

anything happening over there yet? 

Nothing here. I'm starting to feel like I could be pregnant forever. I can't believe I still have so much energy. Had a cervical check at my appt this week, and I'm nothing, nada, nil. 

Are your boys old enough to grasp what's about to happen to their worlds? :) 

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Re: jalaiaa

  • I just wrote this whole response to you and it got erased. Grrrr. 

    Not too much going on here. I was a fingertip last week and 1cm this week. A few braxton hicks here and there but nothing exciting. My OB is out of town this week and I picked up a couple shifts at work so I'm hoping LO stays put for one more week. After that I'll probably be chomping at the bit to get him out. And while the basics are in place at home, I still have some "nesting" to do too...sigh.  The good part is that I'm feeling pretty good. With the boys I was too uncomfortable to sleep for a long time before they were born and I haven't hit that point yet this time around.  

    I don't think the boys have any real concept of how their world is about to change. We've been teaching them not to put blankets over their Buzz and Woody dolls heads ;) I've also been telling them that I have a baby in my belly. I didn't think they really understood that but the other day Eli pointed at a baby and said "baby" then pointed in my direction and said "baby." I looked behind me and didn't see a baby so I told him there was no baby back there and he said, "no panza." (Panza is belly in Spanish.) So maybe he does get it a little.  

    Are you all ready? Anything left to do to prepare?  

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  • Aw, that's so cute they understand there's a baby in your belly :) It will be fun having 3 boys so close in age. They'll be buds.

    My kids have no idea what's going on. They do find it hilarious to walk up to me, reach up and push my belly button which has popped, but that's about the only thing they've noticed. 

    I'm ready. She can come any time. Last night was total insomnia/tossing & turning and I'm paying for it today. 

    I hope you go next week :) 

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  • I love that they push your belly button! I used to read with my boys on my lap all the time. Now James tries to sit on it and his back arches and he looks at me like, "where the heck did my comfy lap go." It is so funny. 

    I will send contraction vibes your way. Keep me posted on how they're working. 

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  • Jumping in because I was wondering how you two were doing and hoping I didn't miss an announcement since I've been MIA the last couple of days!

    Glad to hear you're sleeping jalaiaa - that's my biggest fear!  I didn't sleep AT ALL the last 4 weeks!  Magpie, sorry you arent! 

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