July 2012 Moms

T&Ps for my nieces and nephew

Without going into too much detail because it is all still unfolding, my two little nieces and nephew can really use some T&Ps.  My BIL is very mentally ill with severe OCD and alcoholism and my SIL is overcome with anxiety and other issues because of it.  My BIL has abused my SIL and himself in front of his kids.  Last night, we were all over at their house for my nephew's 10th birthday and all hell broke loose and he went literally mental (throwing glass bottles and the whole nine yards).  My poor in-laws don't know what to do and my SIL wants out, but is being threatened by my BIL.  What convolutes the whole situation is that my BIL is a psychology professor! (and is of course above needing treatment)

I am very worried for the kids who are 11, 10 and almost 7, so if you happen to have any spare T&Ps for them, they can really use them.  We are doing everything we can as a family to help my SIL and the kids to be in a safe place and are trying desperately to get him the help he needs (but we all know HE has to want it, which is currently the challenge because of the alcoholism).

Thanks for reading and I will try to keep everyone posted as things unfold. 
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