
What does letdown feel like?

My LO is almost 2 weeks now, my milk started very slowly coming in about 5-6 days. I just finished 10 days of Reglan and I have enough milk for her now but I've never felt letdown. What does it feel like? Will my milk continue to come in and I start feeling letdown? I've never felt engorged either but LO nurses every 2-3 hours.

Re: What does letdown feel like?

  • I have painful letdowns. The best way I can describe it is a stabbing pain. With my first baby, I did not start feeling it until 3 weeks. This baby, I felt it sooner around 1 week. It is more painful/noticeable for me when it happens when I'm NOT feeding, and it's usually followed by leaking. Some women never feel it at all...I wish that was the case for me!

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  • I don't feel letdown either.
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  • I never felt the tingle, so I didn't realize I was feeling letdown; however, I noticed that the mild stabbing pain I was feeling when she cried was actually letdown.
  • I have somewhat painful let downs. Feels like my nipples are being pinched.
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  • Thanks for all the info. LO is gaining weight but after the slow start I worry about my supply and how it will hold up since I had never felt letdown or been engorged.
  • I have forceful letdown. For me, it feels like an elephant suddenly is sitting on my chest or that my boobs weigh 5 tons with a stabbing kind of feeling. It makes me want to hold them up so they don't fall off, lol. It usually lasts for about 15-30 seconds and then eases up.

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  • A hot needley feeling for me. Not painful though - just uncomfortable for a few seconds.
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  • Painful and forceful. For 30-45 seconds. Sometimes it happens when he should be feeding, but he's sleeping instead... Like it hurts so bad and I get engorged so quickly that I want to wake him up and make him eat!! Feels like pins and needles.. And the breasts get very heavy. You're very lucky to NOT feel it! I have to say, at 9 weeks old it's rare that I get engorged any more. (When I do, it's like a golf ball is sitting in my breast and if something brushes it... It goes off like a fire hose and the only way to stop it is by letting it go!).
  • I have painful letdowns. The best way I can describe it is a stabbing pain. With my first baby, I did not start feeling it until 3 weeks. This baby, I felt it sooner around 1 week. It is more painful/noticeable for me when it happens when I'm NOT feeding, and it's usually followed by leaking. Some women never feel it at all...I wish that was the case for me!

    Oh god. This is what it's like for me. Does the pain ever lessen?
    Yes, for me it did with my first. I can't remember exactly when it stopped hurting, maybe sometime around 8 months? I could still feel it but it didn't exactly hurt.

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