I have had a couple of friends have baby showers for their 2nd baby, I had 1 shower for my first baby. What is the etiquette on this? I will be having my 4th child (my 3rd & 4th child will be 5 1/2 yrs apart) and I didn't want a full blown baby shower....I thought maybe a "meet & greet" to give everyone a chance to meet baby maybe 1 month after baby arrives...ever hear of this?
Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14
Re: Baby Shower for 2nd, 3rd etc baby+
I think if you want to have a meet and greet so your family and friends can meet the baby that's fine.
Proper etiquette says showers are only for the first baby, but different groups feel differently.
You also shouldn't host your own shower, though hosting your own meet and greet is fine.
Whenever a good friend of mine has a baby I also bring a gift whenever I see them for the first time (hospital or once they are home).
The meet and great is a new idea to me...exposure to germs comes to mind and then the thought that it's really just for gifts pops into my mind. Really though you know your friends and family so it's up to you.
My life, my love, my boys

DS: Liam born 8.30.10 at 35 wks (PPROM, Pre-E, C-Section)
DD: BFP 6.9.13, EDD 2.12.14, A/S 9.20.13... It's a Girl!
Adeline Leigh born sleeping 2.11.14 at 39 wks 6 days
How very softly you tiptoed into our world, almost silently, only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts. - Dorothy Ferguson
G: 6.10
L: 11.13
And to answer OP, second or more showers aren't really done.
Is that at me?
We aren't expecting gifts... I just want to get back into the routine of having friends over. We are the first in this circle to have kids and since we moved right before I got my BFP and I socialized little thanks to HG, I really want to continue to develop those friendships.
Yes, or some Jewish mamas-to-be have a shower but don't open the gifts until after the baby comes or open them but don't set them up/put them together.
I declined all offers for baby showers. People kept trying to throw me one, but it's not my thing. I hinted when I was pregnant with my first that I'd invite everyone over after DD was here just to get them off of my back. I never did it. Also not my thing.
<------ Doesn't enjoy adult social gatherings unless poker is involved.
~*~*~You're Such A Pretty Melody, I'm Just Another Tattooed Tragedy~*~*~
If someone wants to throw a shower for baby 2-10 then sure why not. I don't think it should be expected or solicited though.
By shower I think many things... Diapers and wipes party, meet and greet, girl afternoon get together... Whatever that might be.
With my 2nd my BFF insisted I have one so I agreed. It was more a small get together and family brought basics like diapers, wipes and medical stuff. Nothing was expected
I get this but at the same time don't you want to buy something the parents need? I think the title is just an idea anyway and a good start.
Id much rather go to a diapers and wipes party and know I am getting something they want and need than have no clue or buy something off the registry they want that I know will sit on the back burner.
I guess I don't see it as telling me how to spend my money as much as pointing me in a beneficial direction as a guest.
I'm a big hypocrite because I do judge when I get an invite to a 2+ shower but, especially if it's a close friend, I will go with this mentality.
I don't like the required to bring a signed and noted book with gift parties.
I saw
somerandomdick lolol
That's all!!!
I also think its silly to be against meet the baby parties because of germs. Generally most second children have a preschool age sibling or older and therefore are exposed to lots of germs/illnesses so I wouldn't assume a celebration with friends and family is any more riskier than having a preschooler in the house. I'm also not a paranoid nut bag-- my first was at a Christmas party and Christmas Day with my family at four and five days old in the midst of the h1n1 outbreak and lived to tell the tale.
Eta I do think certain circumstances like a so's first child makes a second shower less of a faux pas.