
FIRST- March Shimmering Shamrocks Check-In!

Welcome to the March Shimmering Shamrocks Check-In!

Check-ins every Monday & Thursday.

This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF/IVM or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for March.  If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below (# IVF cycle, where you are in the process, relevant dates, etc.)  Be sure to update us along the way!

Check-in leaders for the month is: @boyankl  (Monday) @CallaLily30 (Thursday)

Siggy badge:


QOTD:  What is your favorite pre-IVF indulgence?  Massage?  Glass of wine?





March Angels

In the 2ww:


Between ER/ET:


Prep (BCP/Lupron/EPP):

jaztaz1 FET#3

boyankl IVF w/ ICSI #2

CallaLily30 IVF w/ ICSI #2

ronniesgirl1981 IVF #1

MrsC430 FET#4

Wolfette139 IVF #1

walker14 IVF w/ ICSI #1

Praying4Miracle17 IVF #2

MaraleeRG IVF #1

anitaflora IVF #1

SCSmith2011 IVF#2

absolutelymaybe FET#1

Ashris13 FET#2

neeseeandben FET#1

Carol77B IVF w/ PICSI #2

O2girl FET#2

kz's_girlygirl IVF w/ ICSI #2

geordie314 FET #3

beachy6 IVF w/ ICSI #2

CaringCat IVF#2

Ttc23 IVF#3

STBMrsMiller IVF w/ ICSI #3

Margritli FET #2

Deardra77 IVF w/ ICSI #2

NYGiants2010 FET #1

KLAlax IVF w/ ICSI #1

BankerBSN FET#1
ekc0630 IVF w/ ICSI #2

IVF #1 Oct 2013- cancelled 
IVF #2 Mar 2014- success.... baby girl born 11/28/14
FET #1 Mar 2016- baby boy due 12/16/16

Re: FIRST- March Shimmering Shamrocks Check-In!

  • Hi ladies! I'm so excited for this group to get started because we will finally get to transfer! Best of luck to everyone!

    UPDATE: I'm currently on day 9 of stims for my February retreival which should be over the weekend. We haven't really got to planning our FET yet but it should be in late March.

    QOTD: I actually got a massage prior to starting stims this past cycle and it was glorious. Usually, I I indulge in some wine prior to the cycle start.


    BFP #1: 1/4/13, EDD 9/8/13, Missed M/C confirmed 2/8/13, Misoprostol

    2013: Three CPs w/ EDDs: EDD 2/10/14, EDD 3/24/14, EDD 6/24/14

    IVF/ICSI #1 (Antagonist) - Jan 2014- 19R, 14M, 11F, 3 penguins (6BB, 4BB, 6BC)  PGD tested- All Normal!

    IVF/ICSI #2 (Antagonist) - Feb 2014 - 23R, 11M, 10F, 1 penguin (3BB) - Another Normal!

    FET #1 - March 26, BFN

    FET #2- Beta #1 (9dp5dt) -332, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) -1027, EDD 1/30/2015, Missed M/C, D&C 6/19/14

    IVF/ICSI #3 (Lupron Down Reg) - Oct 2014 - 38R, 28M, 27F, 20 frozen on day 5, 16 normal penguins!!

    FET#3 - February 1, 2015, Prep begins 1/13

    All Welcome!

  • Hello Shamrocks!!  I felt like this month would never come!  We are on IVF#2 with a new RE, with two frosties at the old RE that we could never transfer due to my thin lining. Not sure what we are going to do yet. 

    CD1 was Saturday, I've been on 9 days of lupron, I have my baseline on Wednesday and I should start stims on Friday!  I can't believe it's almost here.  My journey has been made up of many delays so I'm excited to start.

    QOTD: Definitely a glass of wine, which I've had my last of on Valentine's Day (hopefully for 9+ months).    Good luck ladies!!

    **Sig warning***



    TTC since 9/2011. DH - 32, me 32.

    IUI#1 (natural): BFN; IUI#2 (clomid): BFN; IUI#3 (clomid and follistim): BFN.

    IVF #1 March 2013, freeze all (OHSS).

    FET#1 June: BFN

    FET#2 August: delayed due to thin lining (6.3).  Took a few months off to try and thicken the lining with lots of estrodial.  FET#2.2 December: Cancelled due to thin lining (4.8). Two frosties left.

    *New RE* Sonohystrogram and hystereoscopy done in Feb.

    IVF #2: ER 3/4/14  ET 3/7/14, transferred 3, 3 day 9 cell perfect embryos.  No frosties.

    Beta #1 (14dp3dt) 504

    Beta #2 (21dp3dt) 11,561

    First ultrasound on 4/3/14 showed 3 sacs: one empty and two with beating hearts!!  At 7w2d, found out that one baby did not have a heartbeat anymore.  Praying that baby B makes it.  Baby B is a girl!

    EDD 11/25/14 BORN 11/29/14

    **PAIF/anyone welcomed to comment!!  Thank you.



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  • Hi all!

    I'm still on the BCP until Sunday night then will have my eval / baseline appt on 2/24. Tomorrow I have my injection class - yikes! Getting real!

    I'm mainly just really worried right now about the medications not being 100% covered after my out of pocket max is met as I thought they would be. So I'm working with my nurse, the financial POC at my RE's office, and my pharmacy to do everything I can do get as many of the med expenses first that I absolutely know I will need (nurse advised min 6 days of stimming) so as much of that as possible hits my meeting the deductible first.

    Scared to death that our funds will run out before we can even complete the cycle (hopefully doubtful but I'm still trying to make sure and figure it out which feels impossible bc I don't know when other charges might hit the deductible). Or, what I'm guessing might be more likely, that we will only be able to do ER this one cycle since I'm not going to have enough $ to do all this serious stimming again. If we end up with enough good ones to freeze then we may be fine to go forward with a FET transfer but if we don't.... This may be our one and only shot whereas before I thought we would be able to do three tries since that's what my insurance plan covers.

    But with how much meds are going to cost us.... I'm scared this is our one and only chance. And at 40, odds are so highly stacked against us. So I'm trying to fight being depressed about it all.

    Thanks for having this check in and letting me get this off my chest!

    Good luck to all the Shamrocks!!

    dream 1 CAME TRUE 2.13.2010

     <dream 2> 12.2011

     2.10.12 : 4 weeks

    6.17.12 : 10 weeks

    10.10.12 : 4 weeks, 6 days

    12.13.12 : 9 weeks, 1 day

    4.6.13 : 4 weeks, 4 days

    10.27.13 : 5 weeks, 6 days

    4.2.14 (IVF #1) : 4 weeks, 1 day

    6.19.14 : IVF #2 Negative

     </dream 2>

    AMA, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, heterozygous MTHFR

    "all it was was a fairytale and devotion to a dream"


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    ***All always welcome!!***

  • jaztasticjaztastic member
    edited February 2014
    Hey Shimmering Shams!!! 

    Well I started this morning with a major meltdown about how many embies I'll have after my PGD testing. But Im over it, and right now Im going to celebrate because I have 15 frosties and Lord willing, at least one of those beans will be my take home baby. And at the end of the day, that ALL that matters. 

    Im finger crossing that the spotting I had last night is AF, and I can call today CD1. Since I just had my ER last week, I wasnt expecting her for at least another week or so. But Im happy about that. On CD3 I will start BCP for 2 weeks and then Im officially stimming for my FET. 

    In January a March transfer sounded so far away, but I gotta admit it came pretty quickly. I cant believe we are doing March checkins already. 

    Good luck everyone. 

    ETA: QOTD- I drank a bottle of wine yesterday. lol it felt good too. 
    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
     Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS
  • Hi ladies! I thought I was going to be a February Hopeful Heart but an expected operative hysteroscopy delayed me and I will still be starting stims at the very end of February but ER and hopefully ET will be in March!

     QOTD: my pre IVF indulgences are going to be getting my hair highlighted after ER (my Ob did not want me coloring at all during first tri last time) and definitely some sushi and wine before stims start.  

    Married 8/2009, TTC since 4/2010
    ME: 30, DOR- Low amh, normal fsh/afc DH: 30, morphology issue
    IVF #1- BFN
    IVF #2- BFP!!! Beautiful baby girl became an angel on 2/6/13 at 17.5 weeks due to PPROM/IC
    IVF #3- New RE... February March 2014! 8r/6m/6f. Transferred one and have one frostie! BFP! EDD 12/7/14
    **PAIF/SAIF welcome


  • Woohoo! First check-in! That means we are all closer to doing this!

    Although I'm disappointed that my first IVF didn't work, I'm glad I now know what to expect (mostly, since I'll be doing the micro-dose Lupron this time.)

    My pre-IVF indulgence before I start the stims will be a pomegranate martini from Bonefish. They are my absolute favorite drink. Interestingly, after abstaining for the last couple of months, my alcohol tolerance has reset and I generally have to stop with one drink, and have still had alcohol headaches, so that's going to make it easier to abstain long-term :)

    ***************************Loss Mentioned***************************

    Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.


    IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN

    IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN

    IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d

    IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFN
    IVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
    IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
    IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist 


    Everyone welcome!

  • edited February 2014
    Newbie joining in; I'll be doing FET #1 around March 6th. I had my first estradiol shot last night and DH fumbled with it, OUCH! He's watching youtubes to improve his technique.

    I've been lurking the bump for over a year and never intro'ed because I was so optimistic that whatever treatment we were doing that month was going to work and I didn't want to have a BFP and run. Hahahaha, I was so cute and naive once. :) I have PCOS, my husband has MFI, and we have 3 frosties left from our January IVF. Never had a BFP after 18 months of Clomid, injects, TIs and IUIs. Here's hoping March is everyone's month!

    My pre-IVF indulgences are a big wedge of Brie, sushi, and hot dogs. Not together, I let myself have too many indulgences. ;)
    TTC #1 since 2011 · Me (35, PCOS, AMA, abnormal eggs) and DH (47, MFI)
    2012-2013: 3 Clomid cycles, 3 IUIs, all BFNs
    IVF #1 January 2014: 14R/12M/9F 1 transferred, 3 frozen = BFN
    FET #1 March 2014: 1 transferred = BFFN · FET #2 May 2014: 2 transferred = BFFN
    IVF #2 June 2014: 24R/11M/10F 6 PGS tested: 1 normal embryo, 1 with no result
    FET #3 in March 2015: 2 transferred = BFFN
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • I am so excited and hopeful for our group! 

    I had my baseline on Weds, and will go back on CD 20 (the 26th of this month) for another check and to get started on estrace and lupron priming.  I am anxious and excited and terrified at the same time. 

    QOTW:  I love doing a lot of cardio, and really limit myself during a cycle.  Massages are one of my during IVF indulgences, lol.  My clinic has an eastern medicine side, and they give the best fertility massages and work with the RE's so they know exactly where you are in your cycle etc. 
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    TTC since 2008
    Dh:34, no issues.  Me:31, Endo, slightly hypothyroid, deformed ovary, paracentric inversion.
    4 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone +TI cycles= all BFN
    Lap in 2012 to remove large unresolving cyst discovered endo and double lobed ovary.
     6 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone IUI cycles= All BFN,
    1st IVF w/ICSI- June '13 Antagonist: Gonal-F, Menopur, Ganirelix, HcG, Estradiol, Crinone= 7 retrieved, 4 mature, 1 unfertilized, 2 abnormally fertilized, 1 normally fertilized.  2DT of only embryo and our miracle BFP.
    Our beloved baby boy was born sleeping Oct. 13, 2013 due to pROM/IC/Uterine infection.
    2nd IVF w/ICSI- Feb. '14 EPP/lupron/antagonist: Estrace, lupron, HGH, Gonal-F, Menopur, HcG, PIO, lovenox, doxy/dex.=21 retrieved, 16 mature, 15 fertilized!!  5dt of 1 blast/ 6 frozen. BFP!  Beta 1 9dp5dt:83.9  Beta 2: 11dp5dt: 145.2  Beta 3  14dp5dt: 497  Please be our sticky rainbow baby!

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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Hi all! My baseline is tomorrow morning and then I'll find out a few more details on this new protocol. It's mini IVF with Clomid+injectables. There's some history in my siggy, but the short story is that we have no frosties and this is our last attempt if we get to ER (we didn't with #2), then we are moving on to adoption.

    QOTW: I've been alcohol free and high protein/low carb, so no food or drink indulgences for me. I'll say sleeping in my own bed, because I'll be at my parent's house during stims since they live closer to the RE's office.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Me (28) - DOR (AFC <10, undetectable AMH, >10 FSH), homozygous E429A MTHFR
    DH (29) - MFI low count and morphology

    September 2013 IUI#1 - Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    October 2013 IUI#2 - Letrozole + Menopur + Trigger + IUI = BFN

    Nov 2013 IVF/ICSI #1 - Protocol: BCP prep, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (12 days), ganirelex
    Results: 5 retrieved / mature, 4 fertilized, 1 arrested and 3 complex abnormal after day 3 PGS = Cancelled after ER
    Jan/Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #2 - Protocol: Estrogen priming, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (11 days), microdose lupron
    Results: Cancelled after 11 days of stims due to low response and E2 levels
    Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #3 - Protocol: No prep, low dose Menopur (6 days), ganirelex, Bravelle booster with trigger
    Results: 1 retrieved / 0 mature = Cancelled after ER

    Officially moving on to embryo adoption! We used and love Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
    October 2014 FET #1 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
    December 2014 FET #2 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
    March 2015 FET #3 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
    May 2015 FET #4 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, lost 2 to thaw, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
    October 2015 FET #5 - Natural cycle, lost 1 from match #3 and 1 from clinic backup to thaw, transferred 1 backup, BFN
    February 2016 FET #6 - Natural cycle, transferred 1 from match #4, B FREAKING P!
    Beta 1 = 162, Beta 2 = 316, doubling just over 48 hours


  • March is almost here *finally*! 

    Not much to report here. Started nightly lupron injections just over a week ago and had my final BCP last Wednesday and baseline blood work. First monitoring apt. is Friday and I begin the estrace 2x a day and baby aspirin Saturday. FET scheduled for 3/13. 

    QOTD: I don't necessarily have one (maybe sushi?), but I did totally let myself overindulge in wine yesterday. My cousin and I had a late girls lunch at a wine bar near our house and apparently my alcohol tolerance is lower than I thought it was. Yeaaah, three glasses of wine and I came home and passed out on the couch. Hubby had to roll me over and administer my lupron shot. Oops!

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

    image image
    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
    image image
    image image image image 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Hi Shamrocks! So excited this is getting started. 

    Been doing estradiol shots for about a week now and finding the FET process to be much much easier for me so far.  Unfortunately my veins are horrible and my only decent one is officially shot. They've started using this one spot on my hand/wrist, and I gotta say...OUCH.  

    Got the news that our transfer is being pushed up to March 1 instead of the 6th due to a scheduling issue with RE.  A little frustrated because I had picked the 6th as it was perfect timing with my work, but happy at how close we are getting to finally transferring some embies!  
    QOTD:  Sushi for sure.  Lots and lots of sushi.  
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:  31, PCOS, 2 blocked tubes
    Him: 32, no problems

    IVF #1 January 2014:  25 retrieved; 21 fertilized; 11 made it to day 5, all frozen due to OHSS
    FET#1: March 1, 2014 BFP! 
    Beta 1 @ 9dp5dt: 139; Beta 2 @ 11dp5dt 335; Beta 3 @ 19dp5dt: 7,479

    Ultrasound 4/2/2014:  2 bugs hanging out!!! It's TWINS! 

    All are welcome!


  • Hi all!  I am just joining.  I am doing IVF with ICSI #4.  We were supposed to cycle in February.  But, I had a 31 mm cyst at baseline. I did a Ovidrel injection Saturday morning in hopes of ovulating the cyst (which developed while on BCPs). I will have a progesterone draw on Friday 2/21 to see if it shows ovulation. If it does, I will start high doses of estrogen and hope I can have a baseline sometime next week! If I finally get a clear baseline, I will start stims!!  If this cyst sticks around or I develop another one, I may not end up being a shimmering shamrock, either.

    QOTD:  I guess my pre-IVF indulgences would be wine and caffeine.  But, I am no longer as strict with these as I was before IVF #1.  I may switch to half-caf or just make sure I stay less than 200 mg of caffeine.  And, I won't drink anything after transfer but I may have a glass of wine during stims.  I also love massages.  I need to get one before I start stims!!


    ~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~ 

    Me= 37 and DH = 41 

    Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)

    IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN

    IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.

    IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132.  Lil is here!

    TTC#2:  Trigger + TI = BFN; Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN.

    IVF #4:  BCP + MDLF + Lovenox = 7R, 1F = Transferred 1 6-cell embryo on day 3 = BFN

    IVF #5:  MDLF + Lovenox = 4R, 1F = Transferred 1 10-cell compacting embryo on day 3 = BFN

    IVF #6:  (New RE):  Long Antagonist November 2014 (transferred two 8 cell grade 1 embryos and froze one blast) = BFN

    FET#1:  BFN

  • Hi ladies....
    Wow first check-in for march. Things are starting to get real again. Having been on a hiatus after my bfn last year..... Holy moly it is weird saying that.

    I have a baseline on Thursday to see if I can start prepping for my FET... But we will see what the doc says on Thursday. Frankly, my gut tells me he will want me to do one more month of this depo lupron since my e2 took a while to drop and I had my AF for 45 days.... Lucky me.

    QOTD: I'm a boozer.... So that is what I've been enjoying since the holidays... Might as well until I start prepping again.

    GL everyone my FX'd for each and every one of you!
    Me: 38
    DX:  Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant

    DH: 34
    MFI due to Testicular Cancer

    Married March 2012 <3
    IVF w/ICSI #1
    10 little polar bears
    FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN :(
    FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
    Beta 1= 276
    Beta 2= 662
    4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
    5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
    5/3/14 ~ D&C
    FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
    October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
    Fur Children:  Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y

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    January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
    Animals Interacting with Snow


  • Hi Shamrocks!! Wishing you all lots of luck & great news these next few weeks! :)

    I'm just chugging along on Estrace for our FET. The non stop headaches have been rough - Tylenol is my BFF lately. I have my first E2 check on Wednesday. Transfer day is estimated for March 7th... Fx that all goes smoothly.

    QOTD: Wine & caramel lattes. I also like to splurge on a mani/pedi during a cycle. Makes me feel relaxed & pampered!

    It's twin girls!! Born on 11-2-14!
  • Deardra77Deardra77 member
    edited February 2014
    :)>- Hi Ladies! Let's here it for the Shimmering Shamrocks!!!!! :)>- Finished my 11 days of birth control on Valentine's day, started 20 units of microdose lupron on Sunday. My protocol has changed a lot since last cycle to try and help get more eggs. They believe I was over suppressed, was 13 days birth control, 7 days off, 13 days birth control & then 10 Lupron & drop down to 5 Lupron during stims. So right now just on the microdose Lupron & a baby aspirin, tomorrow starts stims. They are having me start on high doses, 300ui follistim, & 2 vials menopur. Yikes! Last time was 225 follistim & 1 vial of menopur. Hoping for more eggs and no SER aggregates in my eggs this time around! QOTD: bought some flowers. We are 100% out of pocket, so best part of $16K for this cycle so no much splurging in our futures!
  • STBMrsMiller Welcome! This is the 2nd time today I've heard someone mention they were doing a "mini-IVF" Im just curious what is different? 
    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
     Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS
  • Add me to the list please. FET #2.

    I had my baseline today and was cleared to start estridol and minivelle patches today. I go back in for blood work on 2/24. Projected date for FET is around 3/10.

    QOTD: I've been off of dairy, caffeine and alcohol(for the most part) since the beginning of January. I can get down with some sushi though :)
    TTC w/ pcos since 02/11
    09/12 lap/hysteroscopy =removal of mass on bladder, possible blocked tubes
    12/12 hysteroscopy=tubes clear. uterine septum removed
    01/13 fermara step up + iui=cancelled due to no response
    02/13 clomid step up + iui=cancelled due to no response
    07/13 gonal-f + trigger + b2b iui = bfn
    08/13 bravelle(slow response) switched to menopur + trigger + b2b iui = bfn
    10/13 - IVF#1 w/ ICIS. ER= 10/29/13 (21R 10F 6 blasts made it to freeze)
    11/25/13 - FET #1, transfer 2=bfn
    03/03/14 - FET #2, transfer 2 frosties=BFP! beta#1=22, beta#2=43, beta#3=120. Ectopic Pregnancy 6w5d
    07/31/14 - FET #3, transfer our last two.
    robot photo 1d042e4e-97d6-426a-8873-4a04b9903715_zpsfa9a4a7c.jpg       
  • Yay! Come on March!! I bought my BCPs. That's all the updating for me! I should start them by the end of the week.
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

  • Good evening shamrocks!! It is so awesome to see so many girls with FETs so early. My FET should be on the 3rd or 4th. I am currently on estrace and 10iu Lupron, my estrace increases tomorrow. I bought some FRERs today hoping they give my a BFP and a take home baby!! Good luck girls!

    Qotd: I indulge in wine and have been working out like a crazy person, hopefully my last half marathon will be run on Sunday!!
    ******************** BFP Warning *******************
    I'm 29 and DH is 32 we have a MFI (low count) 
    IVF #1 starting in August. ER 9/5/13 23 eggs we are fertilizing 15. 9 frozen
    ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
    7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
    Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
    Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
    FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
    FET #2 - 3/3/14 - 5AB Blast -- Beta #1 3/12 - 152 -- Beta #2 3/14 - 358
    FET #3 06/09/16 - 5AB Blast - Beta #1 6/18- 245 -- Beta #2 06/20 - 600
     PAIF/SAIF/PAL/SAL welcome!

  • MrsC430MrsC430 member
    edited February 2014
    @Ashris13 and @leavehouse Our FET dates are so close - glad to have 2WW buddies! GL ladies!!

    It's twin girls!! Born on 11-2-14!
  • Hello fellow shimmering shamrocks! I am so excited to get our first IVF started. I will stop birth control tomorrow and start stims on Friday. I've been avoiding buying the meds so I got to do that tomorrow. Good luck to everyone!
    QOTD- I've been avoiding alcohol since January but had a martini and sparkling during my sister's bridal shower this weekend. No more though. Also, sushi sounds good. 


  • Hi ladies. I got my new medication plan from my new clinic. I will be doing my first antagonist cycle and have things like human growth hormone, Menopur, aspirin, some sort of transdermal patches and PIO instead of pessaries which I haven't had before. Work has been really busy but the silver lining is that the days and weeks are flying by. I am scared of this cycle after so many BFN's and I am trying to distract myself as much as possible.

    QOTD: I stress out too much if I indulge as I worry it will affect my chances for the next cycle. I love long baths so I always try and have as many as I can before ET. I also have a bit of 70% cocoa chocolate every now and then- lol I'm such a rebel ;)

    TTC since mid-2011---Husband and I both late 20's---
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye test in Sep 2012- moderate endometriosis removed---
    Diagnosed with unexplained infertility---
    Clomid cycle 1 in Feb 2013- BFN---
    Clomid cycle 2 in Mar 2013- BFN---
    IVF #1 in May 2013- BFN---
    IVF #2 in August 2013-BFN---
    Endometrial biopsy identified high natural killer cells---
    FET #1 in Oct 2013-delayed---
    FET #1 in Nov 2013 with Intralipids-BFN---
    FET #2 in January 2014- BFN---

    IVF #3 in March 2014 (new doctor new plan)-BFFN
    IVF #4 in June 2014 (last cycle with own eggs)- BFN
    IVF #5 in September 2014 (with donor eggs)- BFP plus 6 frozen blasts :)



     May Emerald / August Shooting Star / October Precious Pumpkin / November Harvest Hopeful / January Snowdrops / March Shimmering Shamrocks / June Bugs

  • Hi all, I am actually FET #1 in March. We will be transferring one to two embryos from our IVF cycle in Dec.

    The clinic I go to does just one round per month and unfortunately, my cycle was lined up right, so that we could do the FET last month. I am currently on Primolut to delay my cycle, so that it lines up with the transfer tiresome. I think the transfer will be the first or second week of March. 

    QOTW: Basically, just doing things like usual. Trying not to think too much about IVF/FET. A little wine hasn't hurt either. 

    Me: 28, DH: 35
    DX: Severe MFI, AZFc Microdeletion
    TTC since August 2011
    IVF w/ ICSI 1: Dec. 2013 - BFN
    FET 1.2: Mar. 2014 - BFN
    FET 1.3: May 2014 - BFN
    FET 1.4: June 2014 - BFP
    Two little buns in the oven. 
    Bake until March 2015, little ones. 

    "Life will be clearer around me.
     Life will be more burdensome for me. 
    Life will be richer for me." 
    -Rudolf Steiner
  • Had my baseline ultrasound/blood work on Sunday for my FET#1 this cycle. Im taking 2 1mg estrogen pills twice a day. I go back to check my lining Thursday. Nurse said earlier last cycle that we are looking at a early March transfer.
  • jaztaz1 said:

    STBMrsMiller Welcome! This is the 2nd time today I've heard someone mention they were doing a "mini-IVF" Im just curious what is different? 

    This is the first time I'm trying it, but what I understand is that it's common to try this protocol with my diagnosis (DOR). Instead of stimming the crap out of the ovaries, you use a low dose of stims.

    For example, I've been on 300/4 vials of menopur and bravelle daily. With ganirelex we got five eggs and with Lupron we cancelled before ER. On my IUI cycle with Clomid, I had three beautiful follies. So if I'm only going to get a handful of eggs anyway, I can decrease med costs by using Clomid and a small dose of stims.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Me (28) - DOR (AFC <10, undetectable AMH, >10 FSH), homozygous E429A MTHFR
    DH (29) - MFI low count and morphology

    September 2013 IUI#1 - Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    October 2013 IUI#2 - Letrozole + Menopur + Trigger + IUI = BFN

    Nov 2013 IVF/ICSI #1 - Protocol: BCP prep, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (12 days), ganirelex
    Results: 5 retrieved / mature, 4 fertilized, 1 arrested and 3 complex abnormal after day 3 PGS = Cancelled after ER
    Jan/Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #2 - Protocol: Estrogen priming, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (11 days), microdose lupron
    Results: Cancelled after 11 days of stims due to low response and E2 levels
    Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #3 - Protocol: No prep, low dose Menopur (6 days), ganirelex, Bravelle booster with trigger
    Results: 1 retrieved / 0 mature = Cancelled after ER

    Officially moving on to embryo adoption! We used and love Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
    October 2014 FET #1 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
    December 2014 FET #2 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
    March 2015 FET #3 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
    May 2015 FET #4 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, lost 2 to thaw, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
    October 2015 FET #5 - Natural cycle, lost 1 from match #3 and 1 from clinic backup to thaw, transferred 1 backup, BFN
    February 2016 FET #6 - Natural cycle, transferred 1 from match #4, B FREAKING P!
    Beta 1 = 162, Beta 2 = 316, doubling just over 48 hours


  • ::runs in right behind Banker with arms flaying:

    Bloodwork on Saturday confirmed ovulation so I am starting estrogen priming on Thursday. Then once I get my period and we do baseline monitoring I'll start stims! If everything goes according to plan (and how I responded to stims last time around) we are looking at ER sometime around March 13th.

     TTC since August 2011, Me = 40, DH = 38
    Unexplained IF. Tried Clomid for 3 cycles. All BFNs. BFP 1/6/13. Chemical pregnancy.

    Moving on to IVF#1. ER 11/26/13, 16 eggs retreived, 12 mature and all fertilized. 2 blasts transferred on 12/1. All other embies arrested so nothing left to freeze. Beta 12/10 = BFN. IVF #2 March 2014. BFP!!! TEAM BLUE!!!

     image imageimageimage

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Hello - checking in for the first time... I will be a March Shimmering Shamrock! :)

    My name is Elizabeth and I mostly hang out over on TTTC but have been starting to linger between the two now... 

    I started BCP on 2.14.14 for IVF w/ICSI #1 - estimated ER day is March 15th.

    Siggy Warning... loss mentioned

    Married since March 2008 -- Me- 31    DH - 30  Trying to grow our family since 2009... Diagnosed Unexplained Infertility 

    Started seeing RE Aug 2013

    Cycle #1  – IUI #1  10.31.13 - BFN

    Cycle #2 - IUI #2 cancelled – FAIL

    Cycle #3 - IUI #2 12.27.13  BFN

    Cycle #4 -  IUI #3 1.24.14  BFN

    Cycle #5 - IVF #1 with ICSI(2 3bb blasts) 3.19.14, no frosties.. BFN

    Surprise BFP on 6.10.14 ... Miscarried 7.7.14 

    Walked away from Fertility Treatments and began to look into our Foster/Adopt License in April 2014.

    Our Journey Blog...

  • Good afternoon-

    I had my Mock Embryo Transfer this morning, and after going over our timeline this morning it looks like I will be starting Lupron March 4th, begin stimming March 13th, and approximately doing the ER March 25th.  

    Emotions are definitely starting to kick in, I just want to get all of this over with and have my happy ending.  Anyone else feel like they are kind of hibernating right now?  I just dont feel like doing much of anything lately...I feel "on hold" 

    Me- 29 PCOS DH- 28 Severe MIF

    Married Since June 22, 2007- highschool sweethearts : )

    TTC Since 2012

    testing concluded strait to IVF w/ ICSI only choice

    IVF w/ ICSI #1 March 2014- delayed due to AWFUL SA post flu w/ fever beginning of Feb.

    IVF w/ ICSI #1 re-scheduled April 2014

    IVF w/ ICSI 1.2 Sept. 2014

  • jertiejertie member
    edited February 2014

    Hi Shamrocks!  I just finished my last cocktail of Estradioal, Testosterone & Progesterone last night - now I'm just hanging tight, waiting for CD1.  Once that begins, I head in for my U/S and e2/p4 bw and I will most likely start my stims on Thursday or Friday and (hopefully) ER on 3/4.  This is going to be my 1st and only IVF w/ ICSI and CCS (due to advanced age) - attempt - so there's a whole bunch of mixed emotions going into it.  Trying not to think about it too hard and just keep myself in the moment.

    I splurged a couple of weeks ago - my team at work went to CA and we had lots of drinks.  I just drank because I didn't want anyone to know what was going on - still feeling crappy about it - but haven't had a drop since.  My splurge - I've been exercising more because I know I won't be able to in a few more days.  So lame...L-)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Siggy Warning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Siggy warning

    Hi all-
    I haven't posted much, but am happy to be here (well not happy about IF, just about being with all of you!). 

    We had 2 cancelled FETs since August. One because my lining was too thin and one because my husband accidentally gave me the wrong med :(

    I am waiting for my period now, then on to unmedicated FET. First cancelled cycle it took me 8 weeks to get a period, I am not week 5 right now. I think I ovulated 1 week ago SO, I am hoping to start soon!

    Good luck to all!! I hope this is our month!
  • On day 4 of Lupron and this time it is not my friend.  I'm exhausted and dizzy this time:(  Hoping AF comes sooner than later.  Good luck to you all!

    QOTD: Margaritas!
    TTC 2007
    Me-OK DH- MFI
    2010 IUI 1-3 Femara + Ovidrill BFN
    Change DR 5/12 IUI 4-5 Natural Cycle BFN
    5/13 DH diagnosed with b1/b3 microdeletion of Y chromosome
    IVF #1 July  Started Lupron 7/5 AF 7/14
    ER 8/1 7R 5M 3F W/ICSI ET 8/6 Moved to 8/7 due to no blast 
    Transferred our UNO embryo Beta #1 27 Beta #2 33 Beta #3 29 CP :(
    IVF #2 Started Lupron 2/14 
    Protocol 10U Lupron, 150 Bravelle, 150 Menopur, HGH for 4 days, Dexamethesone, 
    Supplements 6000mg CoQ10, 100mg DHEA, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, 
    ER 3/12 8R 4 able to be injected 2f with ICSI ET 3/15 2 "perfect" textbook Embryos
    2 crinone, estrace, dexamethesone, doxycycline
    BETA #1 3/26 201  BETA #2 3/28 524  BETA #3 4/5 9,876  Ultrasound April 7 Showed TWINs
    April 18 ultrasound Baby A HB 147   Baby B HB 146  Both measuring 7w1d
    Jonathan Daniel received his angel wings July 23, 2014 :( born 9/20/14
    Jackson Thomas was born October 31, 2014 @ 35w 5d

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