26 weeks/lettuce Symptoms:Pelvic pressure, I feel like my vagina is going to fall out! Sonogram on Wednesday. GTKY: I'm super excited to get the kids out of the house, just bought them some rainboots.Also planning layouts for the backyard( we moved in late oct.) & patio furniture shopping. ( I want my outside retreat set-up, so I won't lose my mind with a newborn, 3, and 5 year old this summer
#1 DD June 2009
#2 DS July 2011 #3 DD June 2014 CP December 2015 M/C 8/2016 Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18
Symptoms: None this week. The RLP has calmed down thankfully!
Upcoming Appointments: Not until 3/13
Questions/random thoughts: I almost fell over when my phone app said today starts third tri. I know some say in 28 weeks, but crazy either way! Time to make DH sit down with me and finalize a name.
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? Trading in winter gear for light jackets and sundresses, trading hot coffee for iced, and (this winter, especially) seeing nature ditch the snow for pretty flowers!
Symptoms: starting to have some mild back pain and a tiny bit of heartburn
Upcoming Appointments: Wednesday for GD testing.
Questions/random thoughts: Anyone get their GD testing at a birth center? Is it like a finger prick or is it a blood sample that they send out to the lab?
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? Florida spring doesn't last very long before it turns into summer, but I guess our entire winter is like spring...what I really like though is the super mild temps (mid 70s) with a breeze and the constant sun. Also, the jasmine is starting to bloom so our whole neighborhood smells wonderful.
@MrsAMB07 - you make me so sad. DD is such a chill little girl ... we couldn't be so lucky twice. We'll get your running shoes ready.
That's what I was like last time. DS was so laid back and calm and everyone told me they'd be different, which made me sad, too. But honestly, I couldn't love my crazy girl's personality any more. She keeps us on our toes for sure, but I feel like I have the best of both worlds. They balance each other out! You'll be good, too!
Symptoms: I'm just barely getting to the "uncomfortable to sleep" stage which blows. And sciatic nerve pain comes to haunt me every now and then but otherwise I'm feeling good!
Upcoming Appointments: Nothing for a few more weeks. I just got my GD test results back and I passed with flying colors which is great.
Questions/random thoughts: I feel like this pregnancy is going so fast. I'm at that happy phase after morning sickness where I look pregnant and feel baby kick all the time but I'm not so pregnant that I'm super uncomfortable. I want time to stop for a while!
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? The first few days when it's warm enough and breezy so I can open the house and get all fresh air blowing in. LOVE. I can't wait!
Re: ***Sunday Ticker Change***
Weeks/fruit: 26 weeks/lettuce
Symptoms: heartburn city. Also I've noticed I can't/don't eat very much anymore.
Upcoming Appointments: not until mid-March
Questions/random thoughts: I love peanut butter. It's really so delicious. Also I hate cake. The food, not the band.
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? Definitely sunshine and forsythia bushes. They're so pretty.
Symptoms: Heartburn, stiff neck/back pain
Upcoming Appointments: March 10th - 25 week appointment
Questions/random thoughts: Those threads on TTGP and A14 yesterday were INSANE!
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? The flowers! I love daffodils, tulips, and lilacs! I can't wait until they start blooming.
IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
Symptoms:Pelvic pressure, I feel like my vagina is going to fall out!
Sonogram on Wednesday.
GTKY: I'm super excited to get the kids out of the house, just bought them some rainboots.Also planning layouts for the backyard( we moved in late oct.) & patio furniture shopping. ( I want my outside retreat set-up, so I won't lose my mind with a newborn, 3, and 5 year old this summer
#3 DD June 2014
CP December 2015
M/C 8/2016
Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18
Weeks/fruit: 27 / Rutabega
Symptoms: None this week. The RLP has calmed down thankfully!
Upcoming Appointments: Not until 3/13
Questions/random thoughts: I almost fell over when my phone app said today starts third tri. I know some say in 28 weeks, but crazy either way! Time to make DH sit down with me and finalize a name.
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? Trading in winter gear for light jackets and sundresses, trading hot coffee for iced, and (this winter, especially) seeing nature ditch the snow for pretty flowers!
IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
Weeks/fruit: 27/ rutabaga
Symptoms: starting to have some mild back pain and a tiny bit of heartburn
Upcoming Appointments: Wednesday for GD testing.
Questions/random thoughts: Anyone get their GD testing at a birth center? Is it like a finger prick or is it a blood sample that they send out to the lab?
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring?
Florida spring doesn't last very long before it turns into summer, but I guess our entire winter is like spring...what I really like though is the super mild temps (mid 70s) with a breeze and the constant sun. Also, the jasmine is starting to bloom so our whole neighborhood smells wonderful.
Symptoms: Have some BH going on. Nothing much other than that.
Upcoming Appointments: Not until 3/13. Have monthly check up and Glucose test
Questions/random thoughts: can't really think of anything
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? Warm weather!!! Outside!! Sunshine on my face!
*BFP- Sept 2013*
*Ryder due June 1,2014*
*Love of my Life*
Fatigue, constipation, no bleeding this week! Yaya!
Upcoming Appointments:
Counseling on Friday
Questions/random thoughts:
Mmmm nope not really.
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring?
Well it was tanning... Hahah!
Symptoms: uncomfortable when laying (usually a tummy sleeper), cry at movies, a very active baby kicking me day and night
Upcoming Appointments: nothing for a couple of weeks
Questions/random thoughts: does a very active baby in uterine translate to a very active baby IRL?
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? Being able to go outside without a dozen layers
I'm late as usual. :P
Weeks/fruit: I'm 26 weeks = Lettuce!
Symptoms: I'm just barely getting to the "uncomfortable to sleep" stage which blows. And sciatic nerve pain comes to haunt me every now and then but otherwise I'm feeling good!
Upcoming Appointments: Nothing for a few more weeks. I just got my GD test results back and I passed with flying colors which is great.
Questions/random thoughts: I feel like this pregnancy is going so fast. I'm at that happy phase after morning sickness where I look pregnant and feel baby kick all the time but I'm not so pregnant that I'm super uncomfortable. I want time to stop for a while!
GTKY: what is your favorite thing about spring? The first few days when it's warm enough and breezy so I can open the house and get all fresh air blowing in. LOVE. I can't wait!