headaches? I usually get the worst migraines with mine, but was given a different brand this time and actually feel good. 

    @boyankl Good luck with stims

    @Anitaflora Max level of dosages?!! OH MY... Hormones/Emotions/SideEffects were all over the place for me and I was on very low dosages. I hope you stimming doesnt make you as crazy as mine did me. I'll be thinking about you! But we would gladly take all of this in the name of a take home baby. 

    @Praying4Miracle17 Fx all goes well tomorrow and you get great numbers! Hopefully your get your fresh transfer! 

    @ExoticAntibotic WhooHoo!! Are you anxious? I know I would be. I'll be doing my FET at the end of the month. Sticky beans to you! 

    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
     Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS
  • Hello all - i am done with BCP and awaiting my mini period, I start stimming tomorrow 300 of Follistim and 75 mg of Menopur each night, I go in for monitoring on Saturday the 8th.

    Angelina Jolie and Lupita's gowns were my favorite.... but overall i thought Ellen stole the show, i loved her!!! 

    Happy Monday!
    Siggy Warning... loss mentioned

    Married since March 2008 -- Me- 31    DH - 30  Trying to grow our family since 2009... Diagnosed Unexplained Infertility 

    Started seeing RE Aug 2013

    Cycle #1  – IUI #1  10.31.13 - BFN

    Cycle #2 - IUI #2 cancelled – FAIL

    Cycle #3 - IUI #2 12.27.13  BFN

    Cycle #4 -  IUI #3 1.24.14  BFN

    Cycle #5 - IVF #1 with ICSI(2 3bb blasts) 3.19.14, no frosties.. BFN

    Surprise BFP on 6.10.14 ... Miscarried 7.7.14 

    Walked away from Fertility Treatments and began to look into our Foster/Adopt License in April 2014.

    Our Journey Blog...

  • Hi Ladies!

    Still not much to update here.  Only one of our ten fertilized embryos made it to blast and freeze from our February retreival.  We are waiting on the PGD results which should come in mid March but since we have three from out last cycle we are going to go ahead with the FET prep as soon as AF shows up.  It should be any day now.

    @nygiants2010- So glad to hear PIO wasn't that bad.  I'm so nervous for it this cycle!

    QOTD;  I didn't watch so I have no idea!


    BFP #1: 1/4/13, EDD 9/8/13, Missed M/C confirmed 2/8/13, Misoprostol

    2013: Three CPs w/ EDDs: EDD 2/10/14, EDD 3/24/14, EDD 6/24/14

    IVF/ICSI #1 (Antagonist) - Jan 2014- 19R, 14M, 11F, 3 penguins (6BB, 4BB, 6BC)  PGD tested- All Normal!

    IVF/ICSI #2 (Antagonist) - Feb 2014 - 23R, 11M, 10F, 1 penguin (3BB) - Another Normal!

    FET #1 - March 26, BFN

    FET #2- Beta #1 (9dp5dt) -332, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) -1027, EDD 1/30/2015, Missed M/C, D&C 6/19/14

    IVF/ICSI #3 (Lupron Down Reg) - Oct 2014 - 38R, 28M, 27F, 20 frozen on day 5, 16 normal penguins!!

    FET#3 - February 1, 2015, Prep begins 1/13

    All Welcome!

  • Hi all, newbie here, jumping in.  We just started IVF#1 after six unsuccessful IUIs.  

    I am on day 5 of stimming (225 follistim, 150 menopur.)  My dosage keeps getting upped, but thanks to this board yesterday, I was able to step back from the ledge.  Thanks again for the input everyone.

    I go in for my first ultrasound tomorrow, so hopefully we can get an idea about how I'm responding.  E2 on day 4 was 252.

    GL to everyone and thanks for having me!

    QOTW:  I thought Lupita Nyong'o looked absolutely stunning.  
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
  • Deardra77Deardra77 member
    edited March 2014
    Hi everyone! :-)
    Can you change me to between ER & ET, had ER yesterday.

    SO my ER - Quite similar to last time in it's unpredicted crappiness. Last time they thought 11 but got 5, determined I was under suppressed so this time less than half the birth control, microdose Lupron & max stims, RE thought possibly 13 (3 from the craptastic ovary and 10 from the other) but only ended up with 7. Last time was devastating but this time there wasn't the shock factor, more of a why am I not surprised?. No idea how many were mature but will see what today brings.

    Pretty much climbing the walls already & it's only approx. 9:30 am. Day after ER last time I got the call that every single egg failed to fertilize. They did ISCI straight away this time so we avoid the need for RISCI which only is successful less than 10% of the time. Blah! Going crazy over here!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, needed to get that out! lol

    Am I the only one that finds the fertilization reports days worse than the 2WW? it's like I am waiting to hear just how totally screwed up my body is & what chance I have of this ever working at any point in the future not just this time? May come from I am so concerned about the egg quality issues....

    QOTD: didn't watch the Oscars, was happily sleeping off the affects of the anesthesia (drugs r good! lol)

    UPDATE: heard back form the clinic, of the 7, 5 were mature and all 5 fertilized with ISCI. Will hear from them again right the night before they expect transfer (so a day 3 or 5 transfer, who knows at this point!) Asked did they know if the eggs had SER aggregates & tick zona like last time but they didn't know (embryologist just gives them the fert report). So as of right now we have QUINTUPLETS!!!!! Wow!!!
  • @jaztaz1 - I'm relatively new. Beta or bust??? I'm assuming that means no POAS? lol. If that's the case , then yes. I've gotten so many BFN's from hpt's that somehow hearing the news from my favorite nurse was easier during my failed IUIs. So I think that's the route I will take this time too! Weird, right?
  • @jaztaz1 - I'm relatively new. Beta or bust??? I'm assuming that means no POAS? lol. If that's the case , then yes. I've gotten so many BFN's from hpt's that somehow hearing the news from my favorite nurse was easier during my failed IUIs. So I think that's the route I will take this time too! Weird, right?
    Yep you got it. Beta or bust mean you will wait until beta to find out.... and no that's not weird at all. You gotta do this thing your way. Wishing you all the best! 
    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
     Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS
  • @jaztaz1- I'm a total beta or bust girl too.  

    IVF #1 Oct 2013- cancelled 
    IVF #2 Mar 2014- success.... baby girl born 11/28/14
    FET #1 Mar 2016- baby boy due 12/16/16

  • I started stims on Friday. Due the the snow we thought we would get my next monitoring isn't until tomorrow.

    QOTD: I was kind of underwhelmed by the gowns last night.

     TTC since August 2011, Me = 40, DH = 38
    Unexplained IF. Tried Clomid for 3 cycles. All BFNs. BFP 1/6/13. Chemical pregnancy.

    Moving on to IVF#1. ER 11/26/13, 16 eggs retreived, 12 mature and all fertilized. 2 blasts transferred on 12/1. All other embies arrested so nothing left to freeze. Beta 12/10 = BFN. IVF #2 March 2014. BFP!!! TEAM BLUE!!!

     image imageimageimage

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • ttc23ttc23 member
    Hi Shamrocks :) I am CD1 so start stimming tomorrow. I will finish testostone tonight and start my clexane. I spoke with my doctor over the phone yesterday about my medications as I was confused and he was trying to explain everything to me and I just wasn't getting it. I could hear him getting more and more frustrated as he was repeating himself and I was getting really flustered. I don't think I ever feel more stupid than when I'm speaking with my FS! Anyway I think we got there in the end- I just wish they made it clearer on the forms.

    QOTD: I find Jennifer Lawrence refreshingly and funny and liked her dress last night. As an Aussie I love the Hemsworth brothers and thought Chris' wife Elsa looked gorgeous with her twin bump.

    TTC since mid-2011---Husband and I both late 20's---
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye test in Sep 2012- moderate endometriosis removed---
    Diagnosed with unexplained infertility---
    Clomid cycle 1 in Feb 2013- BFN---
    Clomid cycle 2 in Mar 2013- BFN---
    IVF #1 in May 2013- BFN---
    IVF #2 in August 2013-BFN---
    Endometrial biopsy identified high natural killer cells---
    FET #1 in Oct 2013-delayed---
    FET #1 in Nov 2013 with Intralipids-BFN---
    FET #2 in January 2014- BFN---

    IVF #3 in March 2014 (new doctor new plan)-BFFN
    IVF #4 in June 2014 (last cycle with own eggs)- BFN
    IVF #5 in September 2014 (with donor eggs)- BFP plus 6 frozen blasts :)



     May Emerald / August Shooting Star / October Precious Pumpkin / November Harvest Hopeful / January Snowdrops / March Shimmering Shamrocks / June Bugs

  • STL34STL34 member
    edited March 2014

    Hi ladies!!  I start stims tonight!!  I am so excited (and super nervous)!  I thought for sure my cycle was going to be postponed again.  I saw the tech measure a cyst (they don't tell me anything during the ultrasounds).  Luckily it is the cyst that moved me from being a hopeful heart to a shimmering shamrock and it is collapsing like it is supposed to after ovulation!  Yay!!

    I go back in Friday morning for blood work! 

    QOTD:  I didn't watch the oscars.  So, I don't have a favorite dress out of all of the dress worn.  I thought Lupita looked gorgeous but I didn't really like how low her neckline plunged.  Sandra Bullock's dress was gorgeous.  I loved the deep blue.  I really liked Camila Alves dress and I thought Kerry Washington looked AMAZING!! 


    ~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~ 

    Me= 37 and DH = 41 

    Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)

    IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN

    IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.

    IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132.  Lil is here!

    TTC#2:  Trigger + TI = BFN; Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN.

    IVF #4:  BCP + MDLF + Lovenox = 7R, 1F = Transferred 1 6-cell embryo on day 3 = BFN

    IVF #5:  MDLF + Lovenox = 4R, 1F = Transferred 1 10-cell compacting embryo on day 3 = BFN

    IVF #6:  (New RE):  Long Antagonist November 2014 (transferred two 8 cell grade 1 embryos and froze one blast) = BFN

    FET#1:  BFN

  • No news here- Still taking estrogen and 10units of lupron.  Will prob get AF on the 7th or 8th. 

    I'm a downer and didn't watch the show last night...I am hoping to catch a re-broadcast!
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    TTC since 2008
    Dh:34, no issues.  Me:31, Endo, slightly hypothyroid, deformed ovary, paracentric inversion.
    4 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone +TI cycles= all BFN
    Lap in 2012 to remove large unresolving cyst discovered endo and double lobed ovary.
     6 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone IUI cycles= All BFN,
    1st IVF w/ICSI- June '13 Antagonist: Gonal-F, Menopur, Ganirelix, HcG, Estradiol, Crinone= 7 retrieved, 4 mature, 1 unfertilized, 2 abnormally fertilized, 1 normally fertilized.  2DT of only embryo and our miracle BFP.
    Our beloved baby boy was born sleeping Oct. 13, 2013 due to pROM/IC/Uterine infection.
    2nd IVF w/ICSI- Feb. '14 EPP/lupron/antagonist: Estrace, lupron, HGH, Gonal-F, Menopur, HcG, PIO, lovenox, doxy/dex.=21 retrieved, 16 mature, 15 fertilized!!  5dt of 1 blast/ 6 frozen. BFP!  Beta 1 9dp5dt:83.9  Beta 2: 11dp5dt: 145.2  Beta 3  14dp5dt: 497  Please be our sticky rainbow baby!

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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Time seems to be moving so slow..I just finished my BC yesterday..still taking 10 units of lupron. I have 17 more days of taking it..waiting on my baseline labs and ultrasound on Wednesday. I can't wait to feel like I am really doing I am anxious to know how thawing will go..I have 12 frosties and I hope they will survive thawing..and I also wish the doctor would let me transfer three cause I am scared 2 won't work..the two that were put in were suppose to be the best and they didn't work during my IVF cycle

    QOTD: I didn't watch so I don't know.
  • Stims start tomorrow!! Excited to get this show on the road. 

    QOTD: I actually didn't see the Oscars. I usually enjoy watching but after taking twelve 8th & 9th graders on a church retreat this weekend there wasn't anything I could do to stay awake!
    Married 8/2009, TTC since 4/2010
    ME: 30, DOR- Low amh, normal fsh/afc DH: 30, morphology issue
    IVF #1- BFN
    IVF #2- BFP!!! Beautiful baby girl became an angel on 2/6/13 at 17.5 weeks due to PPROM/IC
    IVF #3- New RE... February March 2014! 8r/6m/6f. Transferred one and have one frostie! BFP! EDD 12/7/14
    **PAIF/SAIF welcome


  • Hello ladies

    Nothing much happening here. Still nauseous from my increasing e2. :-q

    Congrats to the PUPOs. FX for everyone else.

    QOTD: I didn't watch so I have no idea. :)
    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • @Ashris13 and @leavehouseYay!!! Congrats on being PUPO ladies!

    @SportsChick33 I agree about the coffee creamer :) I recently discovered that Coffeemate has girl scout cookie flavors - so good.

    AFM - Our FET is on Friday. Starting to get anxious! DH must have hit a nerve or something while giving my PIO injection last night (the shot hurt way worse than usual & now that area is numb?) which was fun. Hoping it was just a fluke thing!

    QOTD: I liked Kate Hudson's a lot.


    It's twin girls!! Born on 11-2-14!
  • MrsC430 said:

    @Ashris13 and @leavehouseYay!!! Congrats on being PUPO ladies!

    @SportsChick33 I agree about the coffee creamer :) I recently discovered that Coffeemate has girl scout cookie flavors - so good.

    AFM - Our FET is on Friday. Starting to get anxious! DH must have hit a nerve or something while giving my PIO injection last night (the shot hurt way worse than usual & now that area is numb?) which was fun. Hoping it was just a fluke thing!

    QOTD: I liked Kate Hudson's a lot.


    I asked before my transfer if we were shooting in the wrong spot which we were. She said DH was pretty close to the nerve, which I bet is what happened for you. She said it would be fine if it would have happened it just would have hurt a lot. DH asked if it would have effect the meds absorbing, they told him no. They also taught us where to inject... Really more on he hip., take your pointer finger and put it on your hip bone then stretch your thumb around to your back, squeeze and that is the area to inject. I hope hat helps, as it was very enlightening for us!
    ******************** BFP Warning *******************
    I'm 29 and DH is 32 we have a MFI (low count) 
    IVF #1 starting in August. ER 9/5/13 23 eggs we are fertilizing 15. 9 frozen
    ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
    7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
    Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
    Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
    FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
    FET #2 - 3/3/14 - 5AB Blast -- Beta #1 3/12 - 152 -- Beta #2 3/14 - 358
    FET #3 06/09/16 - 5AB Blast - Beta #1 6/18- 245 -- Beta #2 06/20 - 600
     PAIF/SAIF/PAL/SAL welcome!

  • @Ashris13 That made me feel a lot better :) Thank you!! Trying that method tonight for sure!

    It's twin girls!! Born on 11-2-14!
  • Hi everyone! We had a snow day here, which was nice! I added Gonal-F and Menopur to my Lupron this morning and was glad to not be messing with it while trying to get out the door. I go back for testing on Wednesday and am really hopeful that the ultrasound will show more follicles from the Lupron. QOTD: My favorite dress was Charlize Theron's.

    ***************************Loss Mentioned***************************

    Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.


    IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN

    IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN

    IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d

    IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFN
    IVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
    IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
    IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist 


    Everyone welcome!

  • Hi everyone,
    I just found out I get to trigger tonight so ER on Wednesday. Thank goodness, because I am so bloated and my ovaries are super tender. My follies are between 15-18mm and I had my acupuncture today too. Since, a bunch of ladies at my clinic have ER on Wednesday I am not triggering until 1am this morning because my ER won't be until 1pm Wed. I hope my RE/embryologist aren't to tired after all those retrievals. Anyway, I am SO excited for this next step. FX.

    QOTD- didn't see them.

    @Praying4Miracle17 good luck for your ER tomorrow! Sounds like you have a lot of follicles.
    @ExoticAntibiotic good luck with your FET on Thursday.
    @NYGiants2010- I am glad the PIO didn't hurt. I am swaying btw endometrium supp or PIO...
    @SportsChick33 BCP gave me headaches. I had never taken prior to IVF and BCP was the only difference.
    @Ashris13 WOW! YAY, for  a perfect thaw.
    @ member
    @LizBlue my stims were up to your exact prescription and everything went well.I'm triggering today stim day 11. I hope the same is true for you. It's good that your doctor is adjusting early.
    @Deardra77 Just read your update. YAY, I am so glad ICSI worked well for you and your quints :).
    @neeseeandben fingerscrossed.
    @Wolfette139 sorry to hear about your left ovary being inaccessable. but your other side was a rockstar. Good luck with your fert tomorrow.
    @leavehouse fingerscrossed.
    @O2girl I am so sorry for your nausea. that must suck.


  • Hi everyone!
    It was a nice sunny day today after the storm we had this past week. Well, I had an ultrasound today and there are 15 follies growing! Yay:) everything looked good, but need to go back tomorrow morning for another follow up and they'll let me know if I trigger tomorrow or wed. So ER will either be thur or fri! Eeek! Rooting for u all! Have a great wk!

    Qotd: loved Lupita's was stunning.
    Married September 5, 2009
    TTC #1 since December 2010
    DH (33): Perfect
    Me (33): All tests normal; Unexplained IF
    IUI #1 July 2012 - Chemical :(
    IUI #2 - #6 - All BFN
    IVF #1 (New RE) March 2014 - Antagonist Protocol - 15R, 6F, transferred 2 5day embies -BFN

  • Hello ladies!

    Can you please add me to the list!  Looks like I'm here to join you all.  We recently did IVF #2 and I was really hoping to do a fresh transfer tomorrow but Sunday they confirmed I had a mild case of OHSS with lots of fluid in the pelvic cavity so its a freeze all cycle for me!  I am anxiously waiting to hear about my update tomorrow on how many of my 11 fertilized eggs made it to blast!  We are also getting the PGD testing done on our blasts tomorrow.  So now hopefully I get my AF next week some time to get going on the FET.  I think transfer should be the end of March sometime.

    Looking forward to reading everyones post and getting updated with where everyone is in their cycles so far!  GL!!

    Married my best friend on 9.6.11 
    Me 31 DH 29 
    TTC since 12/2011 
    Me - all normal test results 
    DH - SA #1, #2 and #3 - 0% morphology 
    Straight to IVF w/ ICSI 
    April 3 - start date for BC 
    April 18 - tentative start date for injections 
    Tentative IVF dates: ER - 4/27 and ET - 5/3!! DELAYED.
    IVF #1 - May 6 - Estrace
    May 17 - started injections!
    ER and ET end of May!! BFFN :(
    FET #1 - June 28th - BFP!!!! :)
    Beta #1 - 164, Beta #2 - 381
    1st u/s 7/16/13 - 2 sacs with yolks! 1 smaller than the other - Possible Twins?! 
    2nd u/s 7/26/13 - 1 healthy baby with heartbeat of 123bpm! Second sac empty. Next u/s 8/5/13.
    8/5/13 (7w2d) - no heartbeat. Lost our precious LO :-/
    D&C on 8/12/13 - finally neg hcg 2 months later on 10/3/13.
    Saline Songram on 10/10/13 - found polyp :-( post-poned again.
    Hysteroscopy on 10/29/13.
    FET #2 - BFP!!!! :-) 
    Beta #1 - 265, Beta #2 - 692
    12/24-12/28 (6w) - lost our LO (2nd miscarriage in a row)
    RPL panel and Karyotyping; results all normal!
    Started bcp's 1/24/14; saline sonogram 1/30/14 - All clear!!
    IVF #2 02/15/14; ER 02/26/14 - freeze all due to mild OHSS. 
    7 blasts; PGD on all 7 - all 7 normal!!!
    FET #3 4/8/14; BFP!! :-)
    Beta #1 - 235, Beta #2 - 539
    1st u/s - It's TWINS!!!!
    2nd u/s- both babies measuring on track! Heartbeats of 118 and 122!!
    EDD: Christmas Day!!!


    image  photo 866da40f5178fed79efe23fc8a4e8a_zps4498a9cc.jpgimage 
  • Hi ladies! Congrats to all the PUPOs, and fx for the upcoming ERs & ETs!
    AFM, my Sonohystogram is Thursday, at which point I will hopefully get clearance to start lupron and finish out these BCPs.
    I'm with you ladies @MrsC430 and @SportsChick33, the coffee creamer is the lifesaver on the decaf coffee!
    *************WARNING CP mentioned***********
    TTC since 12/2012 Me: hypothyroid & egg issues
    DH: MFI
    IUI #1 BFN
    2nd treatment cycle: Clomid & TI BFN
    IUI #2 (injects) IUI BFN
    2/14 through 3/14 benched with a cyst
    IVF#1 CD1 came before beta. BFN. No frosties.
    Benched with cysts...
    IVF#2 beta moved up due to heavy bleeding 6dp5dt...beta was 11. beta#2 20.4! Beta#3 28 Chemical pregnancy :(
    Currently on BCPs with cysts, planning IVF#3 Everyone welcome!
  • Hi Shamrocks!  Sorry I'm late to the check-in, I had a horrible migraine last night and I went right to bed after work yesterday.  I'm hoping it doesn't come back today.  I'm on day 5 of Vivelle, I paid to reserve our embies yesterday and I'm just waiting for my lining check next week.  I really hope my lining is nice and think.  After yesterday, I'm really concerned it won't thicken up quick enough.  I have heavy bleeding with AF this cycle so I don't know if it will be okay at CD13.

    QOTW:  I didn't watch them so I'm no use.
    TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
    Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
    DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
    Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
    January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
    February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
    March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
    July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
    Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
    New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
    January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
    April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
    DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
    July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
    7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
    7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
    7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • @jaztaz1 I couldn't decide of the BCP was the cause of the headaches I've been having or if it's the lack of caffeine. I lean towards BCP because I cut caffeine about a month ago, so I would hope that the withdrawals would be done with. 

    Just for the record, decaf coffee with the right creamer can actually be decent. Doesn't help get me going, but I swear there is a mental aspect with just drinking coffee of some type 

    That's so funny- (the decaf part) - I just texted a pic of my "donut shop decaf" to my bff & said "giving myself 4 shots a day was nothing compared to the pain this causes me!"
  • Hello All!  Sorry my internet was down yesterday!

    I have stopped BC and I am waiting for AF to come.  I have my first ultrasound and blood work tomorrow, and I am supposed to start meds on Thursday.  I am nervous since AF should have arrived yesterday.  I do not want to delay anything if possible.  We picked up all of our meds on Friday, which was exciting.  Everything finally feels real! 

    FX for everyone out there! 

    QOTD - I really liked Kate Blanchet's dress.  She was beautiful. 

    My TTC Story:

    Me: 40,DH: 48, Married 10/07/2011, TTC since 09/2011, 03/2012 Started Clomid, 04/2012
    Clomid, 05/2012 Clomid, 06/2012 Went to RE, he found a plum size fibroid in uterus, husband has low sperm count, 06/06/2012 Removed fibroid, 08/2012 Hysteroscopy
    IVF #1 October 2012 - Retrieved 8 eggs, 5 fertilized, 10/13/2012 Transferred 3 embryos - 8, 5, and 4 cells,
    the other 2 eggs did not survive freezing, 10/26/2012 BFP!! Beta: 11, 10/26/12 Beta: 2 = Chemical Pregnancy
    IVF #2 - March 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 5 eggs, 4 fertilized, 4 Frosties - 8, 9, 7, and 7 cells all in good condition. 

    IVF #3 - May 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 2 eggs, 2 fertilized, 2 Frosties - 6 and 8 in good condition. 
    FET #1 - September 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - both 8 cells - BFN

    FET#2 - November 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - BFN

    FET#3 - February 2014

    *PAIF/SAIF Welcome*

    image image  image image   image image

  • Hi all!  Bloodwork and ultrasound for day 6 happened this morning and doc said everything looked good.  She said my lining was great and I had "a nice group of follicles" going.  The funny part is - I didn't ask how many, which ovary, how big.  I'm usually so Type A about all of this but this time around I seem to be just ignoring the details.  So strange for me.  I'm sure when the nurse calls back with my E2 I'll start asking more questions.  But for now, all is good.

    So excited for the PUPO ladies - everything crossed for you!
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
  • Hi!  Just waiting for the results for my husband's final SA this morning (he had a fever last month so they wanted to make sure that it didn't effect anything before starting) and if all is good, I will start Lupron this evening.  I just hope this SA does not delay us anymore!!! We are doing ICSI so it would have to be awful I would think!

    Me- 29 PCOS DH- 28 Severe MIF

    Married Since June 22, 2007- highschool sweethearts : )

    TTC Since 2012

    testing concluded strait to IVF w/ ICSI only choice

    IVF w/ ICSI #1 March 2014- delayed due to AWFUL SA post flu w/ fever beginning of Feb.

    IVF w/ ICSI #1 re-scheduled April 2014

    IVF w/ ICSI 1.2 Sept. 2014

  • Been stimming for 6 days today.  My 14 follies they saw the first time dropped to 7 this time.  I'm hoping that some were just hiding.  Next appointment is tomorrow.

    I did not watch.  I didn't have cable until today :)
    TTC 2007
    Me-OK DH- MFI
    2010 IUI 1-3 Femara + Ovidrill BFN
    Change DR 5/12 IUI 4-5 Natural Cycle BFN
    5/13 DH diagnosed with b1/b3 microdeletion of Y chromosome
    IVF #1 July  Started Lupron 7/5 AF 7/14
    ER 8/1 7R 5M 3F W/ICSI ET 8/6 Moved to 8/7 due to no blast 
    Transferred our UNO embryo Beta #1 27 Beta #2 33 Beta #3 29 CP :(
    IVF #2 Started Lupron 2/14 
    Protocol 10U Lupron, 150 Bravelle, 150 Menopur, HGH for 4 days, Dexamethesone, 
    Supplements 6000mg CoQ10, 100mg DHEA, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, 
    ER 3/12 8R 4 able to be injected 2f with ICSI ET 3/15 2 "perfect" textbook Embryos
    2 crinone, estrace, dexamethesone, doxycycline
    BETA #1 3/26 201  BETA #2 3/28 524  BETA #3 4/5 9,876  Ultrasound April 7 Showed TWINs
    April 18 ultrasound Baby A HB 147   Baby B HB 146  Both measuring 7w1d
    Jonathan Daniel received his angel wings July 23, 2014 :( born 9/20/14
    Jackson Thomas was born October 31, 2014 @ 35w 5d

  • These updates are soooo not as interesting when you're in a FET cycle. I'm just chugging along w/ Lupron (5 units), 2 MG estradiol 3x a day, and baby aspirin. The RE nurse keeps saying "everything is looking great!" My lining was 11 mm trilaminar yesterday (can you tell I'm looking for small wins to celebrate?). I start PIO, doxy and one more thing (can't recall the name) Saturday and countdown to FET is t-minus 8 days. QOTD: I didn't watch them. Honestly, not a huge movie buff. I hadn't even seen anything that was nominated.

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

    image image
    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
    image image
    image image image image 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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