
Transitioning to Cow's Milk

DS will be 13 months in a week and I would like to stop pumping at work soon.  DS has only ever had breast milk but does really well with water and solids.  I have 100 ounces or so of frozen milk, which I would like to use.  Anyone have a recommendation for how much frozen milk I should have left when we first introduce cow's milk?  Is it ok to wait to introduce cow's milk until after I've stopped pumping since I have enough frozen milk to last a few weeks?  I want to leave some buffer in case he doesn't like the cow's milk, but I also would like to use all of my frozen stash.  TIA!
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Re: Transitioning to Cow's Milk

  • I would think formula would be better than cows milk? From what I've read babies don't need cows milk, only BM or formula.
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  • If you want, you can mix frozen BM and cow's milk.  We started 1/4 WCM 3/4 BM.  Then gradually increased the amount of WCM and decreased the BM. I had a ton of freezer stash so for us the transition took a good month.  You could do it in a few weeks if your frozen BM only lasts that long. 

    As far as wanting to be sure he likes WCM before you stop pumping, maybe try offering just a couple oz. of WCM with a snack or supper.  You could do that a few times, and if he does well, maybe try sending 1 cup of 1/4 WCM 3/4 BM to daycare and have the teachers see how he does.  
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  • When I weaned DD#1 I had a ton of frozen but never mixed with WCM. BM is something I was never willing to let go to waste.  I started out with 2oz of WCM in a sippy to see if she liked it.  Slowly as my stash was dwindling I upped how many ounces of WCM I gave her.

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