....most likely. Baby is breech & I have low AFI, so will probably have an early c-section.
I am 32.5 weeks now & was planning a natural birth. I had signed me & DH up for a birthing class 3/8 but if I need a c-section is it not worth going to? And now to prepare for a c-section is there a class we should take? Or a book we should read?
BFP: 12/3/15 EDD: 8/11/16 IT'S A BOY!!!
BFP: 8/5/13 EDD: 4/13/14 IT'S A GIRL!!!
AYLA BLAIR 3♥27♥14
Re: just learned I will need a c-section
There was not one thing I learned that helped me during my vaginal birth with first or c section with my second that I learned in birthing class so I say don't go I'd you don't want to. But many more people have loved their classes so I say so what you feel!!!
I did the birthing class-I had hoped for natural-and our instructor did not say anything about csection that was particularly useful when the time came.
Hi I had a C-section back in may due to pre-e and I feel it was a good choice for me. I had a friend due in June that her baby wasn't head down and she refused to have a C-section she had the baby manipulated from the outside and had a natural child birth. She is so strong though and it was the right choice for her and her baby and if your birth plan is to go natural that is something to consider. It is all about what needs to be done to have a happy and healthy delivery. good luck.
It is actually fairly easy. Walk when you first are allowed and take stool softeners the week before delivery.