2/21: Had my 2nd U/S today and my follicle grew less than 2mm in 4 days (14mm to 15.94mm)

I am very discouraged at this point. I guess I got my hopes up for this cycle and I was pretty mopey all day today. RE says we will do a Progesterone level next Saturday to see if I miraculously ovulated but if not just up the dosage of my Femara. Has anybody had a follicle just stop growing in the middle of a cycle and if so what happened and what did your RE do about it??
2/17: So I had my first monitoring U/S today (CD 12) for Follicle size and it was OK news. I did respond just slower than we had hoped. I had a ton of tiny follicles <10mm (my ovaries looked like swiss cheese on the U/S) and 2 that could mature 1 12mm and 1 14mm. So I go back Friday 2/21 for another U/S to see what they have done. I also found out that my uterine lining is thin so I start 2mg of Estrace for 4 nights tonight to beef my lining up. My RE said I will probably ovulate in 3-5 days (CD 15-17). Not the best but not the worst news right. Fingers crossed that these follicles grow baby grow over the next few days and we have mature follicles or just a corpus luteum on Friday.
Re: ***UPDATE and a question******First Femara Ultrasound
4 Losses (2003, 2008, Apr 2012, & Oct 2012)
All RPL and IF testing with multiple REs = normal
5 IUIs = BFN
All AL are welcome

Me: Ovulate on my own (but poorly) DH: Low count and poor motility
Oct 2013 Uterine polyp removed
Feb 2014 First round Ferama, trigger and IUI...BFN
March 2014 Second round Ferama, trigger and iui
Me: 25 DH: 29
Beta#1: 8dp5dt: 188, Beta#2: 12dp5dt: 822
All Welcome!