With my DS I went into labor at 39 weeks when my water broke. After I got to the hospital my contractions slowed and they put me on pitocin. * I also had a Epidural, which could have slowed my labor. My DS heartbeat fluctated from 80-180, and the doctors were worried that the cord was wrapped around his neck. So I had an emergency c-section after being in labor for 13 hours. It turns out he had a short umbilical cord and wasn't even in the birth canal. I only make it to 7 cm. This time around my OB is letting me decide whether to try for a VBAC or schedule my c-section. I am worried that my labor won't progress and I'll end up having a csection anways. Per my OB VBAC better for me that scheduled, but scheduled csection better than emergency. My recovery from my csection went pretty well. I am not planning on having any other children. On the fence, they're are advantages & disadvantages to both. Any feedback or past experience would be helpful. Thanks ladies.
Re: VBAC v. Scheduled C-Section
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).
Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!