
34w1day delivery

Hi ladies.....this is my first time posting here. I'm delivering via c section on Monday. I'll be 34w1day. I had two steroid shots two weeks ago. Babies are measuring small. One is 2.12 lbs and the other is 3.1 lbs. They are mo/di twin boys.

I know that no one can predict the future but I'm just curious about other peoples experiences delivering around this gestational age.

Re: 34w1day delivery

  • Kelly_12Kelly_12 member
    edited February 2014
    My LO was born 34w0d, he was healthy and good size, 6lbs! His main issues in NICU were eating and he had Brady's (minor breathing lapses) which he needed caffeine for to make them stop. No actual breathing problems like he wasn't on oxygen or anything.
    He was in NICU for 3 weeks, did very well overall. Took to breastfeeding eventually and at 7mos still loves it, can't get him off lol.
    Goodluck and feel free to ask many questions!!
  • He also has terrible reflux but that is just one of those things..and had two inguinal hernias which he had surgery for at 4mos. Both issues didn't affect our NICU stay, just things we've had to deal with along the way. Apparently both are more common in preemie boys.
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  • Mom of a 31 weeker, but I think @laurendag was Draco a 34 weeker?

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  • I had di/di boys at 34w w steroid shots at 32w, so similar. I also delivered via c/s (my water broke). My boys weighed 5lbs and 5lbs 8oz.

    They didn't need any breathing support and were in the NICU for 13 days - the first 7 in isolettes and the last 6 in the "step down" nursery.

    They're 7.5mo now and doing wonderfully - hitting their milestones usually between their actual and adjusted ages. They're still peanuts (15lbs and 16.5lbs), but are growing steadily.

  • My little girl was at 33 weeks. She had IUGR. And was only 2lbs 13 ounces. We had a 6 week nicu stay that was mostly uneventful. She was just very little. She had to learn to eat on her own, and that's what kept us there so darn long. Late preterm babies usually catch on pretty fast and do well. All babies are different tho. Congrats on your babies! I pray you will have a short uneventful experience!
  • I just wanted to say welcome to the board and GL! Like PPs said, the later preterm babies tend to do really well! Keep us posted on their progress!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • Welcome and congrats!

    I had my DD at 29w6d after developing pree/HELLP syndrome. We had cord blood issues (stalling) so she was measuring around 27 weeks and was born at 2lb 3oz. We didn't have time for steroids, so we had lung/breathing issues. We had a 66 day NICU stay and she came home on oxygen and was on for another 3mos. She's been off about two months now. She's 6.5mos actual/4mos adjusted and weighs 12-1 at our last appt, two weeks ago. She's hitting most milestones on time and dr is super impressed with her physical strength and motor skills.

    Good luck!!
  • Ladies thank you so much for all of your posts!! The boys are measuring 3lbs1oz and 2lbs12oz as of last week Monday. Docs are concerned about IUGR in the smaller baby. That's why we are delivering tomorrow. I'm hopeful to only have feeding issues so they can come home soon yet I'm still being realistic that they will probably be there for 6-10 weeks. Both boys have velementous cord insertions that we have watched closely but haven't given them any issues until now. So I'm praying hard that things are uneventful tomorrow!! :)

    I will keep you all posted. Thank you for sharing your stories about your babies. It definitely keeps my spirits up!!!
  • I had my DD at 35 weeks. Other than having reflux for about 10 months, she is doing wonderfully just small

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  • My son was born at 34w6d.  He was 4.5lbs.  He stayed in the NICU for 2.5 weeks.  His issues were eating/weight gain and apnea/bradycardia episodes which were just monitored and not treated with anything.  He was in an open crib with the heater turned on for the first week, he had to have an NG tube for a few days and he was hooked up to monitors.  He had no other issues and didn't need any other medical intervention besides those things.  We were sent home once he had stopped having apnea episodes (went a week with no sleep episodes and a few days with no episodes while eating.)
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  • vulpini said:

    My son was born at 34w6d.  He was 4.5lbs.  He stayed in the NICU for 2.5 weeks.  His issues were eating/weight gain and apnea/bradycardia episodes which were just monitored and not treated with anything.  He was in an open crib with the heater turned on for the first week, he had to have an NG tube for a few days and he was hooked up to monitors.  He had no other issues and didn't need any other medical intervention besides those things.  We were sent home once he had stopped having apnea episodes (went a week with no sleep episodes and a few days with no episodes while eating.)

    This was us exactly, even the birthweight was the same. But my LO was born at 32w4d and we stayed for 4 weeks for monitoring on the general peds floor. Only 72 hours in the NICU because she was eating and growing so well!

    How did the delivery go? We'd love an update, if you care to share :)


  • Congrats!
    Olivia Madison born July 27th, 2011 at 27w6d at 10:44pm 1lb 11oz 13 1/2 inches delivered c-section due to Severe Preeclampsia and PIH
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